Palliative Interventional Radiologic Procedures

Palliative Interventional Radiologic Procedures

Thomas J. Vogl

Michael K. Eichler

Stefan G. Zangos

Parviz Farshid


Palliative interventional oncological methods in patients with cancer are associated with locoregional therapies such as vascular access, management of vascular and nonvascular complications, and approach to the malignant peritoneal and pleural fluid. Interventional procedures with palliative effects are demonstrated in Table 22.1.


Locoregional cancer therapies include several techniques that have started with chemoembolization and have been improved by novel systems with the use of drug-eluting beads (DEBs) and radioembolization with yttrium 90. In the last three decades, several minimally invasive locoregional treatments termed new ablation techniques have been used, including thermal ablation, such as radiofrequency ablation (RFA), microwave ablation (MWA), laser-induced thermotherapy (LITT), and cryoablation, and chemical ablation such as ethanol or acetic acid ablation therapy. Isolated or in combination, these techniques have already shown that they can improve patient survival and/or provide acceptable palliation (1).

Embolization therapies, including transarterial chemoembolization (TACE), bland embolization, and radioembolization, have been improved as alternatives to other treatment options such as systemic chemotherapy. In TACE, a solution of chemotherapy suspended in lipiodol, an oily contrast medium selectively retained within the tumor, is injected into the feeding arteries directly supplying the tumor (2).

Chemoembolization is indicated for palliative treatment of unresectable primary or secondary hepatic lesions and reduction of pain. This technique is also used in pulmonary cancer (transpulmonary chemoembolization [TPCE]) and as a novel approach to pulmonary malignant mesothelioma. It is useful for reducing tumor size or decreasing local tumor progression.

In neoadjuvant indication, this treatment aims at reducing the tumor to make an operation possible. In palliative indication, it is performed for pain relief and reducing symptoms, or simply for increased survival time (1,2,3). During TACE, the arterial system is accessed using the Seldinger technique and a catheter is advanced in the aorta. First, selective vascular trunk should be performed with late-phase imaging of the portal venous anatomy. Once the arterial anatomy is clearly understood, a catheter is advanced superselectively into the artery. Small vessels and branches that cannot be accessed with a standard angiographic catheter can be catheterized with a variety of microcatheters designed for chemoembolization. The choice of the catheter/guide wire combination is usually related to the preference of the interventionist. The end point of the TACE procedure is visualization of the complete blockage of the tumor-feeding branch (3). Palliative indications of TACE include treatment of hormone-producing tumors and reduction of shunt volumes in hemangioendothelioma. TACE has no indication if more than 75% of the liver is involved by tumor and also when there is significant portal hypertension, liver insufficiency, occlusion of the portal vein, or hepatorenal syndrome (3). The most common anticancer drugs are doxorubicin, mitomycin, cisplatin, and mixtures. Lipiodol (iodized oil) is an oily contrast medium that persists more selectively in tumor nodules for a few weeks up to some months when injected into the artery (4). Gelfoam is the most commonly used embolizing agent. This only occludes the artery temporarily with recanalization taking place within 2 weeks (5), achieving more distal obstruction because of a smaller particle size (50 to 250 µm in diameter). The main complication of TACE is the postembolization syndrome (PES). PES is characterized by nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and fever occurring in 2% to 7% of patients after the procedure, although PES is a self-limited event that can be managed supportively (6).

Bland embolization is a technique that is performed by injecting an embolic agent and radioembolization with yttrium 90 microspheres into the feeding arteries. Embolic
beads preloaded with a chemotherapeutic agent or “DEBs” are new delivery systems. In 2009, Paul et al. reviewed related results and reported that embolization for splenic tumors is an unexplored area with no articles to date discussing its efficacy. Small and large bowel tumors are rarely treated with embolization, and if so, embolization is primarily used prior to operative resection or in cases of tumor-induced gastrointestinal hemorrhage. Embolization of pancreatic insulinoma and carcinoma has been described. In the adrenals, embolization is primarily used for preoperative debulking or for symptomatic relief from hyperfunctioning tumors. Embolization for renal cell carcinoma and angiomyelolipoma is mainly used in the preoperative setting to reduce blood flow prior to surgical resection. The embolization agents used were predominantly permanent, including alcohol, particles, and coils. They suggested that catheter-directed embolization is an important technique in the treatment of non-liver mesenteric tumors, primarily in the setting of nonoperable neoplasms, preoperative tumor control, or tumor hemorrhage (7).

