Prostate cancer

14Prostate cancer

Francois Mitterand was France’s longest serving president. He was elected in May 1981 and left office after completing two whole 7-year terms in 1995. In November 1981, at the age of 65 and just 6 months into his first term, he was diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer and commenced endocrine therapy. Eleven years into his presidency in 1992 he had developed hormone refractory disease, requiring radiotherapy. Throughout his presidency he hid the diagnosis from the public, issuing false medical bulletins and effectively making his cancer a state secret. Nevertheless, he survived until January 1996, over 14 years with metastatic prostate cancer, almost all spent as the French president. Following his death, his former personal physician, Dr Claude Gubler, wrote Le Grand Secret, a book disclosing Mitterrand’s cancer. Gubler was stuck off the medical register for breach of confidentiality for revealing the truth but not for countersigning the 40 false medical bulletins describing the President’s health as sound.


Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the Western world. In 2011, 41,736 men were diagnosed with prostate cancer and 10,793 died of the disease in the United Kingdom (Table 14.1).

Prostate cancer death rates have trebled in the last 30 years and the incidence figures have increased so strikingly that the number of men affected by this cancer has overtaken lung cancer as the most common of all male cancers in the United Kingdom and the United States. How do we explain this increase in prostate cancer incidence? Much of the increase has been attributed to the incidental discovery of prostate cancer because of rising numbers of transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) operations and PSA testing. Prostate cancer risk increases with age and over the last 60 years the average age of death of men has increased from 65 to 79 years. However, after correcting for the ageing population, the rise in incidence of prostate cancer remains. Currently if you are a man your lifetime risk of getting prostate cancer is one in eight.


It is unlikely that there is a significant genetic basis to this recent change in incidence. No single gene has been found to cause prostate cancer although there are associations between risk and around 40 different genes. What is likely is that there are environmental risk factors. The impact of environmental factors in disease pathogenesis can be evaluated in migrating populations and their offspring. There were huge waves of migration from South East Asia to North America and Hawaii at the turn of the 19th century. Prostate cancer has a very low incidence in Asia (Figure 1.15). The incidence of prostate cancer in the generations that followed these waves of migration increased, so that in two generations the incidence of prostate cancer was almost equivalent to that occurring in the Caucasian neighbours of these migrant families.

Table 14.1UK registrations for kidney cancer 2010

Percentage of all cancer registrations Rank of registrations Lifetime risk of cancer Change in ASR (2000–2010) 5-year overall survival
Male Male Male Male Male
Prostate cancer 25 1st 1 in 8 +22% 81%

A second line of evidence for the significance of environmental factors comes from prospective and retrospective dietary studies, where it has been clearly shown that the incidence of prostate cancer in vegetarians is 50–75% that of the incidence in omnivores. There are inconsistent correlates between prostate cancer and diets containing smoked foods and dairy produce and protective benefits from diets that are rich in soy beans. For once neither smoking nor alcohol consumption appears to influence the risk of prostate cancer.

Heredity plays a minor role in prostate cancer accounting for less than one in twenty cases. The overall risk of developing prostate cancer is increased by just 1.3-fold for those men who have an affected father with the condition and by 2.5-fold for those with a brother affected. Germline mutations of the breast cancer susceptibility gene BRCA-2 increase the risk of prostate cancer. No consistent somatic genetic defect has been described within the tumour cells of prostate cancer; most have a multiplicity of mutations. These include a loss of heterozygosity around a number of chromosomes, the most common of which is a loss of genetic material on chromosome 10p. Known tumour suppressor genes are infrequently mutated in prostate cancer – for example, the retinoblastoma (RB) gene is mutated in just 5% of tumours.

Prostate cancer is strikingly hormone dependent. This is because the growth of prostatic tumours is regulated by the androgen receptor, which is a member of the steroid superfamily of transcription factors, and the majority of treatments for prostate cancer have their effect through this receptor. Steroids contain four linked cycloalkane rings and the 27-carbon precursor, cholesterol, is formed in humans from acetyl-CoA via the mevalonate or HMG-CoA reductase pathway that statins act on. Cholesterol is subsequently transformed into 21-carbon pregnanes (e.g. progesterone), 19-carbon androstanes (e.g. testosterone) and 18-carbon estranes (e.g. estradiol) (Figure 5.4).


Patients with prostate cancer commonly present with urinary frequency, a poor urine flow or difficulty with starting and stopping urination. Other associated symptoms on presentation include bone pain and general debility. Weight loss is rare. Although patients with these symptoms are generally referred by GPs to a urologist, there is no real need for the urologist to be involved as diagnosis and treatment follows a medical pathway that rarely involves any surgery.

