Radiotherapy is a valid curative alternative to surgery for prostate cancer. However, patient selection is critical to ensure patients obtain benefits from therapy delivered with curative intent. Dose-escalated radiation has been shown to improve patient outcomes, facilitated by development of robust image guidance and better target delineation imaging technologies. These concepts have also rekindled interest in hypofractionated radiotherapy in the forms of stereotactic body radiotherapy and brachytherapy. Postprostatectomy radiotherapy also improves long-term biochemical outcome in men at high risk of local recurrence.
Key points
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Radiation is a potent genotoxic agent that induces clonogenic cell death through apoptosis and terminal senescence.
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Increasing radiation dose is associated with improved biochemical outcomes, and is facilitated by improvements in image guidance and better target delineation.
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Neoadjuvant or adjuvant androgen deprivation improves biochemical and survival outcomes in intermediate-risk and high-risk patients, but the benefits must be measured against potential toxicity.
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Prostate cancer may respond to higher doses per fraction than other tumors, which has led to the current interest in brachytherapy and stereotactic body radiotherapy.
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There is level 1 evidence regarding the improved outcomes achieved with adjuvant postprostatectomy radiotherapy, with current trials investigating the role of early salvage postprostatectomy radiotherapy.
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Future improvement in outcomes may be derived from improved adjuvant therapies or technological advancements in radiotherapy delivery techniques.
Radiation therapy remains a valid curative approach to prostate cancer therapy. Significant technological advances over the past 2 decades have facilitated the safe delivery of increasingly higher doses of radiation therapy to the prostate while avoiding relevant adjacent tissues. In turn, short-term and medium-term outcomes have improved, and the addition of endocrine manipulation either before (neoadjuvant) or after (adjuvant) curative therapy has shown a substantial impact. Furthermore, radiotherapy in the postprostatectomy setting has gained prominence in recent years.
Radiation therapy remains a valid curative approach to prostate cancer therapy. Significant technological advances over the past 2 decades have facilitated the safe delivery of increasingly higher doses of radiation therapy to the prostate while avoiding relevant adjacent tissues. In turn, short-term and medium-term outcomes have improved, and the addition of endocrine manipulation either before (neoadjuvant) or after (adjuvant) curative therapy has shown a substantial impact. Furthermore, radiotherapy in the postprostatectomy setting has gained prominence in recent years.
Principles of radiation therapy
Therapeutic radiation can be delivered with multiple techniques. For most patients, this involves external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) using a linear accelerator to deliver high-energy photons. Alternatively, brachytherapy uses temporary high-dose-rate (HDR) or permanent low-dose-rate (LDR) radioactive sources to deliver the prescribed dose to the target.
Ionizing radiation is a potent genotoxic agent that predominately interacts with biological matter by inducing double-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) breaks. Tumor growth is halted by either induction of tumor cell death by necrosis or loss of cell reproductive integrity; together termed clonogenic cell death. It seems that clonogenic inactivation through instigation of terminal differentiation (senescence) may also be central in the response of prostate cancer to radiation.
The aim of traditional fractionated radiation therapy is to exploit potentially defective DNA repair mechanisms through delivery of daily doses, nominally 1.8–2 Gy per day. This allows for normal tissues with ostensibly intact DNA damage repair mechanisms to repair a substantial portion of the DNA damage between fractions. Tumors are usually unable to mount a similar DNA repair response, and thus sustain more damage over multiple fractions than normal tissues. As the total delivered dose accumulates, so does the DNA damage, and more tumor control is achieved.
Different tissues have different patterns of response depending on the dose and dose per fraction given. As a generalization, the model of dose-response shows an initial linear component and subsequent quadratic components to this relationship. In general, normal tissues are more damaged by higher doses of radiation per fraction, whereas most malignancies show a much more linear response to increasing dose per fraction, meaning there is an advantage to delivering high total radiation doses. Recent data suggest that prostate cancer may behave differently, and exhibit a similar fraction size sensitivity to that of normal tissues, suggesting that larger fraction sizes rather than total dose are optimal. With approaches such as HDR brachytherapy, impressive biochemical outcomes have been reported with lower doses of radiotherapy delivered in large fractions.