TABLE 22.1 Applications and methods of palliative interventional oncology



Local-regional cancer therapy

Transarterial chemoembolization

Drug-eluting bead embolization

Transarterial radioembolization

Radiofrequency ablation

Microwave ablation


Chemical ablation—ethanol, acetic acid

Management of vascular complication

Superior vena cava syndrome

Arterial obstruction secondary to tumor compression or invasion

Hemorrhage secondary to tumor invasion

IVC filters for venous thromboembolic complications

Management of nonvascular complications

Biliary drainage and stenting

Urinary track drainage and stenting

Management of vascular access

Central venous ports

Tunneled central venous catheters PICCS

Management of malignant pleural and peritoneal fluid

Tunneled drainage catheters


Similar to TACE, radioembolization is a palliative treatment; however, during this procedure, radioactive microspheres (isotope yttrium 90) are used instead of chemotherapeutic drugs. Due to fewer side effects and positive response in patients who have received surgical tumor resection or transplantation, this technique may be a good minimally invasive treatment option (8).

Palliative Impact of Locoregional Cancer Therapies

Chemoembolization for Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)

Although TACE is widely used as a palliative treatment of unresectable hepatic tumor, its role should be further clarified. Table 22.2 demonstrates the impact of palliative TACE in patients with HCC.

O’Suilleabhain et al. (13) evaluated the long-term survival of TACE in patients with unresectable HCC and suggested that this technique has a palliative effect because a cure for unresectable HCC may only rarely be possible with TACE. They documented 25 5-year survivors (8%) among a cohort study of 320 patients treated with TACE.

TACE for Patients with HCC Using DEBs

DEB has been used in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. In 2009, Reyes et al. (16) showed overall survival (OS) rates in 20 patients at 1 and 2 years of 65% and 55%, respectively; the median OS was 26 months. In 2010, Malagari et al. compared DEB chemoembolization with bland embolization in patients with HCC who were child A or B showing that stable disease at 12 months was statistically higher in the DEB chemoembolization group. Progression of disease developed in 48.6% in the DEB chemoembolization group and 78.4% in the bland group. However, there was no difference in survival within 1 year between the two groups (17). In 2010, Dhanasekaran et al. evaluated 71 patients who had received chemoembolization with DEB or conventional chemoembolization. Median survival times from the first therapy were 403 and 114 days, respectively. In Child-Pugh classes A and B, survival time from the first therapy between the two groups was 641 versus 323 days (18). In 2010, Scartozzi et al. evaluated traditional chemoembolization and DEB chemoembolization in 150 patients. Median OS times were 46 and 19 months, respectively. Time to progression was 30 months versus 16 months (19). In 2009, Lammer et al. evaluated conventional TACE (n = 108) with chemoembolization with embolic beads preloaded with doxorubicin
(DEB chemoembolization) (n = 93). The DEB chemoembolization group showed higher rates of complete response, objective response, and disease control compared with the conventional chemoembolization group (27% vs. 22%, 52% vs. 44%, and 63% vs. 52%, respectively). These differences were not statistically significant (20).

TABLE 22.2 Survival indexes in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma who have received transarterial chemoembolization as a palliative treatment


No. of Patients

Median Survival (Months)

Survival Rates (%)

1 Year

2 Years

3 Years

5 Years

Kalva et al. (9)





Jin et al. (10)






Huang et al. (11)






Llovet et al. (12)






O’Suilleabhain et al. (13)





Lo et al. (14)





Ernst et al. (15)


Ok I: 58.89 Ok II: 19.48



TACE for Patients with Liver Metastases

TACE represents a safe palliative treatment for patients with unresectable liver metastases. The results of TACE depend on primary cancer, size, and vascularization of the hepatic tumors (21).

Neuroendocrine Tumors Using TACE

Ho et al. (2007) evaluated clinical response for 27 patients with hepatic metastatic lesions from neuroendocrine tumors who underwent hepatic artery chemoembolization or hepatic artery embolization (HAE) because of symptoms. This group consisted of 25 patients with hormonal symptoms and 4 with pain secondary to capsular distention. Twenty-one (78%) of the evaluated patients reported relief of symptoms after the initial cycle of treatment. When evaluated according to the tumor type, 78% of carcinoid patients and 75% of islet cell patients had relief of the presenting symptoms (22).

Eighty percent of carcinoid patients treated for hormonal symptoms had subjective relief of hormonal symptoms after one cycle of therapy. Sixty-six percent of carcinoid patients treated for symptoms related to tumor bulk reported relief of pain. Among patients with islet cell tumors, 66% of patients treated for hormonal symptoms had relief of symptoms. Reduction of the presenting symptoms was achieved in a similar manner in patients with and without extrahepatic disease. Thirteen of 16 patients with extrahepatic disease and 7 of 9 patients with no sign of extrahepatic disease experienced relief of symptoms after one cycle of hepatic artery chemoembolization or HAE (22).