Patients with a potential diagnosis of prostate cancer usually have a blood test for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) performed by their GP. PSA levels are not necessarily diagnostic of prostate cancer. Where levels are raised above the normal range of 4 μg/L to between 4 and 10 μg/L, the chance of the patient having prostate cancer is approximately 25%. At levels over 10 μg/L, the chance of diagnosing prostate cancer increases to 40%. Levels of this antigen may be elevated in benign prostatic hypertrophy. Strangely, few people know much about PSA, and what is published in the Daily Mail and other newspapers about PSA is invariably wrong. PSA is a serine protease and acts like drain cleaner for the prostate, dissolving the prostatic coagulum.

In outpatients, a careful history should be taken, a full examination made and routine blood tests including PSA performed. In addition, plain X-rays of the chest and pelvis should be performed and a transrectal ultrasound and bone scan booked (Figures 3.4, 14.1 and 14.2).


Figure 14.1 Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate gland showing extension of the primary tumour through the prostatic capsule (T3 disease).

Staging and grading

From the clinical findings an assessment can be made of the degree of prostate enlargement. If the prostate is malignant, it is staged as in Table 14.2. The tumour grade can be described as well, moderately or poorly differentiated. This is further elaborated in the Gleason scoring system. The Gleason system scores prostatic tumours on a 1–5 scale, where 5 is the most poorly differentiated. The combined Gleason grade describes the appearances of the two most common areas of prostatic malignancy. High-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN), an acronym that coasts off the tongue with greater ease than prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, has been suggested as a pre-malignant condition leading to invasive cancer, just as cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) leads to invasive cervical cancer. However, the evidence for this progression to malignancy is poor and surgeons should be discouraged from operative procedures in patients with PIN alone.


Treatment of early-stage prostate cancer

The treatment of prostate cancer depends upon clinical stage and is surrounded by controversy. The approach to localized low-grade prostate cancer may beeither surveillance or radical therapy. Radical treatment is advocated for high-grade localized prostate cancer in fit men, but here the debate surrounds the choice of therapy; radical prostatectomy, external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) or brachytherapy. The options for treatment depend upon the patient’s overall state and preference. Observation involves regular follow-up without treatment, usually digital rectal examination and PSA measurement every 3–6 months. EBRT involves approximately 6 weeks of attendance at hospital for prostatic irradiation, which is given in an attempt to sterilize the tumour. Radiotherapy has morbidity. Acutely, it may be associated with symptoms of cystitis and proctitis; post-treatment it may produce impotence in up to 70% of patients. Newer techniques such as intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) enable higher doses of radiation to be delivered to the tumour whilst sparing the normal surrounding tissues. Radical prostatectomy involves major pelvic surgery, with removal of the prostate and associated lymph glands. The open surgical approach may be either perineal or retropubic. Modern anaesthetic techniques and surgical advances have meant that the morbidity is limited, but a degree of incontinence is reported in up to 25% of patients, and a degree of impotence, which is under-reported by surgeons, occurs in up to 90% of patients. It is agreed that morbidity has been reduced by the introduction of nerve-sparing techniques. There is an operative mortality of less than 1%. Surgeons delight in new toys and have been allowed to play with the Da Vinci robot; laparoscopic radical prostatectomy carried out by this procedure is said to lead to fewer problems with potency and certainly less blood loss than with standard open surgery. Nevertheless a recent study of men treated by radical surgery found that 80% were dissatisfied with their quality of life after robotic surgery.


Figure 14.2 Antegrade nephrostogram showing irregular tapering and lack of contrast due to ureteric obstruction and hydronephrosis before and after the passage of a JJ stent to relive obstruction that was due to external compression by prostate cancer.


Figure 14.3 A the chest X-ray showing sclerosis and expansion of the anterolateral aspect of left third rib. This appearance was due to metastasis from prostate cancer, although the differential radiological diagnosis would include lymphoma, osteopetrosis and Paget’s disease.


Figure 14.4 Bone scan showing multiple hot spots in the axial skeleton due to bone metastases and a non-functioning left kidney due to long-standing obstruction. The patient had locally advanced and metastatic prostate cancer.

The reason the patient can be offered the prospect of choice in determining what therapy he should have for early-stage disease is that observation, radiotherapy and radical surgery have all been shown to offer the patient with good or moderate histology tumours the same overall chance of long-term survival. The advantages of surveillance include a better quality of life and absence of treatment side effects but this may be offset by the anxiety of living with untreated cancer and the need for regular follow-up. For patients, with poor histology, surgery offers a marginally better survival chance than radiotherapy. The survival advantage is minimal. There has, however, been no randomized comparison of these three options involving significant patient numbers; and so this subject remains a matter for vociferous debate. A recent study of approximately 600 patients randomized to receive either watchful waiting or radiotherapy showed a better outlook for treated patients. The outlook for patients with low-grade Gleason 3 + 3 tumours is so good that in many ways this tumour group should be regarded as not being a malignant tumour. NICE, the most venerable body, advocate surveillance alone for patients with Gleason 3 + 3 tumours.

