© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
Gilles Freyer (ed.)Ovarian Cancer in Elderly Patients10.1007/978-3-319-23588-2_88. How to Design Clinical Trials?
Dipartimento Uro-Ginecologico, Istituto Nazionale Tumori “Fondazione G Pascale” – IRCCS, Naples, Italy
Ovarian cancer (OC) is the leading cause of mortality among patients with gynecologic malignancies [1]. More than half of all OC occurs in women older than 65 [1, 2]. The vast majority of women with ovarian cancer present with advanced stages, and curative treatment requires both aggressive surgery and chemotherapy. This approach has resulted in an improvement of the survival rates in the general population over the last decades with a median survival exceeding 50 months in most published series; the improvement is not present in the elderly population [3, 4].
Although older adults account for the majority of cancer incidence and mortality, few clinical trials have focused on this patient population [5]. Several groups reported at least a twofold increase risk of death in women older than age 65 years [6, 7]. Various theories have been proposed to account for this survival disparity in older women, including: (1) more aggressive cancer with advanced age; (2) inherent resistance to chemotherapy; (3) individual patient factors, such as multiple concurrent medical problems; and (4) physician and healthcare biases toward the elderly, which lead to inadequate surgery, less than optimal chemotherapy, and poor enrollment in clinical trials [8]. Ovarian cancer patients aged ≥70 years do frequently not receive optimal multimodal therapy despite treatment in specialized cancer centers, and their outcome is significantly impaired despite no consistent prognostic effect of age [9].
Undertreatment is the main determinant of the worse prognosis in elderly ovarian cancer patients. Debulking surgery with the intent of complete tumor resection is frequently feasible, even in advanced disease stages [10] However, cytoreduction often requires radical surgical steps like bowel resection, upper abdominal surgery or pelvic surgery, as well as para-aortic lymphadenectomy. In this context, a major concern of surgeons is the fear of a higher complication and mortality rate. According to SEER Cancer Statistic review, age remains the most predictive factor for suboptimal surgical management [11].
The same occurs for chemotherapy. Elderly patients are less frequently treated with an adequate medical treatment. Thus, it is clear that there is a need for trials including elderly patients to define guidelines and reduce undertreatment.
An important point of debate is related to the end points to be chosen in clinical trials in elderly patients.
Studies specifically concentrating on the distinct needs and expectations of elderly patients are highly desirable. These trials should also consider that apart from effects on overall survival and progression-free survival, other goals may be important for elderly patients. While in general oncology, well-established end points for clinical research exist, it may not be as relevant to the older cancer population because of competing risks of death and potentially increased impact of therapy on global functioning and quality of life.
Some authors have claimed that older adult patients with incurable disease may prefer QoL to the extension of lifetime, especially if treatment also has an impact on their functional capacity and ability to carry out daily tasks, their cognitive function, their social situation/capability to stay at home, or their caregiving abilities [12].
Which Elderly Patients Should Be Included in Clinical Trials?
The growing worldwide population of older adults has been underrepresented in clinical trials that set the standards for oncology care. In the Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG) analysis of data on 16,396 patients enrolled in 164 trials during the 1990s, patients with OC older than 65 accounted for only 30 % of all included patients [15]. Similarly, in a recent Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) survey, only 9 % of patients with cancer older than 75 were included in clinical trials of new therapies [16]. Although in the last decade improvement in the enrollment of older adults in clinical trials has occurred, the representation of older adults on trials is still far from ideal, and the enrollment fraction of patients 75 and older in clinical trials (i.e., the number enrolled divided by estimated cancer cases) worsens with increasing age. Perhaps the most concerning statistics is that older adults are underrepresented in registration trials of new drugs approved by regulatory authorities, despite the FDA’s recommendation to include older adults in clinical trials [16]. As a result, the standard drug dosing and expected side effect profile is primarily derived from a younger cohort of patients.
Two possible strategies may be adopted: to increase the number of elderly patients in conventional trials for adult or to design trials specific for elderly people who are not candidates for conventional therapies. However, how can we define the patients that can enter and those not suitable for conventional clinical trials?
Chronological age is no longer a valid exclusion criterion, and the majority of adult cooperative group clinical trials no longer specify an upper age limit. In fact, it is believed that the clinical applicability of the results of a cancer treatment trial depends largely on whether the study participants are representative of the population of interest [17]. Hence, to ensure that clinical trial results are generalizable to older patients, trials should include them in numbers proportional to their distribution among the cancer population.
