Diet and Disease

CHAPTER 8 Diet and Disease



Cardiovascular diseases account for a significant proportion of total morbidity and mortality in adults throughout the world. An understanding of the following terms should be useful in interpreting the literature.

Atherosclerosis is the basic pathological lesion which tends to occlude the arteries to a varying extent. A thrombus, or clot, may further narrow the artery to the extent that it becomes totally blocked. When atherosclerosis affects the arteries supplying the heart muscle (coronary arteries) the person may experience angina pectoris or myocardial infarction. Angina pectoris is characterized by pain in the chest which is brought on by exertion or stress, whilst a myocardial infarction results from death of some of the heart muscle and is experienced as very acute and prolonged chest and often arm pain. Together these two conditions are referred to as coronary heart disease (CHD) or ischaemic heart disease. When a similar disease process influences the blood supply to the brain a stroke occurs which typically results in weakness or paralysis of one side of the body.

Prevalence of cardiovascular disease

In most industrialized countries CHD is the commonest single cause of death. Overall rates are higher in men than women, though as women age CHD contributes a greater proportion of total mortality. There is a wide variation in rates between countries; at the extremes, states comprising the former Soviet Union have a rate of 500 per 100,000, ten times the rate of Japan. Even across Europe there are notable differences; rates are much higher in Scotland, Finland and Poland (all more than 300 per 100,000) than in France (about 100 per 100,000) for example. These differences are attributed mainly to differences in lifestyle and this is borne out by the fact that migrant populations usually adopt the risk profile of their host country. Migrants from Japan to USA, for example, have a much higher CHD risk than in Japan. In the last 30 years rates of CHD have declined in Western European countries, North America and Oceana whilst in Eastern European countries rates are rising. In some countries, said to be in a state of nutritional transition, such as India and South Africa, affluence and poverty tend to coexist and rates of CHD are rising rapidly.

Box 8.1 shows accepted risk factors for CHD. These include non-modifiable factors such as age or gender, and lifestyle factors including smoking, physical activity and diet, or their biomarkers. Risk factors for CHD have principally been identified in prospective cohort studies. Many of these modifiable factors are associated with a graded increase in risk and in the case of cholesterol and blood pressure there is convincing evidence from randomized controlled intervention trials that lowering the risk factor reduces risk.

Epidemiological and experimental evidence linking diet with cardiovascular disease

The link with saturated and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids

The Seven Countries Study of Ancel & Keys and co-workers was absolutely central to our early understanding of a link between dietary intake and CHD risk. This study examined the associations between dietary intakes and 10-year CHD mortality rates of 16 population groups in seven countries. A strong correlation was noted between CHD and the percentage of energy derived from saturated fat and weaker inverse associations were found between CHD and percentages of energy derived from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat. Saturated fat was believed to increase coronary heart disease risk because of its ability to elevate blood cholesterol levels, and polyunsaturated fat (chiefly n-6 fatty acids) provided its modest protective effect via cholesterol-lowering. These observations led to many more studies and it is now clear that dietary saturated and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids act predominantly through effects on low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, for which total cholesterol is a surrogate measure. In fact the effect of altering dietary cholesterol on LDL is much smaller than the effects of altering the intakes of various fatty acids. Experimental studies have shown large inter-individual variation in the lipoprotein responses to altering lipid intakes. It is thought that this can be explained by polymorphisms in key genes, but what these gene polymorphisms are is not yet clear. Saturated fatty acids can also increase CHD risk through mechanisms other than effects on lipoproteins, including a lowering of insulin sensitivity and an increase in platelet aggregation.

Nutritional and dietary determinants of cardiovascular risk

Understanding the relationships between diet and cardiovascular disease risk depends upon reliable methods for estimating dietary intake as well as accurate incidence or mortality statistics. Early studies used national food consumption data, the food balance sheets of the Food and Agriculture Organization, or household food surveys. Positive associations with saturated fat, sucrose, animal protein and coffee, and negative correlations with flour (and other complex carbohydrates) and vegetables are some of the associations described. However, these early studies were important principally as hypothesis-generating and could not prove cause and effect.

The following sections consider some of the dietary components for which more recent evidence suggests an association with CHD risk.

