Pajares et al. (2013)
(all anthracycline)
Worse OS, BCS if BMI > 35
Cecchini et al. (2013)
Not stated
No difference in recurrence, OS by BMI
Pan et al. (2014)
No difference in BCS
Turkoz et al. (2013)
Worse DFS, OS in obese
Sparano et al. (2012)
(all anthracycline)
No difference in DFS, OS by BMI
Fontanella et al. (2013)
Neoadjuvant RCTs
Lower pCR, worse DFS, OS in obese
(BSA capped at 2.0 m2 in 3 of 7 trials)
Turkoz et al. (2013)
No difference in DFS, OS by BMI
Pajares et al. (2013)
Worse OS if BMI > 35
n/s Worse BCS if BMI > 35
Crozier et al. (2013)
DFS worse in OW, OB
Mazzarella et al. (2013)
ER neg: OS, DFS worse in OB
ER pos: No difference in OS, DFS
Sparano et al. (2012)
No difference in DFS, OS
Recent RCT based analyses of prognostic associations of BMI in ER+ breast cancer include reports that high BMI was associated with poor outcome in the ATAC and BIG 1-98 trials (Sestak et al. 2010; Ewertz et al. 2012) which involved only women with ER+ breast cancer receiving tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors. Analysis of completed ECOG (E1199, E5188) (Sparano et al. 2012) and NSABP studies (B30, B38) (Cecchini et al. 2013) as well as a recent meta-analysis conducted by the Early Breast Cancer Clinical Trialists Collaborative Group (Pan et al. 2014) also identified an increased risk of recurrence or death in obese (vs. non-obese) women with hormone receptor positive breast cancer (premenopausal only in the latter). A meta-analysis involving 8,874 women enrolled onto seven German adjuvant trials identified adverse prognostic associations of BMI in hormone receptor positive cases (Pajares et al. 2013). These results are consistent with results of earlier meta-analyses (Niraula et al. 2012).
Results of similar post hoc RCT analyses in women with hormone receptor negative, triple negative or HER2 positive breast cancer have been less consistent. North American investigators, using data from both ECOG (Sparano et al. 2012) and NSABP (Cecchini et al. 2013) RCTs (E3189, B30, B31, B34, B38) failed to identify significant prognostic associations of BMI in those with hormone receptor negative breast cancer. In contrast, Fontanella et al. (2013) identified adverse prognostic associations of obesity in women with triple negative breast cancers participating in a group of German neoadjuvant RCTs (chemotherapy dose was capped at 2.0 m2 in three of these trials; this may have contributed to adverse obesity associations) while Pajares et al. (2013) identified worse overall and breast cancer specific survival in triple negative breast cancer patients with BMI > 35 kg/m2 enrolled in a series of GEICAM RCTs. In HER2 positive patients, a significantly worse outcome in heavier women with HER2+ breast cancer was identified in two RCTs; (Pajares et al. 2013; Crozier et al. 2013) in an observational study, Mazzarella et al. (2013) identified a similar association that was present only when cancers were also estrogen receptor negative. In contrast, Sparano et al. (2012) and Turkoz et al. (2013) identified no associations of BMI with disease-free or overall survival in women with HER2+ breast cancer enrolled onto RCTs or an observational study.
In summary, adverse associations of BMI with breast cancer outcomes have been repeatedly reported in all breast cancer subtypes. It is not clear whether the inconsistency of recent data may relate to differences in study design (discussed below) or to true biologic differences in BMI associations across breast cancer subtypes. The latter should be explored in preclinical studies and in adequately powered clinical datasets that include a full, and representative, spectrum of breast cancer patients.
The more consistent results reported in ER+ breast cancer may reflect, at least in part, higher estrogen levels in obese postmenopausal women, leading to enhanced signaling through estrogen pathways in obese women. Because BMI is associated with prognosis in women receiving tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors (Sestak et al. 2010; Ewertz et al. 2012), these treatments do not appear to fully overcome effects of higher BMI, suggesting that other obesity associated factors, such as insulin or inflammatory mediators, contribute to the BMI-prognosis association in these patients.
The less consistent results in triple negative breast cancer in particular may reflect capping of BMI at arbitrary levels (e.g. 2.0 m2, 2.2 m2) when calculating chemotherapy doses [a practice that has been less common in recent years and avoided in modern RCTs and advised against in a recent American Society of Clinical Oncology guideline (Lyman and Sparreboom 2013)], leading to BMI associations that reflect under-treatment rather than biologic effects in earlier studies. This practice may have had the greatest impact in triple negative breast cancer in which chemotherapy is the primary adjuvant approach, and targeted treatments, which may overcome effects of under-dosing to some extent, are not available. The observation that BMI is associated with prognosis in recent cohorts and RCTs that avoided dose capping suggest these factors do not fully account for BMI associations. One alternative explanation is that the underlying aggressiveness of advanced triple negative breast cancers in some studies, leading to poor outcomes, may be associated with reduced prognostic impact of obesity.
