<1 week: moderate risk
>1 week: high risk
Absolute neutrophil count (ANC)
<1,000/μL: moderate risk
<100/μL: high risk
However, the term neutropenia is frequently used in clinical practice as neutrophils <500/μL
Hematological stem cell transplantation (cellular immunodeficiency)
Donor-derived infections | |
Phase I: preengraftment (day 0–30) | After HCT |
Phase II: postengraftment (day 31–100) | After HCT |
Phase III: late phase (>day 100) | After HCT |
Specific immunosuppressive treatments (e.g., monoclonal antibodies, ATG)
Neutropenia <1 week rarely poses a serious risk for infectious complications if no concomitant immunosuppression is present. Special precautions are not warranted, and therefore, this situation will not be further addressed. The focus of most studies on infection control in hematology is the patient after hematological stem cell transplantation, the main focus of this chapter. Not much data exist on hospital infection control measures for neutropenic patients after induction/consolidation chemotherapies or due to the underlying disease. Published guidelines for neutropenia >1 week are usually the same as for the preengraftment period after HCT [71].
Precautions in severely immunocompromised hosts are based on several animal studies and observational clinical trials. GVHD is not observed, if mice are kept in a sterile cage and environment immediately after birth [65]. However, patients are not sterile, and most infections originate from microorganisms colonizing the body rather than from exposure to an exogenous source. Viruses and many bacteria colonizing the body are controlled by the immune system. Cytomegalovirus (CMV), polyoma viruses, and other opportunistic pathogens become clinically relevant with increase of immunosuppression. Therefore, infection control interventions may prevent only up to 50 % of nosocomial infections or at least prevent acquisition of multiresistant pathogens [17, 49]. Before implementing the recommendations of this chapter, the reader should consult regulations and laws of the country and/or their local guidelines. In addition, more specific information can be obtained from the guidelines issued by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (http://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/publications/guidance/Pages/index.aspx), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, USA (CDC) (http://www.cdc.gov/hicpac/pubs.html), or the World Health Organization (WHO) (http://www.who.int).
Prevention has gathered more attention since new antibiotics are unlikely to be developed before 2020, and the IDSA has started the program “10 by ‘20,” meaning 10 new antibiotics by 2020.
17.2 Microorganisms
17.2.1 Bacteria
As outlined above, the endogenous flora of a patient cannot be eliminated, but the flora changes over time during hospitalization. Therefore, infection control aims at preventing exposure to nosocomial multiresistant bacteria rather than controlling any bacteria. The IDSA included among the top five methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) or multiresistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii, and gram-negative bacteria expressing extended broad-spectrum betalactamases (ESBL). In addition, other pathogens expressing plasmid-mediated AmpC betalactamases are of importance [38]. These pathogens – if untreated – have the potential to abrogate a successful hematological treatment by inducing a potentially lethal sepsis. On the other hand, infection with resident bacteria is almost unavoidable when prolonged and severe neutropenia persists over weeks and months. Severe mucositis leads to translocation of bacteria in the gut and ultimately entry into the bloodstream. The commonly required central venous catheter disrupts the skin as a natural barrier and can lead to catheter-related bloodstream infections.
17.2.2 Viruses
Many viruses reside in the body and require treatment only under severe immunosuppression leading to increased replication and symptomatic disease. Endogenous viruses increasing morbidity and mortality in HCT patients are mainly cytomegalovirus (CMV) and other herpesviruses and polyomavirus [4, 36].
The most common viruses transmitted in hospitals are respiratory viruses such as influenza [25], parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), metapneumovirus, and adenoviruses. Several studies indicate that RSV infection early after HCT has a mortality rate between 30 and 60 % [41]. Less frequent, but highly contagious are varicella zoster and measles. Infections with these viruses are preventable by definition and require a source that comes directly or indirectly into contact with the susceptible patient. Visitors, especially children, and HCWs are common vectors for transmission of viruses. These individuals may not feel sick, but carry viruses in the respiratory secretions for prolonged times. Therefore, vaccination of HCWs and family members is a basic infection control procedure and wearing masks and hand hygiene are essential to prevent transmission (see below).
