Immunity to Viruses

Chapter 13 Immunity to Viruses


Innate immune responses (mediated by anti-microbial peptides, type I interferons (IFNs), dendritic cells (DCs), natural killer (NK) cells, and macrophages) restrict the early stages of infection, delay spread of virus and promote the activation of adaptive responses. Innate defences are triggered following recognition of molecular ‘patterns’ characteristic of viral but not host components. Type I IFNs exert direct antiviral activity and also activate other innate and adaptive responses. NK cells are cytotoxic for virally infected cells. Macrophages act at three levels to destroy virus and virus-infected cells.

As a viral infection proceeds, the adaptive (specific) immune response unfolds. Antibodies and complement can limit viral spread or reinfection. T cells mediate viral immunity in several ways – CD8+ T cells destroy virus-infected cells or cure them of infection; CD4+ T cells promote antibody and CD8+ T cell responses and are a major effector cell population in the response to some virus infections.

Viruses have evolved strategies to evade the immune response. They may impair the host immune response at the induction and/or effector stages; avoid recognition by the immune response, e.g. via latency or antigenic variation; or resist control by immune effector mechanisms. Many viruses employ multiple strategies to prolong their replication in the host.

Responses induced during viral infections can have pathological consequences. Damage can be mediated by antiviral responses (e.g. via the formation of immune complexes or T cell-induced damage to host tissues) or by autoimmune responses triggered during the course of infection.

Innate immune defenses against viruses

The early stage of a viral infection is often a race between the virus and the host’s defense system, in which the virus tries to overcome host defenses in order to establish an infection and then spread to other tissues.

The initial defense against virus invasion is the integrity of the body surface – for a virus to infect its host it needs to overcome anatomical barriers such as acid pH, proteolytic enzymes, bile and mucous layers. Once these outer defenses are breached, the presence of infection triggers activation of an inflammatory response with activation of local DCs and macrophages and production of a variety of cytokines, chemokines and antimicrobial peptides that establish a local anti-viral state and guide immune system cells to the site of infection.

The innate response plays a critical role in control of early virus replication and spread. Key innate antiviral effectors include type I IFNs, TNFα, defensins, NK cells, neutrophils, and macrophages. A second important role of the innate response is to promote the activation of adaptive responses to eliminate the infection and provide protection against re-infection.

Type I interferons have critical antiviral and immunostimulatory roles

The activation of the IFN system is arguably the most important defence for containing the initial stages of virus infection. There are three major families of IFNs:

Other types of IFN exist, including IFN-ω, -τ, -δ, and -κ, some of which play a role during pregnancy. Here we will focus on the IFNs with antiviral activity. Of these, it is the type I and type III IFNs that are induced directly following virus infection, whereas IFNγ is produced by activated T cells and NK cells. Type III IFNs are much less well characterized than type I IFNs, but their functions are thought to be similar.

Type I IFN production typically starts to be induced within the first few hours after virus infection. Type I IFNs can be produced by almost any cell type in the body if it becomes infected with a virus. There are also specialized interferon-producing cells, plasmacytoid DCs, which can be triggered to produce high levels of type I IFN following exposure to virus without themselves becoming infected. This is important because, as discussed below, many viruses have evolved strategies for impairing type I IFN production in the cells they infect. Plasmacytoid DCs typically make at least half of the type I IFN produced during a virus infection.

Type I IFN production is triggered following recognition of molecular patterns characteristic of viral but not host components (Fig. 13.1). Host pattern-recognition receptors involved in detecting the presence of virus infections include:

Triggering of pattern-recognition receptors initiates signaling along pathways that culminate in the activation of transcription factors including IFN regulatory factor (IRF)3 and NFκB, which translocate into the nucleus and activate the transcription of type I IFNs and inflammatory cytokines, respectively (see Fig. 13.1). Plasmacytoid DCs also have a unique signaling pathway for induction of type I IFN production in response to TLR7 or TLR9 ligation that involves the transcription factor IRF7.