Table 14.2 TNM staging of prostate cancer

T (primary tumour) N (nodal status) M (metastatic status)
T0: No tumour palpable N0: No nodes M0: No metastases
T1: Tumour in one lobe of the prostate N1: Homolateral nodes M1: Metastases
T2: Tumour involving both prostate lobes N2: Bilateral nodes
T3: Tumour infiltrating out of the prostate to involve seminal vesicles N3: Fixed regional nodes
T4: Extensive tumour, fixed and infiltrating local structures N4: Juxtaregional nodes

In the early 1990s, investigations were initiated into the value of hormonal therapy given in addition to radiotherapy and surgery. No advantage to such “neoadjuvant” hormonal therapy has been found in those patients proceeding to radical surgery. In contrast, a number of randomized studies have shown an advantage to neoadjuvant hormonal therapy in patients receiving radiotherapy. The majority of studies have found a decreased risk of local relapse with hormonal therapy, and two major trials reported improved survival. There is controversy as to the suitable duration of treatment with adjuvant hormonal therapy.

Brachytherapy is a radiotherapy technique where the local intensity of radiation is increased by the implantation of radioactive seeds or wires (see Figure 3.11). This technique has been applied to localized prostate cancer. Up to 100 iodine-125 or palladium-103 radioactive seeds are permanently implanted directly into the prostate via transperineal needles under general or spinal anaesthetic. Excellent results have been claimed, but not proven in any randomized trial. Recent publications have shown that the incidence of major side effects of brachytherapy is the same as for conventional radiation, and the efficacy of brachytherapy is no doubt similar to conventional radiation treatment. Brachytherapy has additional side effects to radiotherapy and these include a 12% instance of urethral stricture requiring surgical intervention.

Treatment of locally advanced or metastatic prostate cancer

When patients have locally advanced, that is T3 or T4, prostate cancer or metastatic disease (Figures 14.3 and 14.4), the first-line treatment involves the use of hormonal therapy (see Figure 3.27). Urological surgeons have been heard to advocate radical surgery for T3 tumours, but 5-year “cure” rates are around 50% and so the authors of this book recommend systemic hormonal therapy or radiotherapy for this patient group. Again, this area is one of considerable debate and controversy.

Hormonal therapy for prostate cancer condition was first described in the 1940s, when the disease was found to be dependent upon testosterone. For this reason, the first treatments offered in the 1940s were orchiectomy, that is, removal of the testes or oestrogen therapy.

The results of treatment were first analysed in the 1960s by the Veterans Administration Cooperative Urological Research Group (VACURG). In their studies, the VACURG randomized patients to treatment with oestrogens or placebo, or with orchiectomy or placebo, respectively. The overall survival of patients treated or untreated was the same, but there was an excess mortality rate from cardiovascular deaths in the oestrogen-treated group. The reason for this is that oestrogens cause an increased coagulability of blood and increased blood volumes.

Because orchiectomy is barbaric and oestrogen therapy is associated with morbidity and mortality, medical treatments for this condition have been sought which are not so invasive and have no side effects. The most effective of these treatments, which has the least morbidity associated with its use, is a group of compounds called the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists. These include leuprorelin acetate, goserelin acetate and buserelin. These are currently given subcutaneously by monthly or 3-monthly injection. When treatment with GnRH agonists is started, there is a transient surge in luteinizing hormone (LH) before the levels fall, and this can lead to an initial rise in testosterone and flare of disease. Anti-androgens, such as flutamide and bicalutamide, can cover this flare by directly inhibiting the androgen receptor. Some doctors advocate continuing treatment with this combination or maximal androgen blockade of GnRH agonist plus anti-androgen. The evidence is overwhelming for the use of these agents in combination; survival is improved, osteoporosis is prevented and a chance is provided for an anti-androgen withdrawal response.

Prostate cancer is very responsive to endocrine treatment and 80% of patients improve subjectively. After an average period of approximately 1 year, however, most patients with metastatic cancer on presentation have PSA evidence of relapse. When biopsies from patients with recurrent tumour are examined and compared with biopsies on presentation, it is striking that up to 50% will show androgen receptor mutations. This is in contradiction to the situation in breast cancer, where hormone receptor amplification is the most commonly observed change. Over 700 mutations of the androgen receptor have been described, and these changes are a clue to the probable reason for the response to second-line hormonal therapy. This response is transient and is thought to occur because the mutation has led the tumour to depend upon the anti-androgen as a growth factor. The usual first approach to this is the addition of an anti-androgen to the GnRH agonist if initial treatment was GnRH monotherapy. Conversely if the first-line treatment was maximal androgen blockade, second-line treatment is the withdrawal of anti-androgen therapy, where cessation of anti-androgen treatment will lead to a response in up to 40% of patients.