17.2.3 Fungi
The intestinal and respiratory tracts are colonized with bacteria and fungi. Not surprisingly, yeast infections are usually originating from the endogenous gut flora. Prevention of candidiasis with an antifungal prophylaxis has shown to reduce invasive candida infections [40]. Few studies indicate that Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP) might be transmitted by the airborne route [46]. Animal studies demonstrated that P. jirovecii could be spread through the air, and air samples from areas frequented or occupied by P. jirovecii-infected patients were positive for PCP: However, the introduction of routine prophylaxis with TMP/SMX basically eliminated the risk of PCP, independent of the mode of acquisition. Molds and many dimorphic fungi in endemic areas are airborne. High densities of fungal spores occur during construction work in close proximity of the patient [55]. Special air filtration is a mandatory precaution during construction works as are outlined below. More recently, the hospital water supply has also been described as a possible source of molds [1]. Opportunistic molds (e.g., Aspergillus and Fusarium species) can be cultured from water and on water-related surfaces of hematology units. Studies by Anaissie and colleagues indicated the potential relatedness of environmental and clinical strains among patients with aspergillosis and fusariosis by epidemiological typing [1]. A relative humidity >60 %, especially over 80 %, promotes growth of any molds in any environment. Therefore, air conditioners are frequently set at a humidity of 30–50 %. An extremely humid climate may limit the capacity of the air condition to lower the humidity below 60 %.
17.2.4 Protozoa and Helminths
Transmission of protozoa and helminths in the hospital setting is a rare event. Standard air conditioning prevents exposure to mosquitoes that may transmit malaria in southern countries. Similarly, simple water treatment, required, e.g., by regulatory agencies in Europe as well as in the USA, prevents contamination of the water with helminths. Hospitals in a highly exposed area are referred to special literature in this field.
17.3 Protective Environment (Reverse Isolation) for Hematology Units
The term isolation is most frequently used to describe measures to protect the hospital from patients spreading resistant and/or dangerous microorganisms. The term reverse isolation or protective environment (PE) or protective isolation (PI) aims to protect the patient from the hospital environment and/or contact with other patients. Many HCWs have difficulties to distinguish PE from, e.g., isolation precautions.
In the first 10–20 years after introduction of allogeneic HCT, sterile nursing in “life islands” with extensive gastrointestinal tract decontamination and sterile food supply had been considered standard of care [14]. In the 1980s, these measures have been abandoned due to lack of appropriate benefit and high costs: these units were replaced by care in single rooms with or without laminar airflow/HEPA air filters. The few randomized trials comparing PE with standard care have conflicting results, but conclude that there is a favorable effect on the infection rate [24, 51, 58] without translating into an improved survival. Few studies support to continue PE in the outpatient setting after HCT [24, 35, 67, 68].
PE must be combined with isolation precautions in patients colonized or infected with multiresistant pathogens or dangerous viruses.
17.3.1 Rooms/Ventilation
Numerous reports in healthcare facilities report airborne transmission of Aspergillus spp., Mucorales, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, measles (rubeola) virus, and varicella-zoster virus [63]. The current recommendations of the CDC to prevent airborne transmission [32] include protective care in single rooms ventilated with ≥12 air exchanges/hour with appropriate fraction of fresh air and central or point-of-use HEPA filters with 99.97 % efficiency for removing particles ≥0.3 μm in diameter, regular replacement of filters, and directed airflow [63, 69]. Twelve air exchanges per hour require a high air volume, which is generated by powerful ventilators. In new construction, noise of ventilators and uncomfortable airflow to the patient should be considered.
Consistent positive air pressure differential between the patient’s room and the hallway ≥2.5 Pa (i.e., 0.01 in. by water gauge) [63] and well-sealed rooms prevent the inflow of spore-containing air from outside. Continuous monitoring and self-closing doors prevent drops in positive pressure. Portable HEPA filters in case of shortage of protective environment have been shown to remove airborne fungal spores and mycobacteria [26, 62] and may be useful during constructions. Data to compare central versus portable filters are lacking.
As laminar airflow (LAF) – consisting of HEPA-filtered air moving in a parallel, unidirectional flow – has not improved survival in HCT recipients, it is not generally recommended, but might protect patients from infection during mold outbreaks related to hospital construction [19]. Anterooms to ensure air balance between rooms and hallways are not generally mandatory and are recommended only for certain airborne infections such as tuberculosis, measles, and varicella.
17.3.2 Cleaning
Dust control is a central issue, as dust contains spores causing mold infections. Despite the proven association of surface contamination with nosocomial infections, only little data support the value of routine surface disinfection in general hospital wards [22]. However, lack of appropriate disinfection of the surfaces is a risk factor for VRE and Clostridium difficile [37]. In addition, patients colonized or infected with methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) spread their germs all over the room: In fact, more than 50 % of the environment of such patients is contaminated with MRSA [8]. Studies demonstrate that enterococci survive in the environment of hematology units despite vigorous highly active disinfection of the surfaces [21], probably due to rapid recontamination by patients and HCWs.
CDC recommends daily wet-dusting to avoid aerosolization of dust and cleaning of horizontal surfaces with an approved hospital disinfectant [63]. Dust levels can be further reduced by avoiding carpeting and by floor and furniture surfaces with a smooth, nonporous, and washable finish, which has to be compatible with commonly used disinfectants [64]. As vacuum cleaners could aerosolize fungal spores, they should be fitted with HEPA filters. Boyce and colleagues published a new approach with hydrogen vapor to completely disinfect a room using a commercial equipment and reducing contamination and transmission of C. difficile[9].