Patient selection for radiation therapy with curative intent
Risk Stratification
There is significant heterogeneity in the biological behavior observed in prostate cancer. The risk of biochemical failure after local therapy has been explored in detail. Increasing stage at presentation, prostate specific antigen (PSA) level, and grade of tumor all predict for PSA recurrence after therapy with curative intent.
The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) risk stratification ( Table 1 ) can be used to stratify patients by risk of biochemical failure after curative therapy (eg, low, intermediate, or high risk). It should also be realized that many men with low-risk disease have a low chance of prostate cancer death and may be candidates for active surveillance, and if more than 60 years of age are unlikely to die of prostate cancer irrespective of local treatment. Some patients with Gleason 7 disease more than 70 years of age may even be able to avoid treatment all together without a mortality penalty. In intermediate-risk disease, the benefits of therapy must be carefully weighed against the potential side effects of therapy and associated costs.
NCCN Risk Stratification | AJCC Clinical Stage | Presenting PSA (ng/mL) | Gleason Grade |
Low | T1 to T2a, N0 | ≤10 | 6 or less |
Intermediate | T2b to T2c, N0 | >10–20 | 7 |
High | T3 or T4, N0–1 | >20 | 8 or greater |
Conversely, the risk of prostate cancer death in patients with high-risk disease increases considerably. Despite a high baseline risk of micrometastatic disease, local therapy has an impact on long-term outcomes in this group. An absolute survival benefit of 10% at 7 years was demonstrated in the SPCG-7 randomized trial of androgen deprivation therapy with or without local radiation therapy. A comparable benefit was confirmed in a similarly structured Canadian study, further reinforcing the use of radiation in this setting.
Assessment, Comorbidities, and Contraindications
A thorough history and examination should be performed to assess the patient’s suitability for radiation therapy, especially given that the avoidance of therapy is intrinsically linked with anticipated life expectancy. Thus, patients with a low life expectancy because of either medical comorbidities or a life expectancy less than 10 years are less likely to benefit from therapy. The presence of comorbidities can significantly affect the choice of recommended therapy and treatment modality; for example, in the avoidance of anesthetic and postoperative risks in men with significant comorbidities. However, certain comorbidities may interact with radiotherapy, such as the presence of type 2 diabetes, or increase risk of rectal toxicity (especially with concurrent inflammatory bowel disease) after radiotherapy.
Assessment of urinary symptoms is central as symptomatic benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) often coexists with carcinoma. Qualitative as well as quantitative validated assessments, such as the American Urologic Association (AUA) Prostate Symptom Score or the identical International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), should be attained. Men with significant lower urinary tract obstructive symptoms are at higher risk of late genitourinary toxicity such as incontinence from both external beam and brachytherapy. Men with a higher IPSS are also more likely to experience urinary obstructive symptoms during external beam radiotherapy. These may also be mitigated with cytoreductive androgen suppression therapy before commencement of treatment. A transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) before radiation may be required in some to alleviate obstruction, but conflicting nonrandomized studies have been published regarding whether it is has a long-term deleterious effect on urinary continence.
Potency after local therapy for prostate cancer is an important end point. A sexual history should be taken, in terms of sexual activity, erectile function, and libido. Validated surveys such as the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) provide an objective measure of sexual function and health.
If testosterone manipulation is being considered, cardiovascular risk factors must be carefully assessed and aggressively managed, because of the potential for increased cardiovascular events in patients with significant underlying cardiac dysfunction. This could influence the decision about the prescription of endocrine therapy and its duration.
Radiation should be avoided in patients with active inflammatory bowel disease, which can increase the severity of gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms significantly. Previous pelvic surgery, particularly for rectal cancer, can result in loops of radiosensitive small bowel entering the pelvis and possibly being tethered by postoperative adhesions, which may limit the ability to administer a full therapeutic dose. Previous high-dose pelvic radiotherapy is a contraindication to further EBRT to respect the radiotolerance of normal tissues. In this case, other modalities such as surgery or brachytherapy should be considered.
In broad terms, patients with an increased risk of radiographic evidence of metastatic disease at presentation (eg, men with high-risk disease) should be staged with nuclear medicine bone scan and computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen and pelvis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the pelvis is useful for detecting extraprostatic extension of tumor and defining the prostatic anatomy.
