© Springer International Publishing AG 2017
Doruk Erkan and Michael D. Lockshin (eds.)Antiphospholipid Syndrome10.1007/978-3-319-55442-6_88. Clinical and Prognostic Significance of Non-criteria Antiphospholipid Antibody Tests
Maria Laura Bertolaccini1 , Olga Amengual12, Bahar Artim-Eser13, Tatsuya Atsumi14, Philip G. de Groot15, Bas de Laat16, Katrien M. J. Devreese17, Ian Giles18, Pier Luigi Meroni19, Maria Orietta Borghi3, Anisur Rahman4, Jacob Rand5, Véronique Regnault6 , Rajesh Kumar7, Angela Tincani2, Denis Wahl8, Rohan Willis9, Stéphane Zuily10 and Giovanni Sanna11
Academic Department of Vascular Surgery, Cardiovascular Division, King’s College London, St Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK
Spedali Civili, Brescia, Italy, Clinical and Experimental Sciences- Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology Unit, Brescia, Italy
Department of Clinical Sciences and Community Health, Experimental Laboratory of Immunorheumatolgy, University of Milan, IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Cusano Milanino (Mi), Italy
Centre for Rheumatology Research, Division of Medicine, University College London Hospitals, London, UK
Department of Pathology & Lab Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York & Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY, USA
Faculty of Medicine, Inserm U1116, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France
Spedali Civili, Clinical and Experimental Sciences, Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology Unit, Brescia, Italy
Department of Cardio-Vascular Medicine, Vascular Medicine Division and Regional Competence Center For Rare Vascular And Systemic Autoimmune Diseases, Insitut Lorrain du Coeur et des Vaisseaux, Nancy University Hospital, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex, France
Internal Medicine, Rheumatology Division, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA
Vascular Medicine Division and Regional Competence Centre For Rare Vascular And Systemic Autoimmune Diseases, Nancy University Hospital, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex, France
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, Louise Coote Lupus Unit, Rheumatology Department, Guy’s Hospital, London, UK
Division of Rheumatology, Endocrinology and Nephrology, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Rheumatology, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey
Division of Rheumatology, Endocrinology and Nephrology, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
Synapse Research Institute, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Department of Biochemistry, Maastricht University Medical Centre, Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands
Coagulation Laboratory, Department of Clinical Chemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium
Centre for Rheumatology Research, UCL Division of Medicine, University College London Hospital, London, UK
ASST-G. Pini and Immuno-Rheumatology Research Laboratory Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Department of Clinical Sciences and Community Health, University of Milan, Milan, Italy
Antiphospholipid antibodiesPhosphatidylserine-dependent antiprothrombin antibodiesAntibodies to domains of β2-glycoprotein iImmunoglobulin A anticardiolipin and anti-β2glycoprotein I antibodiesAPhL assayAntibodies to factor XaAnnexin A5 resistance assayIntroduction
Classification criteria for antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) require IgG and IgM isotypes of the anticardiolipin antibodies (aCL), anti-β2-glycoprotein I antibodies (aβ2GPI), and/or the lupus anticoagulant (LA) to satisfy the laboratory criterion for disease definition [1]. However, over the past 20 years, several other “non-criteria” antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL), directed to other proteins of the coagulation cascade (i.e., prothrombin and/or phosphatidylserine–prothrombin complex), to some domains of β2GPI, or that interfere with the anticoagulant activity of annexin A5, have been proposed [2]. In some cases, these assays detect specific subsets of pathogenic antibodies or a particular mechanism in APS. The Laboratory Diagnostics Task Force at the 14th International Congress on aPL (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2013) highlighted several non-criteria assays [3]. However, there was consensus that further studies are necessary to obtain high-quality evidence defining their overall roles as risk predictors.
The task force reviewed the literature and conducted new studies between 2013 and 2016; the conclusions were presented at a special session during the 15th International Congress on aPL (www.apsistanbul2016.org, North Cyprus, September 2016). This paper updates our recommendations.
