Primary Immunodeficiencies

Chapter 16 Primary Immunodeficiencies


Primary immunodeficiency diseases result from intrinsic defects in cells and mediators of the innate and adaptive immune system.

Defects in B cell function result in recurrent pyogenic infections. Defective antibody responses are due to failure of B cell function, as occurs in X-linked agammaglobulinemia, or failure of proper T cell signals to B cells, as occurs in hyper-IgM (HIgM) syndrome and common variable immunodeficiency (CVID).

Defects in T cell function due to ineffective antigen presentation or immune recognition result in susceptibility to opportunistic infections. Other abnormalities of T cells may also lead to immune dysregulation with autoimmunity or overactive immune responses.

Hereditary complement component defects cause a number of clinical syndromes; the most common affects C1 inhibitor, which results in hereditary angioedema (HAE). Deficiencies of the terminal complement components (C5, C6, C7, and C8) and the alternative pathway proteins (factor H, factor I, and properdin) lead to increased susceptibility to infections with N. gonorrheae and N. meningitidis.

Phagocyte defects, due to reduced numbers or impaired function, can result in overwhelming bacterial and fungal infections. Failure to kill bacteria and persistence of bacterial products in phagocytes leads to abscesses or granulomas, depending on the pathogen.

Leukocyte adhesion deficiency (LAD) is associated with a persistent leukocytosis because phagocytic cells cannot migrate into the tissues.

Primary immunodeficiency diseases (PIDs) comprise a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by defects in development and/or function of the immune system. The classification of PIDs is based on the nature of the underlying immunological defect.

PIDs cause increased susceptibility to infections, consistent with the role played by the immune system in surveillance against pathogens. However, several forms of PID are also characterized by increased frequency of autoimmunity and malignancies, reflecting disturbances of immune regulation and of tumor surveillance.

Consistent with the role of different elements of the immune responses, PIDs are characterized by a distinct pattern of susceptibility to infections. In particular:

B lymphocyte deficiencies

Defects of B cells result in impaired antibody production. Patients affected with these disorders present with recurrent infections, which involve the upper and lower respiratory tract, particularly pneumonia and sinusitis as well as the ear (otitis media). Recurrent pneumonia may cause irreversible lung damage (bronchiectasis) and obstructive lung disease.

However, infections may also involve other tracts, such as the gut (in particular, infection by Giardia lamblia), the skin and, less frequently, other organs.

Congenital agammaglobulinemia results from defects of early B cell development

B lymphocytes develop in the bone marrow from the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC), through various stages of maturation (see Fig. 9.w1)image during which time they rearrange their immunogloulin genes to generate the pre-B cell receptor (see Fig. 9.w2)image. Defects in the expression and/or signaling through the pre-BCR cause congenital agammaglobulinemia with lack of circulating B lymphocytes.

X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) is the prototype of these disorders, and was described by Dr Bruton in 1952. Affected males suffer from recurrent pyogenic infections. They lack serum IgA, IgM, IgD and IgE, and IgG levels are extremely low, usually <100 mg/dL. Circulating B lymphocytes are absent or markedly reduced (<1% of peripheral lymphocytes). Tonsils are absent and lymph nodes are unusually small. XLA is caused by mutations of the Bruton tyrosine kinase (BTK) gene, that encodes an enzyme involved in signaling through the pre-BCR and the BCR (Fig. 16.1). BTK mutations cause an incomplete, but severe, block at the pre-B cell stage in the bone marrow (Fig. 16.2). The BTK protein is also expressed by other cells (including monocytes and megakaryocytes), but its defect does not affect development of these cell types.

For the first 4–6 months of life, males with XLA are protected by the maternally-derived IgG that has crossed the placenta, but once this supply of IgG is exhausted, they develop recurrent bacterial infections. Patients with XLA are also at risk of enteroviral infections (such as Echovirus) that may cause encephalitis. If immunized with attenuated poliovirus vaccine, they may develop paralytic poliomyelitis. Treatment of XLA is based on regular administration of immunoglobulins (IgG).

More rarely, congenital agammaglobulinemia is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait, due to mutations of other genes that encode for components of the pre-BCR or of the adaptor molecule BLNK (see Fig. 16.1). In all of these cases, there is a severe block in B-cell development at the pre-B cell stage in the bone marrow. The clinical phenotype is virtually identical to that of XLA.