A full PSA history should be obtained. Apart from the impact of the current absolute PSA level, there may be prognostic significance to the pretreatment PSA dynamics. Similarly, the histopathology report may contain information of relevance beyond the Gleason score, with much attention focused on whether the burden of disease can be better captured using biopsy core volumetrics. The general consensus is that the metrics of a heavier cancer burden, such as an increasing number of cores involved, a higher percentage of biopsy cores positive for cancer, and increased core length, are all associated with poorer outcome and should be considered in the selection of treatment intensity.
Defining the radiation target
Prostate and Seminal Vesicles
The extent of radiation fields is based on understanding the natural history and potential routes of spread. The multifocal nature of prostate cancer has typically suggested that a uniform radiation dose to the whole prostate is required. Tumors may also breach the capsule of the prostate and be found in the periprostatic fat, or involve the adjacent seminal vesicles. The risk of extraprostatic extension and seminal vesicle invasion (SVI) increases significantly in higher-risk groups, as reflected in published nomograms. In cases where extraprostatic extension is detected, the mean length of extension is 1.1 mm, and 90% of cases were within 3.8 mm in 1 series. This information affects treatment planning.
There are conflicting data regarding the distribution of SVI, which has resulted in variation in the amount of seminal vesicle (SV) included in the prophylactic volume. Davis and colleagues reported a cohort of patients in whom SVI was identified on prostatectomy, and 40% of specimens had tumor less than 0.5 cm from the SV tip. Conversely, Kestin and colleagues reported that a cohort of patients with low-risk disease had a 1% incidence of SVI, compared with 27% SVI incidence in those with high-risk disease. In those with SVI, only 7% were observed to have tumor extending beyond 1 cm of the base of the SV and 1% beyond 2 cm.
Taking these basic biological underpinnings into account, the whole prostate is generally defined as an area of clinical risk, and included in the clinical target volume (CTV). Gross tumor seen on correlative imaging is included in the CTV, and any visible extracapsular extension may entail using a small volume expansion to ensure coverage of regions of apparent disease as well as incorporate areas of subclinical spread. In the event of confirmed SVI, the whole seminal vesicle is typically incorporated into the high-dose volume. Similarly, with a high risk of subclinical SVI, a prophylactic dose is generally prescribed to either the proximal or whole SVs. SVs lie immediately adjacent to the anterior fascial plane of the mesorectum, and most treatment including the SV can entail a compromise between coverage of the SV and dose constraints of the rectum.
Whole Pelvic Irradiation
Prostate cancer dissemination is commonly ascribed to lymphovascular permeation, via largely stepwise spread through the pelvic nodes. Despite this, the prophylactic treatment of pelvic nodes is controversial, with no clear consensus on the subgroup of patients who derive benefit from treatment. Several randomized trials of whole pelvis radiotherapy (WPRT) have been conducted, and all concluded that there was no clear biochemical or clinical control improvement with the addition of whole pelvic therapy to prostate only radiotherapy. The major criticisms of these studies were that patients may have been either too low risk or too high risk to benefit from pelvic therapy. However, pelvic nodes may represent an important source of treatment failures if only the prostate is treated, especially in high-risk patients. New highly conformal therapy such as intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) has allowed adjuvant radiation to be delivered with acceptable toxicity. These observations infer that, in the right patient population, pelvic prophylaxis may be feasible with low toxicity and possible clinical benefit nomograms have been developed and refined, with the aim of identifying men most likely to benefit from WPRT. For those believed to potentially benefit from WPRT, consensus guidelines have been published and can guide treatment volume definition; further definitive trials are ongoing. The most commonly involved first echelon nodal regions are fully included in the target volume. These have been defined by MRI imaging studies, as well as sentinel node imaging. One study using sentinel node imaging found these to be the external iliac (34.3%), internal iliac (17.9%), common iliac (12.7%), sacral (8.6%), and perirectal (6.2%) regions. The paraaortic nodes were less commonly involved and are generally not included. Studies to define the role of nodal irradiation are ongoing, such as RTOG 09-24.