However, the majority of cancer trials prohibit participation of people with hematologic, hepatic, renal, or cardiac abnormalities. Exclusions on the basis of hypertension, cardiac disease, hematologic, or pulmonary function abnormalities resulted in 8.6 %, 5.3 %, 14.1 %, and 9.3 % lower enrollment of older patients, respectively, in National Cancer Institute (NCI) trials from 1997 to 2000 [18]. Aging is associated with several physiologic changes in organ function that could alter drug pharmacokinetics and have an impact on cytotoxic chemotherapy tolerability and toxicity [19]. Renal function, as indicated by the glomerular filtration rate, is reduced with age [20]. Bone marrow reserves diminish with increasing age, and myelotoxicity can be substantially increased [21].
Multiple comorbid diseases are common in elderly cancer patients. The overall burden of comorbidities has a negative impact on patient’s survival [22, 23] and on the patient’s ability to tolerate treatment or may be a contraindication for cancer treatment (e.g., trastuzumab in patients with congestive heart failure).
In an observational study of 17,712 patients with a new primary diagnosis of cancer, survival was found to be inversely related to age, and comorbid medical conditions had an impact on survival independent of cancer stage [23].
Thus, the only way to encourage the participation of elderly people in conventional clinical trials would be to clearly define in the protocol, when there is no clear contraindication, dose adjustment, and titration strategies for patients with mild functional abnormalities related to comorbidities. In fact comorbidity conditions and toxicity are considered by physicians as the most frequently potential barriers to trial enrollment [18, 24]. Other factors that physicians consider as a barrier to enrollment are the lack of support for the older patient to manage side effects at home, transportation needs in case of toxicity, or simply that life expectancy of some patients is too short to justify participation in clinical trials [18, 25].
However, even in the case where the protocol clearly defines rules to encourage the participation of elderly people, including wider inclusion criteria and defining clear dose adjustment rules according to comorbidities, there is a proportion of aged patients that we do not feel to be safely included in conventional trials and that in our view should be included in dedicated elderly trials.
In other words these patients are vulnerable or fragile and at serious risk of excess toxicity from surgery or standard medical treatments.
Frailty is defined as a state of decreased physiological reserve and increased susceptibility to suffer disability in response to stressors [26–28]. How frailty is measured varies between a physical assessment and a more physiological assessment. Makary and colleagues used a validated scoring system of physical frailty in a prospective study of patients older than 65 presenting for elective surgery. The frailty score was based on five domains, which included weight loss, weakness, exhaustion, low physical activity, and slowed walking speed [26]. This frailty score was then compared with more conventional preoperative assessments such as the ASA score, Lee’s revised cardiac index, and Eagle score. Frailty was found to correlate with postoperative complications with an adjusted odds ratio of 1.78–2.13 for intermediately frail patients and 2.48–3.15 in frail patients. Frailty was also correlated with increased length of stay (65–89 % longer stays for frail patients) and nontraditional discharge [28]. Other investigators have looked at physiological frailty as a predictor of outcome in preoperative patients. Domains studied included comorbidity, function, nutrition, cognition, geriatric syndrome assessment, and extrinsic frailty (social support) [28]. Using this assessment of frailty, following factors found were associated most closely with 6-month mortality: cognitive dysfunction, lower albumin, having fallen in the previous 6 months, lower hematocrit, functional dependence, and increased comorbidities. Having four or more of these markers predicted 6-month mortality with a sensitivity of 86 % [28]. Although older adults have been identified as being vulnerable to side effects from cancer therapy, few oncology studies to date have specifically incorporated baseline metrics for measuring health conditions other than functional status (Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group [ECOG] or Karnofsky performance status [PS]) to identify individuals most at risk. Until recently, a consistent definition of frailty remained elusive.
Thus, the clear definition in the protocol of the type of elderly people that are enrolled is the first mandatory step when designing a clinical trial in this setting.
Tools to Better Define Elderly Cancer Patients Included in Either Conventional or Elderly Specific Clinical Trials
The cutoff point at which an adult is considered “old” has not been well defined. Traditionally, a chronological landmark has been considered the age of 70. After this age, it is reported an increased incidence of age-related physiological changes, risk factor for altered pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, potentially leading to increased treatment-related toxicity [29].
However, this cutoff is arbitrary. Aging is a highly individualized process, and all changes involved in this process cannot be predicted solely on the basis of chronological age. Aging has been defined as a loss of “entropy and fractality” [30]. Loss of “entropy” implies a progressive reduction in an individual’s functional reserve, whereas loss of “fractality” implies a progressive reduction in the ability to coordinate different activity and negotiate the environment.