Colorectal cancer (CRC) Using Conventional TACE

In 2011, Albert et al. reported in 121 patients with metastatic CRC a median survival time of 9 months from chemoembolization. The 1-, 2-, and 5-year survival rates were 94%, 74%, and 13%, respectively (23). In 2009, Vogl et al. evaluated 463 patients with colorectal liver metastases with primarily palliative indication for chemoembolization. Results showed a median survival time of 14 months from the start of chemoembolization (24).

CRC Using DEB Chemoembolization

In 2010, Martin et al. documented in 55 patients with CRC liver metastases an OS of 19 months and progression-free survival (PFS) of 11 months using DEB chemoembolization (25).

Malignant Melanoma

In 2010, Schuster et al. evaluated 25 patients with liver metastases from melanoma using TACE and found no grade IV toxicity or catheter-associated complications. The median PFS was 3 months and median OS was 5 months. The 1-year survival rate was 15% (26). In 2009, Gupta et al. (27) reported in 105 patients a median OS and PFS of 6.7 and 3.8 months, respectively. Sharma et al. reported in 20 patients with stage IV melanoma mean and median OS of 334 ± 71 and 271 days, respectively. Sixty-five percent of patients had progression of the disease (28).

Transpulmonary Chemoembolization

TPCE for the palliative treatment of unresectable lung tumors has been used with acceptable outcome. Early use of this method results in a reduction in tumor volume and alleviation of patient symptoms. After superselective
catheterization, cytotoxic agents are administered, and the pulmonary arterial supply of the tumor is occluded by injection of microspheres and ethiodized oil. Emerging data suggest that this approach is well tolerated (29).

Vogl et al. evaluated tumor response after treating unresectable lung metastases with TPCE in palliative intention. Fifty-two patients suffering from 106 unresectable lung metastases were treated with 2 to 10 TPCE sessions. Metastases originated from primaries, including colorectal carcinoma (n = 20), breast cancer (n = 6), renal cellular carcinoma (n = 5), thyroid cancer (n = 4), cholangiocellular carcinoma (n = 2), leiomyosarcoma (n = 2), and others (n = 13). All patients tolerated the treatment well without major side effects or complications. In 24%, moderate to high lipiodol uptake was found, while 75% of the tumors showed a low uptake. Partial response was achieved in 16 cases, stable disease in 11 cases, and progressive disease in 25 cases; mean and median survival was documented at 17 and 21.1 months, retrospectively (30).

Impact of Radioembolization

Several studies have demonstrated that radioembolization is a safe and effective palliative procedure in patients with unresectable liver metastases and helps slow down the growth of the disease and alleviate symptoms (8,31,32,33,34,35). In 2011, Sangro et al. reported that radioembolization results in average disease control rates above 80% and is usually very well tolerated. Main complications do not result from the microembolic effect, even in patients with portal vein occlusion, but rather from an excessive irradiation of nontarget tissues including the liver. When compared with the standard of care for the intermediate and advanced stages (transarterial embolization and sorafenib), radioembolization consistently provides similar survival rates as hormone and chemotherapy (35). In 2009, Vente et al. showed in a meta-analysis on tumor response and survival using 30 articles on 1,217 patients who underwent 90Y radioembolization that the proportion of “any response” (AR) for HCC and liver metastatic CRC combined varied between 29% and 100% with a median value of 82%. Treatment with glass microspheres showed a lower response than treatment with resin microspheres. They found that complications have been reported when microspheres were inadvertently deposited in excessive amounts in organs other than the liver. For HCC, response was 89% for resin microspheres and 78% for glass microspheres. For CRC liver metastases in a salvage setting, response was 79% for radioembolization combined with 5-fluorouracil/leucovorin (5-FU/LV), and 79% when combined with 5-FU/LV/oxaliplatin or 5-FU/LV/irinotecan, and in a first-line setting 91% and 91%, respectively. In patients with liver metastases from CRC, the tumor response of radioembolization is high, with AR rates of approximately 80% in a salvage setting (36).

For HCC, median survival from treatment was from 7.1 to 21.0 months and from diagnosis or recurrence was 9.4 to 24.0 months. For liver metastases from CRC, median survival after 90Y-RE, irrespective of differences in determinants (microspheres type, chemotherapy protocol, and stage: salvage or first line), was 6.7 to 17.0 months and from diagnosis of liver metastases from CRC it ranged from 10.8 to 29.4 months (36).