External beam radiotherapy
IMRT is based on 2 principles: (1) dynamically changing the open area of each field during each fraction and (2) computer software to divide the planning CT into spatial units (voxels) and then determine the optimal solution to deliver the dose to each voxel for a given beam arrangement. This differs from conventional radiotherapy because target dose characteristics and normal tissue tolerances are specified before plan construction (inverse planning). IMRT prescriptions are highly proscriptive to adequately direct the resultant computer-generated dosimetry. Compared with three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy, prostate IMRT allows optimization of the therapeutic ratio through limiting areas of high dose outside the target volume while preserving tumor coverage. IMRT can be delivered using 7 to 9 static fields, or a single beam treating in an arc about the patient (volume-modulated arc therapy). Variants of IMRT include the Cyberknife (Accuray, Inc, Sunnyvale, CA), which uses a small 6 MV linear accelerator mounted on an articulated mechanical gantry and tomotherapy, using a therapy source moving in an arc that delivers treatment a slice at a time.
Image-Guided Radiation Therapy
One of the major technical hurdles in treating prostate cancer is target localization. The prostate is a deformable gland that is influenced by both bowel and bladder filling, and thus mobile within the pelvis. Traditional bony matching techniques do not account for day-to-day variation of prostate motion, which is independent of pelvic position. Failure to account for prostatic motion could result in underdosing of the target and overdosing of surrounding normal tissues. This uncertainly is translated into a larger planning target volume (PTV) margin.
Common methods of image guidance are implanted fiducial markers and cone-beam CT scan. Fiducial markers, usually implanted via the transrectal route, can account for prostate motion when used in conjunction with kilovoltage or orthovoltage daily imaging. The patient is set up on the treatment couch, a set of verification images taken, and then the three-dimensional shift required to account for prostatic motion is applied. This approach minimizes the systematic error in patient positioning, allowing for both dose escalation with isotoxic therapy and minimization of PTV margins. Clinical results indicate that such an approach can reduce toxicity significantly, including doses of up to 86.4 Gy.
An alternative to implanted fiducial markers is volumetric imaging such as cone-beam CT. The imaging apparatus on the linear accelerator is rotated about the patient while imaging to obtain a three-dimensional image. These systems can be used in patients who have a contraindication to implanted fiducial markers; acceptable levels of systematic error are maintained even when matching to prostate rather than implanted fiducials. Furthermore, direct monitoring of intrafraction motion is possible using sophisticated electronic transponders implanted into the prostate.
Dose-Escalated Radiotherapy
The ability to deliver higher doses of radiotherapy in contemporary practice is based on minimizing tumor localization uncertainties and minimizing the high-dose irradiated volume.
There is level 1 evidence that increasing radiation dose has a substantial positive effect on biochemical control. Increasing the prescribed dose of radiation from 68 to 70 Gy to more than 78 Gy can result in impressive PSA control rates. For example, the MD Anderson Cancer Center dose escalation trial reported that increasing the radiation dose from 70 Gy to 78 Gy improved biochemical control outcomes from 59% to 78% ( P = .004). This effect was more pronounced in intermediate and high-risk tumors, although other studies have also documented a response in all risk groups. Similar dose escalation trials were conducted in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands ( Table 2 ).
Study | Number | Risk Groups | Dose | Outcome | P Value |
MDACC (Kuban et al, 2008) | 301 | Low: 61 Intermediate: 139 High: 101 | 70 Gy | 8-y bNED 59% | .004 |
78 Gy | 8-y bNED 78% | ||||
PROG (Zietman et al, 2005) | 392 | Low: 227 Intermediate: 129 High: 33 | 70 GyE | 5-y bNED 61% | <.001 |
79.2 GyE | 5-y bNED 80% | ||||
Dutch (Peeters et al, 2006) | 664 | Low: 120 Intermediate: 182 High: 362 | 68 Gy | 5-y FFF 54% | .01 |
78 Gy | 5-y FFF 64% | ||||
MRC (Dearnaley et al, 2007) | 843 | Low: 204 Intermediate: 264 High: 362 | NADT-64 Gy | 5-y bPFS 60% | .0007 |
NADT-74 Gy | 5-y bPFS 71% |
Although the biochemical outcome may be an indicator of clinical benefit, it is yet to be shown to be a potential surrogate for overall survival, and no overall survival benefit has ever been demonstrated with dose-escalated radiotherapy. Given that in many trials the risk of noncancer mortality is often double that of prostate cancer mortality, these studies are underpowered to show a relatively modest decrease in mortality brought about by the biochemical failure improvements.