Clinical trials of dietary modification

While prospective epidemiological studies provide strong evidence of risk or protection associated with individual nutrients or foods, proof of causality and the ultimate level of evidence for dietary recommendations requires randomized controlled trials. The early trials all focused on lowering cholesterol levels, usually by increasing the dietary polyunsaturated:saturated (P:S) ratio. More recent trials have involved multifactorial interventions, including dietary change intended to improve all nutrition-related risk indicators as well as attempts to modify risk factors which are not diet-related, such as cigarette smoking. Dietary intervention trials have been undertaken in people with and without evidence of CHD at the time the study was started – called secondary and primary prevention trials respectively. This section describes briefly a few landmark trials (Table 8.1) and presents an overview of the important investigations of this kind.

The Los Angeles Veterans Administration Study examined the cholesterol-lowering effect of an intervention to reduce cholesterol and saturated fat intake in male volunteers between 55 and 89 years of age. The intervention was successful in lowering cholesterol and this was associated with a decrease in mortality from cardiovascular disease. The beneficial effect of the cholesterol-lowering diet was most evident in those with high cholesterol levels at the start of the study.

The Oslo Trial was a programme of dietary advice and support to stop smoking among Norwegian men. All those who participated in the study were either smokers or had elevated serum cholesterol at the outset. The intervention elicited a decrease in serum cholesterol and a reduction in the incidence of coronary events.

The Diet and Reinfarction Trial (Dart trial) was carried out among men who had already experienced a myocardial infarction, thus it was a secondary prevention trial. Men were randomized to one of three interventions – (1) a reduction of fat intake and an increase in the ratio of polyunsaturated to saturated fat, (2) an increase in fatty fish intake (or fish oil supplement), and (3) an increase in cereal fibre. The consumption of fatty fish elicited a decrease in all-cause mortality but the other interventions had no effect over the two years of the study.

The Lyons Heart Study was a secondary prevention trial among men with ischaemic heart disease. Patients either received conventional dietary advice or advice to follow a traditional Mediterranean diet which included more bread, legumes, vegetables and fruit and less meat and dairy products. This diet was lower in saturated fat and richer in n-3 fatty acids than the control diet. The group consuming the Mediterranean diet experienced a reduction in cardiovascular events as well as total mortality.

The Cambridge Heart Antioxidant Study (CHAOS) was a secondary prevention trial in which 2000 men and women were randomized to receive α-tocopherol (at two doses), or placebo. After 1.4 years non-fatal myocardial infarction was substantially reduced in those receiving α-tocopherol at either dose compared with the control group but there were marginally more total deaths in the α-tocopherol than the control group.

The GISSI-Prevenzione Study was also a secondary prevention trial, in this case using long chain n-3 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids), vitamin E (300 mg), or both, in subjects who had had a myocardial infarction. The group who received the n-3 fatty acids showed a decrease in cardiovascular events, including non-fatal myocardial infarction. A smaller, non-significant reduction in event rate was seen with vitamin E supplementation.

No cardioprotective effect of vitamin E was seen in the Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation (HOPE) Study in which patients at high risk of cardiovascular events were randomized to receive placebo, 400iu vitamin E (268 mg) or drug treatment (an angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor) and followed for 4.5 years.


Cholesterol lowering by dietary means reduces coronary events in the context of both primary and secondary prevention. An increase in polyunsaturated fatty acids, a reduction in saturated fatty acids, and an increase in non-starch polysaccharide (dietary fibre) and starch, may all help to reduce cardiovascular risk. Monounsaturated fatty acids have a neutral effect. Antioxidant nutrient supplementation is less likely to be effective.

Dietary advice to reduce risk of occurrence or recurrence of cardiovascular events includes a reduction in saturated fatty acids and an increase in fruit, vegetables and low fat dairy products. Foods to be eaten regularly include pulses, fresh fruit, vegetables (starchy and non-starchy, salad vegetables), breads and cereals, brown rice and wholemeal pasta, fish, lean meat or poultry, nuts. Foods to eat only occasionally include cakes, crisps, chips, white bread, full fat cheeses, butter. Foods to avoid include chips cooked in dripping, lard or hardened margarine, sugar-coated cereals, meat fat, processed meat, cream.