Subsequent biochemical or clinical disease progression is usually described as hormone-refractory disease or castrate-resistant disease. An increasing number of approaches are available for hormone-refractory prostate cancer including interfering with the androgen pathway with oral abiraterone or enzalutamide, and intravenous taxane chemotherapy (docetaxel and cabazitaxel). Abiraterone inhibits androgen synthesis in both the testes and adrenal glands by inhibiting the CYP17 enzymes, 17,20-lyase and 17-α-hydroxylase. Corticosteroid replacement therapy is necessary for patients treated with abiraterone. Enzalutamide inhibits androgen receptor signalling. Chemotherapy is increasingly popular in patients with prostate cancer. Taxanes are the only chemotherapy agents that have been shown to significantly prolong overall survival in men with castrate-resistant prostate cancer. Unfortunately, because there are so many more urologists than oncologists in the United Kingdom, only limited numbers of men with prostate cancer are offered chemotherapy. A recent study has shown that only one man in seven who might be suitable for treatment with chemotherapy receives it. This is attributed to the reluctance of urologists to refer patients to oncologists. One can only speculate and wonder as to the psychological causes of this difficulty.

Until recently, men with prostate cancer represented a rather passive but extremely brave group of individuals who accepted their fate. The last two decades have seen significant changes in the way that men deal with their cancers and prostate cancer has now become, quite rightly, politicized with the cause championed to good effect.

The large number of men with advanced prostate cancer and the relatively prolonged natural history of the illness mean that palliative care plays an essential role. Moreover, the high frequency of metastases to bones reinforces the importance of palliative radiotherapy for pain control, bisphosphonates to reduce skeletal events and orthopaedic surgery for the management of pathological fractures (see Figure 3.6). Metastatic spinal cord compression is a relatively common occurrence in late-stage disease (Figure 14.5).


Prognosis for small bulk localized disease

The outlook for small bulk localized disease depends upon grade. Observation, radiotherapy and surgery all lead to an equivalent survival of 80% at 10 years for patients with small volume, well or moderately differentiated tumours. Patients with poorly differentiated, high Gleason grade tumours have a worse outlook with observation and radiotherapy than with surgery. Unfortunately only 15% of patients survive 15 years.


Figure 14.5 Sclerotic metastases of spine from prostate cancer.

Prognosis for metastatic and large bulk localized disease

It has been shown in clinical trials that the addition of an anti-androgen to gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist therapy leads to an improvement in survival rate. In the original studies, the median survival for patients with metastatic tumours treated with combination anti-androgen therapy was 3 years, as opposed to 2.5 years for patients treated with single-agent gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist or by orchiectomy. Thanks to advances in drug development, the survival of patients with metastatic prostate cancer has been extended to around 6 years. The prospects for survival for a patient with bulky locally advanced disease without metastases are much better. The median survival of this group is 8 years. It is not known whether there is an advantage to combination gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist and anti-androgen therapy in this patient group.


There is controversy also regarding the value of screening. It is important to recall that most men of 80 will have cancer cells in their prostate glands but only 1 in 25 will actually die of the prostate cancer. Furthermore, 25–40% of men with a raised PSA do not have prostate cancer. It is the substantial risk of overdiagnosis and treatment complications that detract from prostate cancer screening (see Box 3.5). There is no convincing evidence that earlier detection and treatment of prostate cancer (following detection by screening rather than symptoms) leads to improvements in mortality. Two large randomized screening trials have been recently published but have done little to clarify the issue. The European Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer (ERSPC) recruited 182,000 men aged 50–74 and allocated half to PSA screening. They reported a modest reduction in death from prostate cancer in the screened men, estimating that 1055 men needed to be screened to prevent one death from prostate cancer. The US prostate, lung, colorectal and ovarian screening programme (PLCO) study randomized 76,000 men aged 55–74 to annual PSA and DRE screening and reported increased number of prostate cancer diagnoses in the screened men but no fall in prostate cancer deaths. Unfortunately, overviews show that early detection of prostate cancer has not been found to save lives. A recent meta-analysis of screening in 350,000 normal men has concluded that screening increased the number of men diagnosed with prostate cancer but did not reduce deaths from prostate cancer. Wouldn’t it be nice if screening could be applied to normal population? Unfortunately meta-analyses such as this provide the reason why there is no national prostate cancer screening programme in the United Kingdom.


Case Study: The Rasta with a backache.

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