Contamination of floor and surfaces occurs within hours after disinfection of the environment. Therefore, at least once daily disinfection of the environment is recommended in transplant units [63, 77].
Water leaks and moisture of walls lead to mold proliferation. This can easily be detected by a moisture meter. Plants, plant soil, and flower water might contain gram-negative bacteria, especially Pseudomonas spp. or molds. Pots can be visibly overgrown with molds. Therefore, most centers do not allow plants and flowers in patient rooms [69]. In addition, HCW handling plants might transmit pathogens from plants to patients, unless meticulous hand hygiene is performed. With the exception of water-retaining bath toys which have been associated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa outbreaks [13], toys should not generally be forbidden in pediatric wards but should be washed and disinfected regularly, following guidelines.
17.3.3 Construction
As mold outbreaks have been reported repeatedly during hospital construction/renovation [74], measures to reduce the content of molds in the air should be specially addressed during these high-risk periods and planned in advance [52]. In moderate climates with four seasons, fungal spores are detected in ambient air from spring to late fall. Therefore, constructions should be planned in a low fungal spore season unless LAF with 12 air changes are in place. Dust-proof barriers with airtight seals [63] and a positive pressure difference between patient care and construction or renovation areas prevent dust – and mold spores – from entering patient care areas. Patients/healthcare personnel and medical equipment should not cross construction area; paths for construction workers should be separate. If patients have to cross construction area, they should wear face masks, preferably N95 or FFP2. Air monitoring and infection surveillance should be intensified during construction.
17.3.4 Standard Barrier Precautions
Standard precautions include hand hygiene and wearing of appropriate personal protective equipment (i.e., gloves, surgical masks or eye and face protection, and gowns) during interventions/situations in which emission of blood, body fluids, secretions, or excretions is possible [73]. The WHO has set important guidelines (http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/2009/9789241597906_eng.pdf) for hand hygiene that should be followed by all persons entering the patient room before and after each patient contact. Use of alcohol-based hand rubs is superior to hand washing, the latter should be performed in case of soiled hands [11, 76]. Gloves should be worn during all interventions, leading to contact with blood, secretions, and body fluids, but are not recommended as a routine protective precaution, if hand hygiene guidelines are strictly followed. Unfortunately, compliance with hand hygiene rarely exceeds 40 % during daily care. Higher compliance is achieved in clinical studies with reported rates of >60 %, but as soon as observation is suspended, rates drop again. Certain centers use face masks either during winter seasons or even year-round to further reduce the risk of transmission of respiratory viruses. Surgical masks equally prevented transmission of influenza compared to N95 respirator [44]. This approach has not been shown to improve outcome or to reduce nosocomial infection in a randomized controlled clinical trial, but should be considered in severely immunosuppressed patients. On transports in the hospital, CDC recommends patients in the preengraftment period to wear masks. Masks are likely to prevent transmission of viruses and bacteria while in contact with visitors and other patients during transport, especially in elevators. However, a recent randomized study could not show a beneficial effect of well-fitting masks for the risk of invasive aspergillosis in high-risk patients [47]. Patients after HCT but also other immunosuppressed patients should avoid crowded areas and daycare centers for children to prevent exposure to persons with respiratory infections [32].
Airborne, droplet, or contact precautions should be applied only in case of an indication such as M. tuberculosis and MRSA colonization [64].
17.3.5 Healthcare Personnel (HCW)
Besides routine hospital hygiene measures as described above, HCW suffering from possibly transmissible infections should abstain from patient contact according to published recommendations [7]. The application of this recommendation is difficult in winter seasons, as many HCWs are coughing. A reasonable approach is to recommend routine wearing of surgical mask when entering patient rooms. Vaccination against transmissible diseases is recommended in most countries and is discussed elsewhere in this textbook. Reported outbreaks with gram-negative bacteria and Candida infections lead to the recommendation not to wear artificial fingernails while working in direct patient contact on a transplant unit [33].
17.3.6 Visitors
Visitors must be instructed to follow the general hospital hygiene rules when visiting patients. Hand hygiene should be performed before and after each patient visit. Written policies should be handed out to HCT recipients and candidates, their household contacts, and visitors. Nursing staff should screen visitors for the presence of transmissible diseases. During a symptomatic transmissible infection, after a known recent exposure to a communicable disease (e.g., chickenpox, mumps, measles, pertussis) or after receipt of a live vaccine, visitors should not see immunocompromised patients. The number of visitors should be kept low: in our center, visitors are restricted to three persons at a time.
