15.1 Chylothorax
15.1.1 Name of Disorder
15.1.2 Clinical Definition
Chyle leakage occurs as a result of lymphatic injury from trauma or surgery in the chest, abdomen, or neck.
15.1.3 How It Is Diagnosed
Observed chylous drainage from a chest or other drainage tube. Fluid containing >100 mg/dL of triglycerides is considered indicative of a chyle leak.
15.1.4 Nutritional Implications
Decrease the production of chyle fluid by restricting long-chain triglycerides while maintaining or repleting nutritional status.
15.1.5 Pearls
Parenteral lipids are phospholipids delivered directly into the bloodstream and as a result do not pass through the lymph system as chyle. Therefore, IV lipids are not contraindicated in patients with chyle leaks.
Nutritional Algorithm for Patients on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)