Although photon-based EBRT is the most common method for delivering high biological doses to the prostate, other modalities, such as proton beam therapy and HDR brachytherapy, can also produce similar results. Particle beam therapy uses a large particle accelerator to produce a therapeutic beam of heavy ions such as protons or carbon nuclei. The major advantage in using protons as opposed to conventional high-energy photons is the ability of a proton beam to deposit a greater proportion of energy at depth, thus potentially protecting normal tissues.
One randomized trial has used proton beams to boost an EBRT dose of 50.4 Gy to a total of either 70.2 or 79.2 Gy (photon equivalent dose). The higher boost dose gave better 10-year freedom from biochemical relapse (83% v 68%) but also a somewhat higher grade 2 or more GI toxicity rate (24% vs 13%), analogous to the EBRT dose escalation experience. However, no direct comparisons have been conducted between proton beam and modern IMRT techniques, and nonrandomized comparisons are conflicting. Although planning studies suggest that dose distributions and subsequent toxicity are likely to be similar, larger observational studies have found higher rates of hip fractures and GI toxicity with proton therapy. Perhaps the most significant drawback of proton therapy is the substantial capital and running costs of proton facilities.
Increasing GI and genitourinary (GU) toxicity has been reported with dose-escalated regimens. The MD Anderson Cancer Center dose escalation trial reported a 10-year actuarial incidence of GI toxicity of grade 2 severity or greater as 26% for those who received 78 Gy compared with 13% for those who received 70 Gy ( P = .013). Likewise, there was a trend toward higher grade 2 GU toxicity in the high-dose arm, which was observed in 13% and 8% of those in the high-dose and low-dose arms, respectively. This trial did not have universal use of CT to delineate normal tissues or image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT) to minimize set up uncertainty. Modern approaches using these measures are likely to result in decreased toxicity.
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the other major toxicity experienced by those treated with EBRT. The prostate lies just superior to the penile bulb, and sensitive neurovascular bundles controlling erectile function course posterolateral to the prostate. These structures can often be included in the high-dose irradiated volume and thus ED is likely to become an increasingly common issue with any form of dose-escalated therapy. The average time to ED after EBRT is 12 to 18 months, with institutional reports of 40% to 50% potency rates after 2 years ; a meta-analysis of EBRT data confirmed a potency rate of 55% at 1 year (95% confidence interval [CI] 52%–58%). Prospective quality-of-life surveys reported that 50% to 60% of irradiated men (including EBRT and brachytherapy) reported distress about perceived sexual health, which may peak after 2 to 6 months, stabilizing thereafter. This implies that other factors such as acute toxicity from radiotherapy and hormone therapy are likely to adversely affect quality of life before the onset of ED from radiotherapy alone. ED management with phosphodiesterase inhibitors has been shown to be effective after EBRT in randomized trials.
Role of Androgen Deprivation Therapy
Androgens are an important mitogen in prostate cancer in all phases of disease. There is level 1 evidence that the addition of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) to radiotherapy improves biochemical and survival outcomes in patients with locally advanced disease or with poor risk factors. There seems to be a stepwise improvement in outcome with increasing length of adjuvant androgen deprivation. RTOG 86-10 randomized patients in all risk groups between 66.6 Gy EBRT with and without 2 months of neoadjuvant goserelin. Most impressively, statistically significant improvements in biochemical progression-free survival, distant metastasis rate, local control, and cause-specific survival were found. The Australian Trans-Tasman Radiation Oncology Group (TROG) 96.01 randomized study treated patients with 66 Gy of EBRT with and without neoadjuvant goserelin and flutamide (3 or 6 months) in a high-risk population. The addition of 6 months of neoadjuvant ADT to radiation resulted in improved distant progression (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] 0.49, 95% CI 0.31–0.76; P = .001), prostate cancer-specific mortality (aHR 0.49, 95% CI 0.32–0.74; P = .0008), and all-cause mortality (aHR 0.63, 95% CI 0.48–0.83; P = .0008), a finding that was not reproduced in those who received 3 months of ADT.