Different temporal patterns of relapse of ER+, triple negative and HER2+ breast cancers and differing durations of follow-up in reported studies are unlikely to be the primary cause of inconsistent results—for example, our group has demonstrated that obesity effects are constant in periods up to 5 years, and 5–10 years and beyond in a long-term prospective study (Goodwin et al. 2012).
Inclusion of locoregional events (which contribute a greater proportion of events in the modern era of breast conserving therapy and effective systemic adjuvant therapies) in outcome measures in recent trials may have introduced noise and led to reduced power in some studies as these events have not been associated with BMI (Ewertz et al. 2012). The analysis of BMI as a categorical (vs. continuous) variable in statistical analyses, or the modelling of associations as linear (vs. quadratic which allows a curvilinear association which has been demonstrated in several studies) may also have reduced power. Importantly, power to detect associations may have been lower in subsets of receptor negative, triple negative and HER2+ breast cancer, due to smaller numbers of these cancers in some RCTs.
It is also possible that unappreciated differences in the study populations contributed to inconsistencies. Many of the earlier observational studies were population or institution based and included all women diagnosed with breast cancer, regardless of the presence or absence of associated medical conditions. Many recent RCTs involved cardiotoxic medications (e.g. anthracyclines, HER-2 targeted agents) and women with cardiac morbidity (or cardiac risk factors such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes) were commonly excluded, either explicitly through entry criteria or as a safety precaution by physicians (and patients) wanting to avoid cardiotoxicity of unproven treatments. In trials involving taxanes, women with diabetes were often excluded because of the need for steroid pre-medications; they may also have been less likely to be enrolled because of concerns about neurotoxicity. Cardiovascular disease, dysglycemia, hyperlipidemia and hypertension are components of the insulin resistance (or metabolic) syndrome; (Alberti et al. 2009) physiologic components of this syndrome (e.g. insulin, glucose, inflammation) may mediate the association of obesity with breast cancer outcomes (see below) and it is possible these recent trials preferentially enrolled metabolically healthy women who do not have the physiologic attributes that mediate obesity-breast cancer associations. This selection process has not been investigated in a breast cancer population, however, Kramer et al. (2013) have shown that obese individuals in the general population with any one of hypertension, abnormal lipids, central obesity, abnormal glucose/diabetes or high C-reactive protein (CRP—a marker of inflammation) have significantly higher greater levels of insulin resistance [reflected by homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) scores] than those who do not have any of these attributes. This issue is of relevance not only to understanding the inconsistency of recent reports; it could also impact the design of weight loss intervention trials in breast cancer survivors. If adverse associations of BMI are present only in metabolically unhealthy women, such trials should be designed to enrich for this population.
Thus, although the associations of obesity with outcome may truly differ across breast cancer subtypes, adverse associations have been repeatedly identified in all subtypes. Design differences across studies may have contributed to the identified inconsistencies.
Obesity Versus Physical Activity
Body size reflects the net balance of energy intake vs. energy expenditure. Energy expenditure occurs as a result of resting metabolism, dietary thermogenesis and physical activity—changes in the latter (occupational and/or recreational) can help to regulate body size. Understanding the relative contribution of obesity vs. physical activity has potential implications for intervention research and patient care—for example, is physical activity in the presence of overweight or obesity sufficient to improve breast cancer outcomes? Overweight women who are physically active have cardiovascular outcomes similar to normal weight women—is the same true for breast cancer prognosis?
The association of physical activity, undertaken either before or after breast cancer diagnosis, with breast cancer specific or overall mortality has been examined in over 15 studies. Ballard-Barbash et al. (2012) recently reviewed this evidence. Modest, largely non-significant associations of pre-diagnosis physical activity with reduced breast cancer specific or overall mortality were identified (the point estimate of the HR of death was between 0.5 and 1 in virtually all studies). A somewhat larger proportion of studies reported greater physical activity post-diagnosis to be associated with reduced overall mortality; again, HRs were in the range of 0.5–1 and were not always significantly different from 1. There was little evidence that physical activity associations differed by menopausal status, tumor stage, hormone receptor status, comorbidity, race or ethnicity, or BMI (although variable BMI subgroup effects have been reported, with stronger and weaker effects seen in obese women in different studies). The available data are not sufficient to conclude a causal association exists. They may reflect (1) greater physical activity in otherwise healthy women (reverse causation bias), (2) a recall bias when physical activity is reported years after breast cancer diagnosis, or (3) adverse effects of more toxic therapy given to women with higher risk of recurrence leading to lower levels of physical activity, rather than a causal effect of physical activity on breast cancer outcomes.