Trials should be designed to capture functional reserve and ability of elderly patients. Furthermore, coexisting medical problems also led to significant use of medication; polypharmacy has been reported as a significant factor which contributes to increased chemotherapy toxicity.
Older adults may be particularly susceptible to polypharmacy, given the increased number of comorbidities in this population. Polypharmacy raises the likelihood of adverse drug reactions in older cancer patients and has been associated with increased mortality [31].
A strict assessment of comorbidities and polypharmacy in clinical trials is required because it will determine the patients’ life expectancy and clarify the generalizability of the results of the trial. CRF must be clearly designed to capture this scenario.
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment in Clinical Trials
In clinical practice, the major issue of the older population is heterogeneity. Some older patients will tolerate chemotherapy or surgery as well as their younger counterparts, while others will experience severe toxicity, requiring treatment reduction, treatment delay, or permanent discontinuation. Thus, a major issue confronted by oncologists treating older cancer patients is how to effectively select patients suitable for standard or attenuated therapy. This is mainly relevant for treatments such as classical chemotherapy and high risk surgery, which can have severe potential impact on functionality, quality of life (morbidity), and even potentially life-threatening toxicity (iatrogenic mortality).
Comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) is an approach developed and used by the geriatricians to set up an individualized and proactive care plan. It evaluates the patients’ global and functional status, in order to improve treatment decisions and outcomes. The definition of CGA according to the consensus conference, supported by the National Institute of Aging in 1989, states the following: CGA is a multidimensional, interdisciplinary patient evaluation that leads to the identification of patient’s problems.
CGA assesses the presence of comorbidities, mental status and emotional conditions, social support, the nutritional status of the elderly patient, polypharmacy, and the presence or absence of geriatric syndromes [32, 33]. CGA is useful for detecting reversible factors that interfere with treatment (inadequate social support, malnutrition, reversible comorbidity, etc.); estimating the risk for mortality according to the functional state of the patient, the degree of comorbidity (e.g., depression and anemia are associated with increased mortality), and the presence of geriatric syndromes; and estimating tolerance to chemotherapy, which is lower in patients with functional dependency, comorbidity, malnutrition, and/or anemia [34].
It has been shown that CGA has a better relevance and accuracy in the cancer patient than a simple clinical evaluation, such as PS assessment [35].
Data concerning CGA and its ability to detect unknown health problems in elderly cancer population are consistent and promote its use in clinical practice and in clinical trials including elderly patients. A pilot study assessed the ability of repeated CGAs to detect undiagnosed or undertreated problems in breast cancer patients (median age 79): An average of six unaddressed/underaddressed problems/patients were detected at baseline, and three new problems occurred over the following months [36].
The prognostic and predictive role of CGA has been investigated in multiple studies. Winkelmann and colleagues [37] reported a prospective trial with 143 patients newly diagnosed with malignant lymphoma who were evaluated by CGA including ADL, IADL, and comorbidities. In a Cox regression analysis, IADL (hazard ratio [HR] 2.1; 95 % confidence interval [CI] 1.1–3.9) and comorbidity (HR 1.9; 95 % CI 0.9–3.9) were independent and most strongly associated with survival time.
CGA has been also used in ovarian cancer trials. In the GINECO “carboplatin-cyclophosphamide” study, three factors seemed to have a poor prognostic value, of which two emerged from the CGA: symptoms of depression and more than six comedications taken daily, along with FIGO stage IV [38]. In the final analysis done pooling two GINECO studies (155 patients included), symptoms of depression had an independent poor prognostic value (hazard ratio = 5.11, PG 0.001), as well as FIGO stage IV, paclitaxel use, and lymphopenia at study entry [39].
Furthermore, in the Freyer et al. experience, CGA was also promising in enlightening health parameters linked to severe treatment-related toxicity. In their prospective analysis conducted over a 12-year interval, 83 patients aged 70 years and older with advanced ovarian carcinoma who were treated with carboplatin and paclitaxel were included. A geriatric assessment was performed prior to the initiation of therapy. Several elements of the geriatric assessment predicted the occurrence of severe toxicity with chemotherapy, including depression (P ≤ .003) and intake of six or more medications per day (P ≤ .043) [38].
A recent review evaluating the role of CGA in 411 controlled trials shows a diversity of affected domains correlating with the different end points. Nutritional status, functionality, and comorbidity were most often associated with worse outcome and severe toxicity caused by chemotherapy. In addition geriatric assessment revealed unknown geriatric problems in more than 50 % of oncogeriatric patients, and 21–53 % of chemotherapy regimens were modified based on CGA [40].
