Phosphoinositide 3′-kinase (PI3K) is a key node in the B-cell receptor pathway, which plays a crucial role in the trafficking, survival, and proliferation of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells. This article reviews the biology of PI3K, focusing on its relationship to the CLL microenvironment, and discusses the biological rationale for PI3K inhibition in CLL. Preliminary safety and efficacy data from early phase clinical trials is also discussed. Potential biomarkers for clinical response to PI3K inhibitors such as ZAP-70, IGHV status, and CCL3 are examined. Where PI3K inhibition may fit in the evolving landscape of CLL therapy is also explored.
Key points
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Phosphoinositide 3′-kinase (PI3K) is a key node in B-cell receptor (BCR) signaling.
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The biology of PI3K signaling provides a strong rationale for targeting this kinase in CLL.
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Delta-isoform inhibitors such as GS1101 (formerly CAL-101), pan-PI3K inhibitors such as SAR245408 (S08), and dual pan-PI3K/mTOR inhibitors such as SAR245409 (S09) are all in development.
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Early-phase clinical trials have found these agents to be highly active and well tolerated.
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ZAP-70, IGHV , and CCL3 are all potential biomarkers for response to PI3K inhibitors.
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The place of PI3K inhibitors in the landscape of CLL therapy is evolving.
Although chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) usually responds well to initial chemotherapy, the disease inevitably relapses, and remains incurable by conventional therapy. It has been hypothesized that after treatment, sanctuary sites such as the lymph nodes and bone marrow may harbor residual CLL cells that can later lead to relapse. Indeed, the protective role of the CLL microenvironment may be a key to understanding why stroma-exposed CLL cells are protected from undergoing apoptosis in response to treatment. The B-cell receptor (BCR) pathway has been particularly identified as a key mediator of prosurvival signals in CLL cells. Several novel kinase inhibitors are now in development to target various components of the BCR pathway. A class effect of these BCR inhibitors is a “lymphocyte redistribution” phenomenon, whereby a majority of patients initially develop a transient lymphocytosis while simultaneously achieving nodal reduction. This observation has led to the hypothesis that these agents may achieve their efficacy, at least in part, by mobilizing CLL cells out of sanctuary sites and into the peripheral blood, where they more readily die or can be killed by combination therapy.
Of the new agents targeting the BCR pathway, phosphoinositide 3′-kinase (PI3K) inhibitors are among the most promising. This article reviews the scientific rationale underlying PI3K inhibition in CLL, as well as data from recent and ongoing clinical trials of PI3K inhibitors in CLL. Also discussed are potential biological predictive markers for PI3K clinical response, as well as where PI3K inhibitors may fit into the evolving landscape of CLL therapy.
Although chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) usually responds well to initial chemotherapy, the disease inevitably relapses, and remains incurable by conventional therapy. It has been hypothesized that after treatment, sanctuary sites such as the lymph nodes and bone marrow may harbor residual CLL cells that can later lead to relapse. Indeed, the protective role of the CLL microenvironment may be a key to understanding why stroma-exposed CLL cells are protected from undergoing apoptosis in response to treatment. The B-cell receptor (BCR) pathway has been particularly identified as a key mediator of prosurvival signals in CLL cells. Several novel kinase inhibitors are now in development to target various components of the BCR pathway. A class effect of these BCR inhibitors is a “lymphocyte redistribution” phenomenon, whereby a majority of patients initially develop a transient lymphocytosis while simultaneously achieving nodal reduction. This observation has led to the hypothesis that these agents may achieve their efficacy, at least in part, by mobilizing CLL cells out of sanctuary sites and into the peripheral blood, where they more readily die or can be killed by combination therapy.
Of the new agents targeting the BCR pathway, phosphoinositide 3′-kinase (PI3K) inhibitors are among the most promising. This article reviews the scientific rationale underlying PI3K inhibition in CLL, as well as data from recent and ongoing clinical trials of PI3K inhibitors in CLL. Also discussed are potential biological predictive markers for PI3K clinical response, as well as where PI3K inhibitors may fit into the evolving landscape of CLL therapy.