Defects in terminal differentiation of B cells produces selective antibody deficiencies

Terminal maturation of B lymphocytes is marked by their differentiation into antibody-secreting plasma cells. Generation of plasma cells is markedly reduced in patients with CVID (see Fig. 16.2), who typically develop progressive hypogammaglobulinemia in the second and third decades of life. CVID is the most common primary immunodeficiency (1:10 000 affected individuals in the general population), characterized by extensive clinical and immunologic heterogeneity. Some patients have a reduced number of circulating B cells, and especially of CD27+ memory B lymphocytes; others show impaired function of T lymphocytes. CVID is usually sporadic, and the underlying molecular defect remains unknown in most cases. However, in some families CVID is inherited as an autosomal dominant or an autosomal recessive trait. A minority of CVID patients carry mutations in genes that play a key role in T-B cell interaction and B cell signaling (Fig. 16.3).image

Defects of class switch recombination (CSR)

Class switch recombination (CSR) is the mechanism by which the μ chain of immunoglobulins is replaced by other heavy chains, resulting in the production of IgG, IgA, and IgE. The process occurs in germinal centres and is accompanied by affinity maturation as described in Chapter 9.

Deficiency of CD40L (X-linked) or more rarely of CD40 (autosomal recessive) results in failure of CSR, with very low or undetectable levels of IgG, IgA, and IgE and normal to increased levels of serum IgM (see Fig. 16.2). In the past, this condition was also known as ‘hyper-IgM syndrome’. In the lymph nodes, primary follicles are present, but germinal centers are absent (Fig. 16.5). Binding of CD40L to CD40 is also important to promote interaction between activated T cells and dendritic cells or monocytes/macrophages. This promotes T cell priming, production of IFNγ and activation of macrophages, that are important in the immune defense against intracellular pathogens. Consistent with this, the clinical phenotype of CD40L and of CD40 deficiency is characterized not only by recurrent bacterial infections, but also by increased risk of early-onset opportunistic infections (Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia, cytomegalovirus infection, protracted and watery diarrhoea due to Cryptosporidium). Neutropenia and severe liver disease are frequent. Therefore, CD40L and CD40 deficiency are not pure antibody deficiency, but rather represent examples of combined immunodeficiency. Treatment of these disorders is based on administration of immunoglobulins and antibiotics, but often requires hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT).

In B cells, signaling through CD40 promotes transcription of the gene encoding for activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID), a DNA-editing enzyme that replaces deoxycytidine residues with deoxyuracil in the DNA of the immunoglobulin heavy chain switch regions. The resulting mismatch in the DNA is recognized by the enzyme uracil N-glycosylase (UNG) that removes the deoxy-uracil residues, leaving abasic sites that are resolved by means of DNA repair mechanisms. These DNA modifications trigger both CSR and somatic hypermutation. Both AID and UNG mutations cause severe deficiency of IgG, IgA, and IgE production; furthermore, the immunoglobulins (almost entirely IgM) produced by these patients have low affinity for the antigen. Clinically, these immunodeficiency diseases are characterized by recurrent bacterial infections. Dramatic expansion of germinal centers (leading to tonsil and lymph node enlargement), and the lack of susceptibility to opportunistic infections distinguish hyper-IgM syndrome due to AID and UNG mutations from the forms due to defects of CD40L or CD40. Treatment of AID and UNG deficiency is based on administration of immunoglobulins.

T lymphocyte deficiencies

T lymphocytes play a critical role in the defense against intracellular pathogens, such as viruses. In addition, they permit the development of antibody responses to T-dependent antigens. Accordingly, severe defects of T lymphocyte development and/or function cause combined immunodeficiencies, with broad susceptibility to bacterial, viral and opportunistic infections.

Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) can be caused by many different genetic defects

SCID includes a heterogeneous group of genetic disorders that affect various stages of T lymphocyte development or function (Fig. 16.6). The main pathophysiology mechanisms of SCID (and the associated diseases) are:

While severe T cell abnormalities are a hallmark of all forms of SCID, some of these diseases also involve abnormalities of B and/or NK lymphocytes. In particular, some forms of SCID are characterized by absence of T lymphocytes, but presence of B lymphocytes (TB+ SCID), whereas others show absence of both T and B lymphocytes (TB SCID). Both of these groups of SCID include forms with or without natural killer (NK) lymphocytes.

SCID has a prevalence of approximately 1:50 000 live births, and is more common in males, reflecting the existence of X-linked SCID (X-SCID), the most common form of SCID in humans. This disease is due to mutation of the gene encoding for the common gamma chain (γc), shared by several cytokine receptors, namely those for IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, IL-15, and IL-21.

Jun 18, 2016 | Posted by in IMMUNOLOGY | Comments Off on Primary Immunodeficiencies

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