Aetiology and pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus

Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Type 1 diabetes is considered to be an autoimmune disease characterized by a cell-mediated autoimmune destruction of pancreatic β-cells that results in a partial or total inability to secrete insulin, and life-long need for insulin administration. Genetic factors make an important contribution to this condition but do not fully explain its aetiology. Environmental factors could contribute to the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes mellitus through a direct toxic effect on the β-cells, triggering an autoimmune reaction against the β-cells, or damaging β-cells so as to increase their susceptibility to autoimmune destruction. Environmental factors include drugs or chemicals, viruses and dietary factors. There is, for example, evidence for a close relationship between cow’s milk consumption and incidence of type 1 diabetes in childhood.

Type 1 diabetes develops over many years, and can be considered as a multistage process starting with a genetic susceptibility, requiring a triggering event, progressing to active autoimmunity, gradual loss of glucose-induced insulin secretion and finally to overt diabetes. In metabolic terms, a failure to secrete insulin leads to hyperglycaemia because of increased glucose production by the liver and reduced glucose utilization by peripheral tissue (Fig 8.1). The liver increases the rate of gluconeogenesis from extrahepatic fuels including alanine, lactate and glycerol. Glucose utilization decreases as a result of the failure of insulin to adequately facilitate glucose entry into cells, resulting in an increased availability of free fatty acids. An increased rate of fatty acid oxidation leads to an increase in the production of ketone bodies by the liver. Ketone bodies are an important fuel for the brain in times of reduced glucose availability. All these metabolic abnormalities account for the classic symptoms and signs of the disease, such as glycosuria, polyuria, polydipsia (thirst), and weight loss.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Type 2 diabetes mellitus accounts for the great majority of all cases of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes, until recently referred to as non-insulin-dependent diabetes, is characterized by disorders of insulin action and secretion. These individuals may not require insulin treatment. Most of these patients are obese or have increased body fat predominantly in the abdominal region. The incidence and prevalence is increasing in the adult population but reports also indicate an emerging problem among children and adolescents.

Patients with type 2 diabetes have two major metabolic defects: (1) impaired insulin secretion, and (2) resistance to insulin action at the liver, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. Although genetic factors may play a role in the development of this disease, diet, including a high intake of saturated fats, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle are considered to be the main risk factors predisposing to the disease. Macrovascular complications such as myocardial infarction, heart failure and acute stroke account for much of the morbidity and associated mortality. Type 2 diabetes is often associated with other factors including raised arterial blood pressure, raised plasma triacylglycerols and central obesity together comprising the condition known as ‘metabolic syndrome’.

Although type 2 diabetes is understood to be a disease primarily of insulin resistance at peripheral tissues, the secretion of insulin by the β-cells of the pancreas is inappropriately low for a given plasma glucose concentration. The main feature of the defect in insulin secretion seems to be a loss of sensitivity to glucose by the β-cell and a resulting impaired insulin secretion. The exact mechanisms for this defect are not understood but people with type 2 diabetes do have a smaller number of β-cells in their pancreas, and the β-cells themselves have certain abnormalities.

The main pathological feature of type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance, in which a given concentration of insulin produces a less than normal biological response. Insulin has a range of metabolic effects in the body, predominantly leading to the storage of nutrients (as glycogen, fat and protein). In addition, insulin regulates water and electrolyte balance and stimulates cell growth and differentiation. The underlying mechanisms for insulin insensitivity are not completely understood but evidence suggests that defects in insulin signalling, glucose transport and metabolic pathways of intracellular glucose utilization may all be involved.

Central to the altered biochemistry of type 2 diabetics is the fact that the uptake of glucose by skeletal muscle and adipose tissue is impaired with a net rise in blood glucose in both the fasted and the post-prandial state. It has been demonstrated that the ability of insulin to stimulate glucose uptake by the skeletal muscle is reduced by 40–50% in diabetic patients compared with normal subjects. Additionally, in type 2 diabetes, particularly when associated with obesity, the ability of insulin to suppress lipolysis is markedly impaired and there is an increased flux of free fatty acids (FFA) from adipose tissue into the plasma. The result is a chronic elevation of plasma FFA and triglyceride levels together with excessive deposition of fat in various tissues. In addition, type 2 diabetic patients tend to have abnormally increased glucose production in the post-absorptive state, which contributes to fasting hyperglycaemia. Although lifestyle factors are considered to be the most important determinants of type 2 diabetes there may be a contribution by mutations in some genes important to insulin secretion and effectiveness. Evidence suggests that defects in individual genes are unlikely to be important unless they occur in a large number at the same time.