Compared with 66 to 70 Gy of radiation alone, multiple trials demonstrate survival benefits for the addition of long-term adjuvant ADT, with 1 trial demonstrating an improvement in distant metastasis-free survival as well. However, the benefit for the incremental benefit of 2 or 3 years of ADT after neoadjuvant ADT is more modest. The European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) 22961 trial treated patients with 6 months of ADT and 70 Gy EBRT, with or without an additional 2.5 years of ADT. A small statistically significant difference in prostate cancer–specific survival was noted, but no additional overall survival benefit was found, consistent with ADT duration effect modeling. Likewise, the RTOG 92-02 trial treated patients with 2 months of goserelin, flutamide, and 65 to 70 Gy EBRT, randomizing patients between 24 months of goserelin versus no adjuvant therapy. Only a trend toward an overall survival benefit was found (80.0% vs 78.5% at 5 years, P = .73), although improvements in other end point surrogates such as disease-free survival and biochemical progression-free survival were found.
In addition to disease control benefits, a period of neoadjuvant ADT may also confer the added benefit of modulating lower urinary tract symptoms and decreasing prostate size, which has the potential to translate into improved long-term toxicity rates.
All these data have predated modern dose-escalated radiotherapy, IGRT, as well as the widespread use of PSA screening. It is postulated that the effect of neoadjuvant or adjuvant ADT may not be as large when combined with dose-escalated radiotherapy. However, it must be noted that no trial assessing increased radiation dose has ever demonstrated a survival advantage, in contradistinction to trials with ADT and radiotherapy. Randomized trials have been activated to address this issue in the intermediate-risk group (RTOG 08-15).
Brachytherapy (short distance therapy) involves the temporary or permanent implantation of radioactive sources to deliver tumoricidal radiation doses within the proposed target volume. Radioactive material exists as an unstable isotope of a base element. The decay of these isotopes into inert substances produces secondary particles and photons. These secondary particles are identical to those emitted by linear accelerators, with 2 chief advantages of being lower in energy and being created within the target volume. Thus, the radiation produced is less penetrating and is not required to traverse normal tissue before the target volume. Furthermore, the high dose fall off inherent to radioactive sources (inverse-square law) results in decreased doses to the rectum, but at the cost of potentially underdosing occult extraprostatic extension. Thus, supplemental EBRT is often recommended in patients with intermediate-risk or high-risk features. Sources are classified by the dose rate at which they decay to produce therapeutic ionizing radiation (typically X-rays). In general, LDR implants for prostate cancer are achieved through the permanent implantation of many radioactive sources into and surrounding the prostate. HDR implants can deliver clinical dose rates similar to that of EBRT and are temporary.
LDR Brachytherapy
LDR brachytherapy involves the permanent implantation of radioactive sources into the prostate to achieve high intraprostatic doses of radiation. The availability of real-time ultrasonography or MRI feedback to place seeds accurately, along with short-range radioisotopes that decay into inert substances form the basis for LDR brachytherapy. Isotopes such as iodine 125 ( 125 I) and palladium 103 ( 103 Pd) are commonly used in clinical practice. These seeds are placed under direct image guidance, following a predefined customized plan (done in real time, or via a previous volume study) that peripherally loads the prostate gland to deliver maximum radiation dose to the prostate while sparing the urethra. Seeds are implanted via the transperineal route by means of a template affixed to the perineum. Typical delivered doses prescribed to a minimum peripheral dose (MPD) are 145 Gy and 125 Gy for 125 I and 103 Pd, respectively. In patients at risk of nodal disease or extraprostatic extension, LDR brachytherapy may be combined with EBRT to the whole pelvis or limited fields to cover periprostatic tissues and SVs.
Patient selection for brachytherapy
Because of the transperineal route of application, additional care must be exercised when selecting patients suitable for brachytherapy. For this reason, patients with a large or poorly healed TURP defect, large prostatic size, or large median lobe are less suitable for an LDR approach. Low-risk patients, who are unlikely to harbor occult extraprostatic disease or SVI, are candidates for an LDR implant alone. Current American College of Radiology/American Society for Radiation Oncology guidelines recommend supplemental external beam radiotherapy in higher-risk patients for prophylaxis against extraprostatic extension or unrecognized SVI.