Small randomized trials of physical activity in breast cancer survivors have demonstrated beneficial effects of physical activity on quality of life, treatment toxicity and fitness. Some have examined effects of physical activity on a number of biomarkers. Consistent improvements (significant or marginally significant) have been seen in biomarkers of the insulin pathway (including insulin-like growth factor-1) after physical activity interventions; these improvements may be greatest in obese and/or sedentary women. Weaker effects have been seen on markers of inflammation (CRP or interleukin-6) and circulating levels of markers of cell mediated immunity. In one trial that compared effects of physical activity alone versus dietary restriction with or without physical activity in healthy women, changes in key biomarkers postulated to mediate the obesity-breast cancer prognosis association (insulin, hsCRP, estrogens) were significantly greater in either dietary intervention arm were greater than in the physical activity only arms (e.g. insulin and estrogen decreased >20 vs. <5 %), suggesting dietary restriction leading to weight loss may be key to the link with breast cancer outcomes (Mason et al. 2011; Imayama et al. 2012; Campbell et al. 2012; Abbenhardt et al. 2013).
These observations suggest that physical activity may be most relevant as a contributor to weight management (where it may be most important in maintenance of weight loss) rather than as an independent predictor of outcome, however, they do not preclude an independent effect, particularly in women who are metabolically healthy but overweight, in whom changes in the metabolic factors discussed above may not be key mediators of a physical activity-prognosis association. Future observational and intervention research into physical activity associations with breast cancer outcomes should be prospective, use validated comprehensive assessments of physical activity, and should examine potential contributions of different types (e.g. aerobic, resistance), intensity and duration of physical activity. This research should include embedded correlative studies that prospectively examine effects of physical activity on key biomarkers (discussed below), notably insulin related factors (Ballard-Barbash et al. 2012; Lof et al. 2012), that may mediate physical activity associations with obesity and breast cancer outcomes. Finally, although sedentary behavior, independent of physical activity, may be associated with risk of some cancers (e.g. colorectal) sedentary behavior has not been examined in relation to breast cancer prognosis; this issue could also be addressed in prospective studies of physical activity.
Does Dietary Composition Contribute to Breast Cancer Outcomes?
Caloric intake exceeding energy expenditure contributes to obesity; reduction in caloric intake is a key component of weight loss interventions. It has also been suggested that dietary composition, particularly dietary fat content, may be linked to breast cancer outcomes, independent of total caloric intake. Two randomized trials (Chlebowski et al. 1992; Pierce et al. 2007) conducted in the mid to late 1990s examined the effects of (1) dietary fat reduction in isolation or (2) a complex dietary intervention that included reduction in fat intake, increases in fruits, vegetable and grains (See Table 12.2).
Table 12.2
Differing designs and results of the WINS vs. WHEL RCTs
WINS (Chlebowski et al. 1992) | WHEL (Pierce et al. 2007) | ||
Population | |||
Number | 2,437 | 3,088 | |
Enrollment period | Up to 1 year post diagnosis | Up to 4 years post diagnosis | |
Menopausal status | Post | Pre and post | |
Age | 48–79 | 18–70 | |
Intervention group | |||
Fat intake | Reduction maintained | Transient reduction | |
Weight change | 2.3 kg (3.2 %) relative loss | Modest weight gain | |
DFS | All | HR 0.76 (0.60–0.98) | HR 0.96 (0.80–1.14) |
ER- | HR 0.58 (0.37–0.91) | ||
ER+ | HR 0.85 (0.63–1.14) | ||
BMI < 25 kg/m2 | HR 0.83 (0.54–1.27) | ||
BMI 25–30 kg/m2 | HR 0.77 (0.51–1.18) | ||
BMI > 30 kg/m2 | HR 0.66 (0.41–1.0) |
The Women’s Intervention Nutrition Study (WINS) (Chlebowski et al. 1992) randomized 2,437 postmenopausal women within 1 year of breast cancer diagnosis to a 15 % fat diet or a control arm. At 12 months, intervention subjects lowered fat intake significantly and lost a mean of 2.1 kg (2.8 %) while control subjects gained a mean of 0.2 kg (0.3 %). At 60 months, a significant improvement in relapse-free survival was identified (HR 0.76, 95 % CI 0.6–0.98, 2-tailed p = 0.034) in women randomized to the reduced fat diet. In unplanned subset analyses, this effect appeared to be greatest in patients with ER- cancer (HR 0.58, 95 % CI 0.37–0.91, p = 0.018 vs. HR 0.85, 95 % CI 0.63–1.14, p = 0.277 in ER+ women) and in those with the highest BMI (HR 0.83, 95 % CI 0.54–1.27; HR 0.77, 95 % CI 0.51–1.18; HR 0.66, 95 % CI 0.41–1.0 for BMI < 25, 25–30 and ≥30 kg/m2, respectively). In contrast, the Women’s Healthy Eating and Living Study (WHEL) (Pierce et al. 2007) randomized 3,088 pre- and postmenopausal women up to 4 years post-diagnosis to a complex dietary intervention that included reduced intake of fat and increased intake of fruit, vegetables and grains. Effects of the intervention on diet were greater at 12 months than at 72 months. There was no evidence of weight loss in the intervention group and there was no effect of the intervention on disease-free (HR 0.96, 95 % CI 0.81–1.14) or overall survival (HR 0.91, 95 % CI 0.72–1.15) at 5 years.

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