Hospital and Physician Rating Websites: Ethical Challenges Without Context

The utility and reliability of hospital and practitioner rating systems is currently limited due to the use of various, often unclear criteria

It is important to be aware that some sites will assist hospitals in improving their rating for a fee

Practitioners should actively review their presence on rating sites as many, but not all, encourage correction of inaccurate information

Customer service aspects visits (parking issues, interaction with receptionist, etc.) often impact practitioner ratings by patients



Healthcare Association of New York State (HANYS) Quality Institute. HAYNS’ report on report cards: understanding publicly reported hospital quality measures. October 2013. http://​www.​hanys.​org/​quality/​data/​report_​cards/​2013/​docs/​2013_​hanys_​report_​card_​book.​pdf. Accessed 9 May 2016.


Rice S. Modern Healthcare. Experts question hospital raters’ methods. May 31, 2014. http://​www.​modernhealthcare​.​com/​article/​20140531/​MAGAZINE/​305319980. Accessed 7 June 2016.


Informed Patient Institute. http://​informedpatienti​nstitute.​org/​. Accessed 9 May 2016.


The Advisory Board. https://​www.​advisory.​com/​. Accessed 9 May 2016.

Jul 2, 2017 | Posted by in GERIATRICS | Comments Off on Hospital and Physician Rating Websites: Ethical Challenges Without Context

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