Electron Treatment




Question 2

What is the practical range Rp for electrons?


Question 3

What effect does changing the source-to-skin distance (SSD) have on the electron depth dose curve?


Question 4

What is the field size dependence of R90 and Rp?


Answer 2

The practical range is the depth of electron penetration. It is the point at which the tangent to the descending portion of the depth dose curve intersects with the backward extrapolation of the bremsstrahlung tail. Practical range in cm is approximately ½ E(MeV).


Answer 3

The effect is fairly minimal due to the shallowness of the penetration of the electron beam. However, for higher energies the R90 can be shifted distally a few mm as SSD increases.


Answer 4

When the field size is above a threshold value, there is no depth dose variation. Below this threshold (which varies with beam energy), there can be significant variation. The depth of R90 or range of 90% dose is shifted increasingly toward the surface as field size decreases. Rp does not change with field size as it reflects the energy of the beam only.


Question 6

What are some cases where skin collimation would be preferable to using a cutout?


Question 7

What is the rough approximation for the useful depth for an electron beam as it relates to its energy?


Question 8

An electron beam will be used to treat a tumor whose most distal depth is 4.8 cm. Assume there are no critical structures beyond the tumor. What energy should be used?


Answer 6

The primary benefit of skin collimation is a much sharper penumbra compared with a cutout. This is useful for:

    Small field treatments

    Providing maximal protection to adjacent critical structures

    Reducing penumbra beneath a bolus

    Reducing penumbra beneath an extended air gap

    Reducing penumbra in electron arc therapy


Answer 7

The useful depth in cm is the approximate point where the 80% to 90% isodose line occurs:

D80(cm) ~ 1/3 E(MeV) or D90(cm) ~ E(MeV)/3.3. Note that E/4 has also been used to approximate D90. It is important to check percent depth dose curves (PDDs) for specific field size to choose the right energy for depth of treatment required.


Answer 8

Typically, the tumor should be covered by the 90% isodose line. A rule of thumb for determining the energy to use is

Ep,0 ~ 3.3 × R90(cm)

So in the example the energy selected would be 3.3 × 4.8 = 15.8, so a 16 MeV beam should be selected. To cover with the 80% isodose line, the rule of thumb is

Ep,0 ~ 3 × R80(cm)

and so the energy would be 3 × 4.8 = 14.4 or 15 MeV.


Question 10

Why is bolus used in electron therapy and what kind of material is bolus made from?


Question 11

How would the depth dose for a rectangular field of width L × W be determined, if the depth doses for square fields L × L and W × W are known?


Question 12

Electron beams are ideally treated en face, or perpendicular to a flat patient surface. What is the effect of treating on a sloped, or oblique, skin surface?


Answer 10

Bolus is used to: (1) reduce surface irregularities, (2) limit the penetration of the electron beam in certain places, and (3) increase the surface dose. Bolus is made of a tissue equivalent Z material. Commonly used bolus materials include wax, paraffin gauze, superflab, and other pliable plastics.


Answer 11

At a given depth d,



Answer 12

Treating on an oblique surface creates: increased surface dose, a higher maximum dose, a shift in R90 toward the surface, and an increase in Rp. These changes are most significant at angles of obliquity >30°. Beam obliquity increases side scatter at the point of maximum dose, increases the depth of penetration of the beam, and moves Dmax deeper into the patient.


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Apr 9, 2017 | Posted by in ONCOLOGY | Comments Off on Electron Treatment

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