Vascular complications

Management of diabetes mellitus


The overall objective in the management of patients with diabetes mellitus is to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Nutritional management is the cornerstone of treatment, both for types 1 and 2, and complements the use of hypoglycaemic drugs or insulin. Dietary recommendations for people with diabetes are very similar to those given to the general population for the promotion of good health. Dietary strategies for patients with diabetes have to be considered as lifelong strategies.

The majority of patients with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese, and this is becoming more common in patients with type 1 diabetes, especially in those following intensive insulin therapy. Reduction in body weight improves outcomes in patients with both type 1 and 2 diabetes. Blood glucose control, insulin resistance, blood pressure and lipid abnormalities have all been shown to improve in association with weight reduction.

Dietary intervention can also be effective in preventing the onset of type 2 diabetes in high risk individuals. Intervention trials have shown that weight loss achieved in high risk individuals consuming diets with reduced saturated fat and increased dietary fibre, in conjunction with increased physical activity, can reduce risk of type 2 diabetes.

Experts agree that patients with diabetes should consume diets in which the energy from saturated fat is less than 10% of total energy intake and cholesterol intake less than 300 mg per day. Foods rich in dietary fibre and/or with a low glycaemic index make an important contribution to glucose control and can improve blood lipid profile, therefore legumes, fruits, cereals and other vegetables are recommended. The effectiveness of a meal in modulating blood glucose is related to the glycaemic index of the constituent foods. The glycaemic index is a measure of the extent to which a food raises blood glucose concentration compared with an equivalent amount of a reference carbohydrate (glucose or white bread). A diet containing mainly low glycaemic index foods improves the metabolic control in diabetic patients and may have favourable effects on other cardiovascular risk factors. Therefore foods with a low glycaemic index (eg legumes, oats, pasta, parboiled rice, and certain raw fruits) should replace, whenever possible, those with a high glycaemic index. Additionally, in accordance with general guidelines for the promotion of good health, diabetic patients should consume less than 6 g salt per day to control blood pressure and restrict their daily alcohol intake to one or two units alcohol (women and men respectively).

Hypoglycaemic oral agents and insulin therapy

Patients with type 2 diabetes who do not respond adequately to a diet and exercise regimen will be given oral hypoglycaemic medication. Metformin induces weight loss and contributes to the normalization of blood glucose and for these reasons is considered the first choice drug in the treatment of overweight diabetic patients. Sulphonylureas are generally employed for normal weight patients. If adequate glucose control is not achieved with the use of either or both of these drugs or other drugs in current use, insulin therapy can be included in the treatment.

Insulin is central to the management of type 1 diabetes, and, when diet and oral hypoglycaemic drugs prove inadequate, may also be useful for type 2 diabetic patients. Insulin therapy is tailored to each patient but is commonly administered by injection three times a day, the goal of the treatment being maintenance of blood glucose within defined limits, both under fasting and post-prandial conditions.


Distribution of cancers throughout the world

Figure 8.2 shows age-standardized incidence rates for the common cancers in developed and developing countries. Lung cancer is the commonest cancer in men in both developed and developing countries. Cancers of the prostate and colorectum are the next most common in developed countries whilst in developing countries cancers of the stomach and liver are the most common after lung cancer. Breast cancer is by far the most common cancer among women in both developed and developing countries. Cancers of the colorectum and lung are the next most important in developed countries, whilst in developing countries cancer of the cervix has a similar incidence to breast cancer.

Cancer rates in the UK

The four commonest cancers in the UK are cancers of the lung, breast, colorectum and prostate – together these account for over half of all new cancer cases. In men, lung cancer rates have shown a steady fall since the 1970s due to reductions in cigarette smoking (Fig 8.3). In contrast, prostate cancer rates have increased markedly over the last 40 years, due partly to increased and earlier detection. In women, breast cancer incidence rates have increased over the last 40 years, with a steep increase around 1990 largely due to increased and earlier detection. Lung cancer rates have increased substantially in women due to increases in cigarette smoking.