Phosphatidylserine-Dependent Antiprothrombin Antibodies
Many reports show the clinical utility of phosphatidylserine-dependent antiprothrombin antibodies (aPS/PT) assay in the diagnosis of APS, a conclusion of a task force at the 13th International Congress on aPL (Galveston, TX, 2010) [4] and reviewed, in an evidence-based manner, during the 14th International Congress on aPL (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2013) [3]. The inclusion of aPS/PT antibodies as a laboratory criterion of APS was considered unwarranted then because of poor standardization of its assay and because reproducibility of the strong correlations between aPS/PT and APS manifestations needed confirmation in larger studies.
A recent systematic review suggests that aPS/PT does represent a strong risk factor for arterial and/or venous thrombosis [5]. A group of scientists led by Amengual and Atsumi carried out initial and validation retrospective cross-sectional multicenter studies on aPS/PT [6]. The initial retrospective study acquired data from eight centers from seven countries. Serum/plasma samples were blindly tested for IgG aPS/PT at Inova Diagnostics Inc., United States (USA), using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits provided by two manufacturers: the QUANTA Lite™ aPS/PT IgG ELISA, a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved assay from Inova, and the PS/PT ELISA kit for IgG isotype from Medical and Biological Laboratories Co. Ltd., Nagano, Japan. After completing the initial study, a validation study, using the same methodology for a new cohort of samples from five countries, was carried out.
The initial study comprised 247 subjects. A correlation was obtained with both ELISA kits for the IgG aPS/PT (r = 0.827, p < 0.001). Two hundred and four samples with concordant IgG aPS/PT results in both ELISAs were subsequently analyzed (99 APS, 58 non-APS, and 47 healthy). Immunoglobulin G aPS/PT were more prevalent in APS patients (51%) than in those without (9%), with an OR of 10.8 [95%CI 4.0–29.3], p < 0.0001. For APS diagnosis, sensitivity, specificity, and positive (LR+), and negative likelihood ratio (LR-) were 51, 91, 5.9, and 0.5%, respectively. In the validation study (n = 214), a significant correlation was found for IgG aPS/PT titers (r = 0.803, p < 0.001). Immunoglobulin G aPS/PT concordant samples were again analyzed (n = 182; 76 APS, 57 non-APS, and 49 healthy). Immunoglobulin G aPS/PT were more frequently found in APS patients (47%) than in those without (12%), with an OR of 6.4 [95%CI 2.6–16], p < 0.0001. For APS diagnosis, sensitivity, specificity, and LR+, and LR- were 47%, 88%, 3.9%, and 0.6%, respectively.
Whether to include non-criteria antibodies in the designation aPL-positive is still under discussion. Current APS classification criteria exclude patients with clinical manifestations suggestive of APS who have non-criteria antibodies, sometimes referred to as seronegative APS [7]. The above multicenter study confirms, in both cohorts, high prevalence of IgG aPS/PT in patients with definite APS and in those with APS-associated clinical manifestations in the absence of APS laboratory criteria [6]. Thus, based on the available evidence, the task force suggests the inclusion of IgG aPS/PT in the APS classification criteria.
Antibodies to Domains of β 2 -Glycoprotein I
β2-Glycoprotein I (β2GPI) is the main antigenic target for aPL [8]. Anti-β2GPI may activate the endothelial cells, monocytes, and platelets, triggering the coagulation cascade by recognizing membrane- or receptor-bound β2GPI [8–10]. Dimerization of β2GPI or the complexing of β2GPI with antibodies stabilizes receptor affinity, allowing cell signaling to occur [11].
Experiments in mouse models of APS show that patient-derived autoantibodies against β2GPI increase the thrombotic risk. Remarkably, epidemiologic studies do not show a strong relation between these antibodies and thrombosis or pregnancy morbidity. Compared to the LA test, the correlation is weak. There are a number of explanations for this incongruity. Lack of standardization of the ELISA results in large differences in results obtained in sample exchange programs. Another possibility is that the ELISAs pick up irrelevant low-affinity antibodies, which lead to many positive results (false-positives) in healthy individuals. A third possibility is that the aβ2GPI ELISA measures a heterogeneous population of antibodies, and not all autoantibodies directed against β2GPI are a risk factor for thrombosis or fetal loss.