Biology of PI3K in CLL
Signaling cascades from several major pathways converge on PI3K, which serves as a key node regulating B-cell function and survival. Although there are 3 classes of PI3K isoforms, only class I isoforms are thought to be directly related to oncogenesis. Within class I, PI3K isoforms can be further subdivided into class IA (PI3K-α, -β, and -δ) and class IB (PI3K-γ). Although having shown that activating mutations in PI3K are very rare in CLL, we did identify amplification of PIK3CA in about 3.5% of CLL. Furthermore, even in the absence of genetic activation, CLL cells generally express high levels of active PI3K (in particular the δ isoform ), and great interest has therefore focused on elucidating the role played by PI3K in the pathogenesis of the disease.
The 3 best characterized pathways that activate PI3K include the BCR, receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), and cytokine/chemokine receptors ( Fig. 1 ). Of these, the BCR pathway is thought to play a dominant role in CLL. The BCR usually becomes activated in the presence of antigen (although tonic signaling has also been described ). Activated BCR recruits other kinases such as spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk) and Lyn kinase, which phosphorylate immunoreceptor tyrosine–based activation motifs (ITAMs) on the cytoplasmic immunoglobulin domains of the receptor. Stimulated RTKs, cytokine, and chemokine receptors also cause autophosphorylation of the tyrosine residue on the ITAMs and subsequent PI3K activation in immune cells, although the importance of these pathways in CLL is variable.
Stimulation of each of these 3 pathways sets off a chain of downstream molecular interactions, the net result of which is to create Src homology 2 (SH2)-binding domains capable of binding the p85 regulatory subunit of PI3K. Once this binding occurs, p85 can no longer inhibit the p110 catalytic domain of PI3K, thereby leading to PI3K activation. One of the primary functions of activated PI3K in B cells is to convert phosphatidylinositol-3,4-biphosphate into phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-triphosphate, leading to AKT phosphorylation, which then can go on to activate a wide variety of downstream kinases. In addition to AKT, activated PI3K also promotes calcium mobilization and activation of other downstream kinases such as protein kinase C (PKC)-β, mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), and MAP kinase (ERK). These events promote increased proliferation of B cells, largely mediated by the upregulation of transcription factors such as nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) and nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT).
Although substantial evidence indicates that PI3K activation inhibits both the extrinsic and intrinsic pathways of apoptosis, the precise mechanism of these interactions remains incompletely understood. Activated AKT likely interferes with FasL expression, thereby decreasing levels of this primary mediator of extrinsic apoptosis. Activated AKT has also been hypothesized to affect the intrinsic mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis by increasing the amount of the proapoptotic protein BAD that is sequestered by 14-3-3, a regulatory protein that by binding BAD limits its ability to promote apoptosis, thereby pushing the cell farther from the threshold of apoptosis (ie, decreasing “priming” for apoptosis). Other interactions between AKT and the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis are likely, and this remains an active area of investigation.
Beyond its direct effects on promoting B-cell proliferation and inhibiting apoptosis, activated PI3K also has a profound influence on B-cell trafficking by promoting CLL cell chemotaxis toward CXCL12/13, migration beneath stromal cells, and upregulation of CLL cell chemokine secretion. Once CLL cells enter the stromal microenvironment, they become bathed in a variety of protective mediators such as CD40L, fibronectin, and B-cell activating factor, all of which likely send prosurvival signals through PI3K. We have shown that the net effect of these stromal interactions is to decrease CLL cell mitochondrial apoptotic priming, which may lead to resistance to a wide variety of therapies.
Inhibition of PI3K in CLL
Given the key role that PI3K plays in CLL pathophysiology, the potential efficacy of small-molecule PI3K inhibitors has been widely recognized. Several different PI3K inhibitors are in various stages of development, and can be divided into 2 main categories: δ-isoform specific and pan-PI3K inhibitors. A third category of dual inhibitors targeting both PI3K and mTOR are also being investigated.
PI3K-δ Inhibition
Because the δ isoform of the p110 catalytic subunit of PI3K is the predominant form expressed in leukocytes, a δ-isoform–specific PI3K inhibitor was the first logical target to pursue and is currently the furthest along in clinical development. GS1101 (formerly CAL-101) is a small molecule that specifically and potently inhibits the δ isoform of PI3K. The drug has been shown to induce apoptosis in primary CLL cells ex vivo in a time-dependent and dose-dependent manner. In vitro, GS1101 partially reverses the chemoresistance observed in stroma-exposed CLL cells and also reduces CLL cell chemotaxis into stroma. Of importance, GS1101 alone can induce a modest degree of apoptosis even in the presence of stroma.