17.3.7 Preventing Intravascular Catheter-Associated Infections
Bundle approaches to reduce the incidence of catheter-related infections should be strictly implied [54]. Non-tunneled central venous catheters used most frequently due to the need of multiple lumina in HCT patients should be disinfected daily with either chlorhexidine [59] or octenidine hydrochloride [70], which is available only in Europe. Coated catheters may be a reasonable choice for high-risk patients. Importantly, both the intraluminal surface and the extraluminal surface must be coated, e.g., by chlorhexidine [45] or minocycline/rifampin [27]. The exit site should not come into contact with tap water [30].
17.4 Nutrition
There is little data on safety of food in immunocompromised patients and most recommendations are based on uncertainties [28]. Nevertheless, besides general safety in preparation of foods, a low-microbial diet is generally recommended for HCT recipients prior to engraftment in order to reduce exposure to microbes present in food. The recommendations include avoidance of raw or undercooked meat, uncooked eggs, and seafood to prevent infection with Salmonella enteritidis, Vibrio spp., or Cryptosporidium parvum and toxoplasmosis. Recent data indicate that meat may be contaminated by methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) and gram-negative bacteria expressing broad-spectrum betalactamases (ESBL) [34, 42]. Therefore, handling or ingestion of raw meat should be avoided during the acute phase of transplantation. Unroasted raw nuts or nuts in the shell, miso products, raw grain products, non-pasteurized milk products (milk, cheese, yogurt), cheeses containing uncooked vegetables, and cheeses with molds have led to outbreaks in the past and should therefore be avoided. More detailed recommendations have been published recently [71]. Probiotics containing live yeast and bacterial cultures have shown conflicting results regarding prevention of diarrhea, but certainly have been shown to cause serious invasive infections in the severely immunocompromised host and should, therefore, not be recommended [16, 18].
17.5 Monitoring of Water and Air
Routine monitoring of water and air is commonly performed and required by law in some countries. However, there is insufficient evidence to justify routine air sampling. In fact, it is not recommended by the guidelines issued by CDC [63]. The advantage of such a monitoring is the early indication of deviances from baseline values, e.g., during construction. Air sampling for small particles gives a result within seconds, while microbiological sampling for fungal spores takes days and even weeks for full identification of fungi. Therefore, air sampling should be performed with a particulate sampler and with an air sampler for microbiological testing.
Water is frequently contaminated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, depending on the level of chlorine added to the drinking water. Bottled water without gas, especially those from large bottles (eg. 4 L) may be contaminated with Pseudomonas spp. as well. However, soft drinks in small bottles are considered to be safe if replaced daily.
17.5.1 Sinks, Shower, and Toilets
Water of hematological units should provide water free of Legionella spp., Pseudomonas spp. and fungi [2]. Commonly used systems are point-of-use filters at the faucet or a centralized system to ensure germ-free water. The sinks of toilets are almost always contaminated with fecal pathogens. Our own studies clearly demonstrate that aerosolization occurs during flushing (data not shown). Therefore, closing the toilet lid is a reasonable approach to avoid contact with frequently multiresistant P. aeruginosa. Shower drains have been shown to cause outbreaks with P. aeruginosa. Frequent disinfection of the sinks may reduce the rate of nosocomial P. aeruginosa infection [5]. A standard operating procedure should be implemented to decontaminate shower heads before biofilm becomes established, e.g., weekly decontamination with a washer-disinfector cleared by the European agency (EN DIN ISO 15883-1-2006) [23]. Manual reprocessing is also considered safe.
17.6 Surveillance of Clinical Infections
Routine surveillance of epidemiologically important multiresistant pathogens are recommended by CDC [63]. For VRE rapid detection schemes have been established [50]. Contact isolation has been advocated for MRSA and VRE. VRE phenotype VanC does not require isolation, since it is not implicated with outbreaks [72]. Cases of invasive mold infections should routinely be monitored on a stem cell transplant unit. The optimal surveillance definition for nosocomial invasive mold disease is unclear, but has been published for performing clinical studies [66]. Increases in the number of cases or emergence of a new type of mold should trigger evaluation of possible sources in the environment.
17.7 Screening for Multiresistant Pathogens on Admission
Multiresistant pathogens have become a major challenge for the treatment of infectious diseases. Asymptomatic colonization on admission remains frequently unrecognized and becomes evident only after a pathogen becomes invasive, e.g., in septicemia. The colonization status of patients on admission may guide empiric treatment during neutropenic fever. Therefore, screening patients at risk is a reasonable approach for early identification of such pathogens. In addition to protective care, patients should be isolated (e.g., disposable gowns, gloves and face masks for personnel and visitors entering contact isolation, or FFP2/3 masks in case of airborne infections). Charts should be labeled to avoid unnecessary exposure of other patients. Electronic records of colonization status help to avoid unnecessary isolation and improve patient safety (http://www.who.int/patientsafety/en/).

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