LDR brachytherapy can achieve excellent outcomes, as demonstrated in multiple prospective trials with adequate follow-up. Increasing prostate cancer grade is associated with higher biochemical failure rates. In 1 study, the biochemical control rate at 5 years was 98% for those with Gleason 6 cancer, compared with 91% to 92% for those with higher-grade cancers. Implant quality significantly affects the chance of treatment success. For example, Zelefsky and colleagues reported that the dose to 90% of the target volume (D90%) of less than 130 Gy using 125 I seeds was 75% at 8 years, compared with 93% if the D90% was greater than 130 Gy.
Combination LDR-EBRT has been shown in large series to provide outcomes comparable with EBRT alone. Critz and colleagues reported the outcomes of 3546 men treated without ADT in all risk groups with up to 25 years of follow-up. The 5-year disease-free survival rates were 95%, 81%, and 55% for low-risk, intermediate-risk and high-risk men, respectively. Similar outcomes have been published in other series. The addition of EBRT to LDR may come at the risk of increased rectal morbidity. Outcomes from the RTOG 0232 ( NCT00063882 ) and the Canadian ASCENDE-RT randomized studies comparing EBRT monotherapy to combination LDR-EBRT are awaited.
An increase in urinary symptoms is often observed after LDR brachytherapy. In the acute phase immediately after treatment, postoperative swelling and acute urinary retention occurs in 5% to 10% of men. In the subacute phase, when the bulk of radiation dose deposition occurs, radiation urethritis is common. This may persist for several months with 75% or more returning to normal within 1 year, with slow subsequent improvements. Long-term data suggest that urinary symptoms are stable even 9 years after LDR brachytherapy. Alpha-adrenergic blockade can be helpful in reducing symptoms until urinary function normalizes. Studies have found that baseline obstructive symptoms, low peak urinary flow rate, previous TURP, or a large prostate volume can all predispose patients to toxicity. After LDR brachytherapy, treatment of future obstructive symptoms with TURP should best be avoided for at least 2 years, as it may be associated with urinary incontinence. Early maintenance of erectile function with LDR exceeds that achieved with EBRT. A meta-analysis of ED at 1 year found that erectile preservation rates were 76% (95% CI 69%–82%), which compares favorably with EBRT outcomes. However, quality-of-life data suggest that patient-reported sexual health scores decrease initially, then gradually improve, but have not normalized 2 years after implant. Long-term maintenance of erectile function in patients after LDR brachytherapy has been reported as 39% at 6 years.
HDR Brachytherapy
HDR brachytherapy temporary implants are another method of delivering radiation via a radioactive source. In this case, the dose rate is high and can exceed 6 Gy per minute at calibration distances, with doses increasing exponentially closer to the source. These dose rates are similar to that deliverable via linear accelerator, and allow for the delivery of large radiation fractions, which may exploit the proposed sensitivity of prostate cancer to high fractional doses. The most common isotope used is iridium 192 ( 192 Ir). A series of hollow transfer catheters are inserted into the prostate facilitated by a perineal template similar to that of LDR brachytherapy, with transrectal ultrasonographic guidance to visualize the catheter track. During treatment, the 192 Ir source is sequentially introduced into each transfer catheter to deliver a composite dose to the prostate with high conformity while sparing surrounding critical structures.
Hoskin and colleagues reported the results of a randomized trial demonstrating increased biochemical control outcomes when an HDR boost to EBRT was compared with EBRT alone. The control arm received 55 Gy in 20 fractions of EBRT, and the experimental arm received 35.75 Gy in 13 fractions with an HDR boost of 17 Gy in 2 fractions. The 5-year freedom from biochemical failure estimates were 75% for HDR and 61% for the control arm, which was a statistically significant result. Although the radiation doses used in this study would no longer be considered optimal, well-controlled retrospective studies have also reproduced these findings with more contemporary dose fractionation schedules.
Given the improvement in outcomes and brevity of treatment, HDR monotherapy trials have been conducted to establish its efficacy in patients in all risk groups with encouraging results. For example, Demanes and colleagues reported the results of a cohort of 298 patients treated with HDR monotherapy (42 Gy in 6 fractions or 38 Gy in 4 fractions). With a median follow-up time of 5.2 years, the 8-year biochemical control rate was 97% and overall survival was 95% with acceptable toxicity.