Given its ability to release CLL cells from protective stroma niches, in vitro studies have been performed to determine which drugs might best complement the activity of GS1101 by blocking other pathways that contribute to CLL cell survival. The drug does appear to have at least additive effects in killing when combined with commonly used CLL chemotherapies such as fludarabine and bendamustine.
Recent preclinical work has focused on developing rational combinations of GS1101 by utilizing agents with complementary but targeted mechanisms of action. One such approach combined pharmacologic inhibition of PI3K-δ with lenalidomide, an immunomodulatory agent known to induce tumor flare at low doses and to have modest clinical activity in patients with relapsed refractory CLL. Pharmacologic inhibition (or siRNA knockdown) of PI3K-δ was found to abrogate CLL cell activation and to reduce costimulatory molecule expression, as well as gene expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and basic fibroblast growth factor, which are thought to contribute to CLL survival in stroma. These findings suggest that combining GS1101 with lenalidomide might limit tumor flare and potentially augment the clinical activity of lenalidomide in patients with CLL.
We studied another approach of combining GS1101 with the BH3-mimetic drug ABT-737 to increase apoptotic killing of stroma-exposed CLL cells. In vitro, stroma-exposed CLL cells were highly resistant to ABT-737 and only underwent modest levels of apoptotic killing with GS1101 alone. The combination of GS1101 and ABT-737 led to rapid and significant CLL cell killing. GS1101 was also shown to lead to release of CLL cells from stroma, thereby increasing the level of CLL cell apoptotic priming, which may have accounted for their increased susceptibility to killing by BH3 mimetics. Ongoing investigation is needed to confirm whether these observations hold true in the clinic.
GS1101 (formerly CAL-101)
GS1101 was first evaluated in a large phase I study of approximately 190 patients with relapsed refractory hematologic malignancies. The CLL subjects in this study (n = 55) were heavily pretreated (median 5 prior therapies) and the majority (82%) had bulky lymphadenopathy. The most common symptomatic adverse event was grade 3 or higher pneumonia in 24% of patients. Grade 3 or higher hematological laboratory abnormalities included neutropenia (24%), thrombocytopenia (11%), and anemia (8%), which in most cases were not considered GS1101 related. Nodal partial response was seen in greater than 80% of patients, but the overall response rate was a modest 24% owing to the fact that more than half of the patients had an early, transient elevation in lymphocyte count thought to be related to mobilization of lymphocytes out of stroma. This redistribution lymphocytosis was associated with nodal response and did not represent disease progression, but it did preclude many patients from meeting the International Workshop on CLL (iwCLL) response criteria. Patients did not appear to have any ill effects from persistent lymphocytosis. High-risk patients such as those with del(17p), at least initially, had clinical benefit similar to those with standard-risk disease. The median progression-free survival reported thus far is 16 months, and 21 patients remain under study after 1 year with continued benefit, suggesting that responses to GS1101 can be durable. Given the important role that chemokines such as CCL3, CCL4, and CXCL13 play in the CLL microenvironment, it was notable that patients on GS1101 in this study experienced a rapid decline in plasma concentrations of these chemokines. In addition, constitutive phosphorylation at AKT T308 was observed at baseline and was completely abrogated by GS1101. Both of these observations suggest pharmacodynamic inhibition of activated PI3K signaling.
GS1101 has substantial single agent-activity, but the effect of the drug in mobilizing CLL cells from stroma also makes it a natural partner for combination studies, several of which are now under way. Initial data from a phase I study of GS1101 in combination with rituximab or bendamustine in patients with relapsed refractory CLL were recently presented. These combinations have been well tolerated and have shown an impressive overall response rate of greater than 75% (by iwCLL criteria) in the initial 27 patients under study. Lymphocyte redistribution has been less apparent, particularly with bendamustine, likely because mobilized CLL cells are killed rapidly. Registration studies for GS1101 are now under way, and other novel combinations with chemotherapy, antibodies, or other small-molecule inhibitors will also be explored in both the front-line and relapsed settings.