Recently, two models predicting the risk of severe side effects from chemotherapy in older patients have been proposed: The Chemotherapy Risk Assessment Scale for High-Age Patients (CRASH) score [41] and the Cancer and Aging Research Group score [42] validated in some studies, but not routinely integrated in CGA.
The CGA approach allows the discrimination of patients into three broad categories: (a) fit elderly patients who do not have any serious comorbidity and no dependence (fit patients), (b) frail patients with significant dependency and comorbidities, and finally (c) patients with some IADL dependency with or without severe comorbidity (vulnerable patients). Patients in the first group are good candidates for almost every form of cancer treatment as they tolerate anticancer treatment as well as their younger counterparts with similar outcomes in terms of survival [43]. These patients can be included in conventional clinical trials increasing the generalizability of the results.
Patients of the second group are usually offered only best supportive care or only single-agent palliative chemotherapy, while for the third category of patients, which is the biggest, individualized approaches are recommended [44]. The two latter categories are those where specific clinical trials should be designed.
The literature needs information from all the three categories of elderly patients, but it is very important that when reporting results or designing trial this distinction is made clear.
Besides its prognostic role in medical oncology, preoperative CGA assessment of elderly cancer patients before elective surgery also showed similar effectiveness in evaluating oncogeriatric fitness for surgery and predicting perioperative complications in elderly patients and this may be of particular importance in ovarian cancer. At the 2011 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting, Basso and colleagues [45] presented the results of a prospective cohort of older cancer patients who received a multidimensional geriatric assessment. Patients who were fit according to Balducci criteria had a 2-year survival of 83 %, those who were vulnerable 70 %, and those who were frail 60 %.
A validated instrument for presurgical assessment of the elderly or patients with OC who have performance status challenges does not yet exist. The PACE (Preoperative Assessment of Cancer in the Elderly) tool was developed to combine elements of the CGA with surgical risk tools. Instruments included in the PACE are a mini-mental state inventory, activities of daily living (ADLs), instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), geriatric depression scale (GDS), brief fatigue inventory (BFI), ECOG performance status (PS), ASA and Satariano’s index of comorbidities. This tool has been studied prospectively among 460 patients undergoing surgery for breast cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, genitourinary cancer, and others. Researchers found no significant association of age with postoperative complications. IADL, moderate to severe BFI, and abnormal PS were most predictive of 30 days morbidity; ADL, IADL, and PS were associated with extended hospital stay [46, 47]. However, even if this approach was able to predict the risk of both postsurgical complications and extended hospital stay, predictive accuracy of this approach needs to be further validated in future studies.
Although CGA clearly reveals extra information, and the International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG) recommends a CGA-based approach to elderly cancer patients, full geriatric assessment of every patient older than 65 years remains a challenge for a busy oncological department but may be highly recommendable for clinical trials including elderly patients.
Due to the complexity of CGA, some authors used simple and short screening questionnaires. Two examples of shorter surveys include the Cancer and Aging Research Group (CARG) Geriatric Assessment and Toxicity Score and The Geriatric Vulnerability Score (GVS). CARG-GA is a feasible assessment (mean time to completion is 27 min, mostly self-administered), and the shorter toxicity score predicted grade 3–5 chemotherapy toxicity [42].
In the GINECO phase II study, Freyer et al. identified six prognostic factors of poorer survival: low albumin (<35 g/L), low ADL score (<6), low IADL score (<25), lymphopenia (<1G/L), and a high HADS score (>14). Based on these predictive factors, the authors developed a scoring system. The Geriatric Vulnerability Score (GVS) was validated on a bootstrap analysis to predict survival, both in the EOC 2 and EOC 3 studies [48]. With a cutoff of three, the number of factors identified two groups of patients with different prognostic outcomes and tolerance to chemotherapy. Indeed, patients with a GVS score ≥3 had a worse OS (11.5 months vs. 21.7 months, respectively; HR, 2.94; p < 10–4); experienced a lower rate of chemotherapy completion (65 % compared with 82 %, respectively; OR = 0.41; p = 0.04); a higher incidence of adverse events (53 % vs. 29 %; OR = 2.8; p = 0.009); and higher incidence of unplanned hospitalization (53 % vs. 30 %; OR = 2.6; p = 0.02). The use of GVS score appears helpful in selecting those at greatest risk; validation studies with larger cohorts are needed [49].

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