HDR brachytherapy results in posttreatment side effects of urinary irritation, which is found at 3 months in 15% of men. In the only randomized trial of brachytherapy, HDR was found to have a similar late GI and GU toxicity incidence to hypofractionated radiotherapy. However, late GU toxicity mainly manifested as urethral strictures, with an actuarial rate of 8% at 7 years, reflecting the high biological doses delivered to the urethra compared with other techniques. The risk of urethral strictures ranges from as low as 4% to as high as 30% in some series, with previous TURP a likely predisposing factor to stricture formation. These studies were conducted before a true appreciation of robust image guidance was widespread, and analyzing the interaction between fraction size, number of fractions, and dosimetric comparisons is complex. This has been demonstrated in a randomized trial of brachytherapy, in which quality-of-life data revealed that ED was a major component of additional toxicity from a combined EBRT-HDR approach compared with EBRT alone.
Postprostatectomy radiotherapy
Planned postprostatectomy radiotherapy (PPRT) after prostatectomy is a controversial issue in uro-oncology. Although radical prostatectomy (RP) provides excellent local control for organ-confined disease, when the tumor extends beyond the prostatic capsule, the risk of local relapse is between 10% and 50%. This population of patients may benefit from further local therapy to secure long-term disease control. However, patient selection is likely to play an important role in the successful application of adjuvant therapy because not all patients who develop biochemical failure will die of disease. Surgical data suggest that the median time from biochemical progression to clinically apparent distant metastasis is 8 years, and the time to death from distant metastases is 5 years. The median survival had not been reached after 16 years of follow-up after biochemical relapse. There are 2 broad approaches to further local therapy with radiation: immediate adjuvant therapy and early initiation of salvage therapy at the time of biochemical relapse.
PPRT Volume Delineation
Patterns of failure studies have identified that the most common area for local recurrence after surgery is the vesicourethral anastomosis (VUA), found in up to two-thirds of cases. The bladder trigone and bladder neck are also at risk. However, despite an intact prostatic capsule, surface secretions from prostatectomy specimens often contain detectable levels of PSA, implying that the whole surgical bed is at risk of recurrence. Several consensus guidelines exist detailing the subsequent volume at risk, but commonly include the VUA, SV remnant, and posterior wall of the bladder, encompassing any surgical clips. Irradiation of the pelvic nodes in this case is a controversial issue, as in definitive radiotherapy, and may be considered in those with high-risk disease.
Adjuvant Therapy
Immediate adjuvant therapy aims to identify patients at risk of local recurrence after RP, and offer treatment to this population based on their high propensity for recurrence. The theoretic advantage of immediate therapy is that if disease is present, it will be treated at the lowest possible levels. The disadvantage is that all at-risk patients receive treatment and are thus exposed to treatment side effects, although only a proportion of them will benefit.
Early salvage therapy foregoes the opportunity of immediate PPRT if the PSA decreases to undetectable levels, limiting treatment to those patients who subsequently develop a detectable level of PSA. The major theoretic advantage of this approach is in minimizing the number of patients subjected to the potential side effects of radiation. Practically, delaying radiation may also decrease the potential impact on continence recovery. One large multiinstitutional retrospective study demonstrated grade 3 GU toxicity rates at less than 1%, and grade 3 GI side effects of 0.4%, based on the practice of awaiting return of continence before commencing therapy.
Three randomized studies have compared immediate adjuvant therapy to a watchful waiting approach in men with T3N0 or pathology with a positive surgical margin (SM) ( Table 3 ). These studies were conducted by the Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG), Arbeitsgemeinschaft Radiologischer Onkologie (ARO), and EORTC cooperative trials groups. The SWOG trial demonstrated an improvement of metastasis-free survival at 10 years favoring immediate therapy from 61% to 71%, which was statistically significant. There was a corresponding improvement in overall survival with a hazard ratio of 0.72 (95% CI 0.55, 0.96; P = .023). However, the number needed to treat to prevent 1 case of metastatic disease at a median of 12.6 years was 12.2, underscoring the long-term nature of outcomes. The magnitude of the survival benefit was 1.7 years.