Pan-PI3K Inhibition
Like PI3Kδ, the other class IA PI3K isoforms p110-α and p110-β as well as the class IB isoform p110-γ, are also expressed in leukocytes, including CLL cells; however, because of their widespread expression in other cell types, pan-PI3K inhibitors were expected to have too much toxicity to move forward into the clinic. Early animal data did suggest important potential toxicities including hyperglycemia caused by inhibition of PI3K-α in the β-islet cells of the pancreas. However, the introduction of pan-PI3K inhibitors into clinical trials in solid tumors demonstrated that these compounds were relatively well tolerated, and raised the possibility of exploring their use in CLL.
We recently showed through an integrative genomic analysis that not only is PI3K-α expressed in CLL cells, but some CLL patients may also have amplification of the PI3KCA gene that leads to enrichment of the α subunit in their CLL cells. α-Subunit enrichment in this subset of CLL patients could theoretically render their disease resistant to a δ-isoform–specific inhibitor. Furthermore, upregulation of alternative PI3K isoforms while on treatment with a PI3Kδ-specific inhibitor would be one possible way for patients to acquire drug resistance over time. These considerations raise the possibility that a pan-PI3K inhibitor may even have activity superior to that of a δ-isoform inhibitor.
Moreover, p110-γ is known to be the predominant PI3K isoform expressed in T cells. For example, p110-γ isoform knockout mice have an isolated T-cell defect that, while not embryonically lethal, does confer significant immune dysfunction. Given the critical role played by T cells in providing prosurvival signals to CLL cells in the microenvironment, p110-γ isoform inhibition may significantly disrupt the CLL microenvironment, thereby facilitating CLL cell death.
SAR245408 (S08)
SAR245408 (S08) is a class I pan-PI3K inhibitor that was previously found to be well tolerated in patients with solid tumors. This initial study of 68 patients with solid tumors found a dose-limiting toxicity (DLT) of grade 3 rash (4%) when dosing was scheduled on days 1 to 21 in 28-day cycles. When the schedule was switched to continuous daily dosing, no further DLTs were observed. SAR245408 (S08) was found to inhibit both the PI3K and ERK signaling pathways, suggesting that the drug was pharmacodynamically active. An arm focused on relapsed CLL and lymphoma was added to this study, and 25 patients in total were enrolled. At the first report, of 7 CLL/SLL patients, 5 were evaluable. In these 5 patients with refractory CLL, SAR245408 (S08) was well tolerated. Although none of the 5 patients met formal iwCLL criteria for response, 3 patients (60%) benefited from a nodal partial response with transient lymphocytosis and remained on treatment at 12 to 18 months’ follow-up. Although these early results in CLL have been promising, the availability of SAR245408 (S08) for clinical trials is currently limited because of a change in the drug formulation.
Dual PI3K/mTOR Inhibition
CLL cells may also develop resistance to a δ-isoform–specific PI3K inhibitor through activation of the RAS/MEK/ERK pathway, which eventually leads to mTOR activation. The disappointing activity of mTOR inhibitors as monotherapy in CLL has raised the question of whether PI3K preferentially activates alternative downstream messengers such as NF-κB or PKC-β, thereby leading to resistance to mTOR inhibition. A drug able to inhibit both PI3K and mTOR would have the potential to overcome this type of resistance mechanism. Furthermore, because PI3K inhibitors directly induce apoptosis in CLL cells, and mTOR inhibitors primarily cause induction of growth arrest, these complementary mechanisms of action further justify the potential utility of such a combined blockade approach. Therefore, a dual pan-PI3K/mTOR inhibitor has the potential to be highly active in CLL.
SAR245409 (S09)
SAR245509 (S09) is a small-molecule dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor currently being evaluated in clinical trials, which although primarily a pan-PI3K inhibitor, does have some activity against mTOR. In a PTEN-deficient mantle-cell lymphoma cell line, the drug inhibited PI3K and ERK, and led to a marked decrease in proliferation markers such as Ki-67. SAR245509 (S09) was relatively well tolerated in a phase I dose-escalation study of patients with advanced solid tumors. A phase I dose-expansion cohort of 16 patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma found the most common related adverse events to be nausea (25%), elevated liver enzymes (18.8%), and diarrhea (12.5%). Two patients with mantle-cell lymphoma remained on study with clinical benefit for over 1 year. The drug is therefore now being explored at the recommended phase II dose of 50 mg twice daily in a large, multicenter phase II study in patients with CLL, follicular, and mantle-cell lymphomas. A phase I study of SAR245509 (S09) in combination with bendamustine and/or rituximab in the same patient population is also under way.

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