Ablation Therapy

Percutaneous imaging-guided ablative therapies using thermal energy sources such as radiofrequency (RF), microwave (MW), laser, and high-intensity focused sonography have been used as minimally invasive strategies for the treatment of focal malignant diseases (37,38). Thermal ablation therapies have been defined well by Tarcoveanu et al. These techniques are used to destroy the malignant cells by heat in a minimally invasive approach without damaging normal tissue. Electromagnetic energy has been used in the form of both RF and MW; photocoagulation uses intense pulses of light produced by a laser as the energy source; high-intensity focused sonography uses sound energy to produce heat; and injection of heated fluids, including saline, ethanol, and contrast material, has been used to induce coagulation by direct thermal contact. In nonresectable hepatic tumors, palliative treatment using focal necrosis by hyperthermia appears as a valuable alternative. These methods of treatment can be performed by percutaneous, laparoscopic, or open approach. The key element in the management of the malignant tumors of the liver is the cooperation between surgeon, intensive care physician, oncologist, and specialist in interventional radiology in order to discuss the indication of therapy (39).

In 2011, Pathak et al. reviewed ablative therapies in CRC liver metastases and showed that cryotherapy (26 studies) had a local recurrence rate of 12% to 39%, with mean 1-, 3-, and 5-year survival rates of 84%, 37%, and 17%, respectively. The major complication rate ranged from 7% to 66%. MWA (13 studies) had a local recurrence rate between 5% and 13% with mean 1-, 3-, and 5-year survival rates of 73%, 30% and 16%, respectively, and a major complication rate ranging from 3% to 16%. RFA (36 studies) had a local recurrence rate of 10% to 31%, with mean 1-, 3-, and 5-year survival rates of 85%, 36%, and 24%, respectively, with major complication rate ranging from 0% to 33% (40). In 2010, Bhardwaj et al. (41) summarized major studies in ablation technologies and presented them in a way that makes comparison between the major modalities easier.

Radiofrequency Ablation

RFA involves insertion of an electrode via skin or intraoperation into a lesion under imaging guidance. Heat created by RF energy leads to coagulative necrosis. Lung tumors that are difficult to reach may require repeated RFA treatments. The most commonly reported complications of RFA are pneumothorax and bleeding (42,43). RFA appears to be effective for rapid tumor reduction and palliation. The combination therapy of this technique can offer new treatment strategies for an improvement of the patient’s quality of life and more effective palliative medicine (44).

RFA is a tool that can potentially palliate intractable cancer pain. The scope of cancer pain ranges from minor
discomfort relieved with mild pain medication to unrelenting suffering for the patient, poorly controlled by conventional means. In 2006, Jindal et al. (45) presented a case in which RFA provided pain relief in a patient with metastatic prostate cancer with pelvic pain uncontrolled by conventional methods, and when combined with celiac ganglion block and splanchnic nerve block it has been used for visceral pain relief. Several studies reported the feasibility and effect of RFA therapy for the treatment of lung masses in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) or lung metastases but only few studies are related to long-term outcomes in patients with primary and secondary pulmonary tumors. Palliative RFA may be indicated for large tumors (46,47,48). In 2008, Lencioni (47) reported in 106 patients with NSCLC OS at 1 and 2 years of 70% and 48%, respectively. In 2004, Belfiore et al. evaluated palliative computed tomography (CT)-guided RFA in 33 patients with unresectable primary pulmonary malignancies. Clinical improvement in pretreatment symptoms was observed in 12 of 29 patients seen at 6-month follow-up (49). External beam irradiation is the palliative treatment of choice for osteolytic bone metastases, but additional radiation should not be offered for recurrent sessions. RFA is another alternative for palliating pain from bone metastases. Belfiore et al. evaluated the clinical efficacy of RFA with respect to pain relief in patients with refractory bone metastases or patients who are ineligible to conventional treatments. Immediate pain relief after treatment was experienced by 9 of 12 patients; however, in 2 cases pain recurred within the first week. Long-lasting palliation was obtained in 7 of 12 patients (50). In 2008, Hoffmann et al. evaluated the feasibility and effectiveness of combining RFA and osteoplasty for pain reduction in the treatment of painful osteolytic metastases. Technical success and pain relief was achieved in all patients (51). However, ablation therapy as a palliative treatment for bone tumor management and indications has been described with a management algorithm by Gangi et al. in 2007 (52) (Fig. 22.1).

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