Pathophysiology of cancer

Most cancers develop from a single cell that grows and divides more than it should, resulting in the formation of a tumour or cancer. Cancers growing in most tissues take the form of a lump that grows, invades local non-cancerous tissues, and may spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream. Cancers arising in the cells of the blood, such as leukaemia, do not form a lump because the cells are floating freely throughout the bloodstream. Most deaths due to cancer are caused by the spread of the cancer from its site of origin into adjacent areas and to other parts of the body. The transfer of the cancer from one site to another site not directly connected with it is called metastasis.

The change from a normal cell into a cancer, termed carcinogenesis, is a multi-stage process and can take several decades; consequently incidence of most cancers is highest among the elderly. Carcinogenesis is fundamentally a process of alterations (mutations) in DNA. Typically the change from a normal cell to cancer requires mutations in a few different genes. Mutations in genes involved in the control of cell division and cell death (apoptosis) are especially important. Some mutations are inherited, while others are caused by factors such as ionizing radiation, chemical carcinogens and viruses.

The key genes in carcinogenesis can be considered in two classes: oncogenes, genes that when over-activated lead to over-stimulation of cell growth and cell division; and tumour suppressor genes, which normally limit the rate of cell division.

Non-dietary causes of cancer

The proportions of cancer due to avoidable causes have been estimated by Doll & Peto and are shown in Table 8.2. These estimates apply to Western countries such as the USA or the UK; in developing countries the proportion of cancer due to infective factors would be higher. Worldwide, the most important preventable cause of cancer is tobacco, which causes cancers of the mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, larynx, lung, pancreas, kidney (pelvis) and bladder. Infectious agents are responsible for about 9% of cancers worldwide, with the proportion being higher in developing countries. For example, hepatitis B and C viruses cause liver cancer, human papillomavirus causes cervical cancer and the trematode worm, Schistosoma haematobium, is a major cause of bladder cancer in Egypt and Tanzania. Hormonal and reproductive factors are important determinants of cancers of the breast, ovary and endometrium and childbirth reduces the risk for all three. Ionizing radiation makes a modest contribution to cancer causation; in the UK, for example, approximately 5% of lung cancers are due to naturally occurring radon gas inside buildings. Finally, a small proportion of cancers is caused by factors such as ultraviolet light, medical drugs, occupational exposures and pollution.

Table 8.2 Proportions of cancer deaths attributable to different lifestyle and environmental and behavioural factors in countries such as the United Kingdom

Factor Best estimate of proportion (%)
Tobacco 30
Diet 25
Hormonal factors 15
Alcohol 6
Infections 5
Ionizing radiation 5
Occupation 2
Pollutants 2
Ultraviolet light 1
Medical drugs <1

Adapted from Doll & Peto 2003

Diet and cancer

Dietary factors can both increase or reduce the risk for developing cancer, and the size of the effect on risk may be small or moderate (usually less than two-fold), compared to the very large effects of some other agents.

For all the common cancers, rates vary widely between populations in different parts of the world and when people migrate from one country to another they typically adopt the cancer rates of their new host country, indicating the importance of environment in determining cancer risk. Comparisons of dietary patterns and cancer rates in different countries have generated useful hypotheses linking diet with cancer risk. For example, this type of study led to the hypothesis that high intakes of meat may increase the risk for colorectal cancer, and that high intakes of fat may increase the risk for breast cancer. Hypotheses generated by these sorts of studies can be tested in case control and prospective cohort studies and randomized controlled trials (refer to chapter 12 for an explanation of study design).

Case control studies compare dietary intake, or biomarkers of dietary intake, in people with cancer with people who do not have cancer. However, case control studies suffer from bias in dietary recall in cancer patients and results need to be interpreted cautiously. Prospective cohort studies collect dietary intake data, or collect blood for biomarkers measurements, in a healthy cohort and make comparisons between those people who develop cancer with those who do not, at a later date. Randomized trials eliminate bias, and positive results from such trials provide clear evidence that the intervention has caused the change in cancer risk. Generally however, such trials test the efficacy of a nutrient supplement and intervention trials of foods or dietary patterns are uncommon even though they would be much more informative.

Jun 13, 2016 | Posted by in ENDOCRINOLOGY | Comments Off on Diet and Disease

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