The IFN released acts on both the cell producing it and also neighboring cells where it establishes an antiviral state, enabling them to resist virus infection (Fig. 13.2).

IFNs mediate their activity by up-regulating the expression of a large number of genes known as IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs), some of which encode proteins that mediate an antiviral response. These include the key dsRNA-dependent enzymes protein kinase R (PKR) and 2′,5′-oligoadenylate synthetase.

Another inhibitor of transcriptional activation is the Mx protein, which is active against variety of RNA viruses, most notably influenza virus. Although some ISGs have broad activity against multiple viruses there are also other ISGs that mediate antiviral activity against selected classes of viruses, e.g. apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide-like (APOBEC)s, which combat infection with retroviruses including HIV-1.

In addition to the direct inhibition of virus replication, IFNs also activate macrophages and NK cells and enhance their antiviral activity (see Fig. 13.2). In addition, they help to promote the activation of adaptive responses. They act on antigen presenting cells including conventional DCs to stimulate increased expression of MHC class I and II, along with components of the antigen processing machinery; and they also act directly on T and B cells to promote an antiviral response (see Fig. 13.2).

The importance of type I IFNs in vivo is underlined by the increased susceptibility of mice lacking the IFNα/β receptor to virus infection. Similarly, depletion of IFNs by specific antibody treatment also augments virus infection.

NK cells are cytotoxic for virally-infected cells

Activated NK cells can typically be detected within 2 days of virus infection. Since viruses require the replicative machinery of live cells to reproduce, NK cells act to combat virus replication directly by recognizing and killing infected cells; they also produce cytokines such as IFNγ and TNFα and mediate important immunomodulatory effects, stimulating the activation of macrophages via IFNγ and regulating DC responses.

NK cells are non-specifically activated by innate cytokines including type I IFNs, IL-12, IL-15, and IL-18, but their activation state and effector activity are also regulated by signaling through multiple activating and inhibitory receptors.

NK cells are important in combating herpes virus infections

The NK response to murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) is especially well-characterized (Fig. 13.w1) and has given important insights into virus-NK interactions.

In the early stages of MCMV infection NK cells respond to locally-produced innate cytokines by undergoing non-specific activation and proliferation. In C57BL/6 mice, specific recognition of MCMV-infected cells is mediated by NK cells expressing the activating NK receptor Ly49H, which interacts with the MCMV protein m157 on infected cells. This results in a clonal expansion of m157-specific NK cells, which play a critical role in controlling virus replication. Mouse strains which lack Ly49H or other activating receptors that can specifically recognize MCMV are highly susceptible to infection with this virus. Notably, passage of MCMV in C57BL/6 mice leads to selection of viruses bearing mutations in the m157 gene, the replication of which is not well-controlled in these mice.

If the m157 protein of MCMV targets infected cells for recognition by NK cells, why does the virus express this protein? Although m157 enables mouse strains expressing the activating NK receptor Ly49H to recognize and destroy MCMV-infected cells, certain other inbred mouse strains express an inhibitory receptor, Ly49I, which also binds to m157 and protects the virus by inhibiting NK cell responses in these animals.

The m157-driven activation and expansion of Ly49H-expressing NK cells in C57BL/6 mice bears similarities to clonal expansion of antigen-specific T cells. Following virus clearance, the frequency of Ly49H-expressing NK cells declines – but the remaining population of cells retains the capacity to mediate a more efficient response on secondary exposure to MCMV, reminiscent of the heightened responsiveness of memory T cells. These recent findings of antigen specificity and memory (defining features of adaptive responses) in NK populations suggest that there can be overlap between features of the innate and adaptive response during virus infections – nonetheless the rapid response to naive NK cells to infection and multiple ‘generic’ mechanisms for NK activation demonstrate that their principal role is as an innate effector subset.

Jun 18, 2016 | Posted by in IMMUNOLOGY | Comments Off on Immunity to Viruses

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