Antibodies to Domain I of β2-Glycoprotein I
Many groups have used isolated domains or peptides to study the specificity of autoantibodies against β2GPI [12–16], concluding that antibodies directed against a specific peptide sequence in domain I (DI) of β2GPI (Arg39-Arg43) have higher correlation with thrombosis than do antibodies directed against the whole molecule; antibodies directed against other domains of β2GPI do not. Reactivity against DI is associated with clinical APS and with LA, suggesting a higher diagnostic/prognostic value for anti-DI β2GPI [17].
These correlations found in patient populations are confirmed in animal models of APS. A human monoclonal aβ2GPI reacting with both the peptide and the whole DI is pathogenic in animal models [18]. When mice are injected with patient antibodies enriched with DI-specific antibodies, the mice become prothrombotic. When mice are injected with patient antibodies free of DI-specific antibodies, no prothrombotic phenotype is observed [19]. Other studies show that addition of purified DI to aPL completely attenuates the prothrombotic effects of these antibodies in mice. When amino acid arginine 39 of DI is replaced by serine, the anti-thrombotic effect of DI disappears [20]. These experiments show that autoantibodies against DI of β2GPI are pathologic. Whether this is the only pathologic antibody population is uncertain.
Pelkmans et al. isolated human B-cell monoclonal antibodies against DI of β2GPI [21]. Characterization of two of these antibodies shows that they do not mutually compete for binding to β2GPI, indicating that they recognize different epitopes. Indeed, one of the antibodies, P1–117, recognizes the domain around amino acids Arg39-Arg43, while the other, P2–6, recognizes another part of DI. These two human monoclonal antibodies have been used to validate commercial assays that detect autoantibodies against β2GPI. The epitope recognized by the autoantibodies directed against epitope Arg39-Arg43 is cryptic in the form in which β2GPI circulates in plasma; hence these antibodies do not recognize circulating β2GPI. After binding to anionic phospholipids or other negatively charged surfaces, β2GPI undergoes a conformational change with results in the exposure of epitope Arg39-Arg43 [22].
A prerequisite for a good ELISA to detect autoantibodies against β2GPI is optimal coating of β2GPI. Improper coating will result in (partly) shielding of the important epitope in β2GPI. Testing different commercial ELISAs with the two human monoclonal antibodies showed that some commercial ELISAs recognize P2–6 much better than P1–117, indicating that in these ELISAs, β2GPI was incompletely unfolded. Indeed, a study in a larger patient cohort showed that these commercial ELISAs could not detect the low titer autoantibodies against DI of β2GPI. Apparently, at least part of the variability with different commercial assays can be explained by incomplete unfolding of β2GPI.
Some precautions should be taken when attempting to measure DI autoantibodies in an ELISA in which DI is directly coated. The epitope to which the autoantibodies are directed is positively charged. Using a hydrophilic ELISA tray will result in binding of this epitope to the positive charge of the tray, resulting in shielding of this epitope from the antibodies; it is essential to use a hydrophobic ELISA tray [17].
Some other points are debated. For example, the facts that anti-DI antibodies can be detected more frequently than anti-DIV-V antibodies in patients with double- or triple-positive aPL classification tests, and are more strongly associated with LA positivity, raise the issue whether the predictive power is dependent on this antibody subpopulation or is simply linked to a high-risk aPL profile. Moreover, despite higher specificity, anti-DI assay apparently has lower sensitivity in comparison to the assay with the whole molecule [23].
The task force concluded that it is too soon to recommend replacement of aβ2GPI testing by anti-DI testing.
Antibodies to Domain IV-V of β2-Glycoprotein I
While the use of domain-deletion mutants shows that the immunodominant epitope resides in DI [12], antibodies against peptides of different domains have been described [15].
Antibodies against DIV-V show lower specificity for APS or systemic autoimmune conditions than do anti-DI antibodies. Antibodies against DIV-V are more frequent in asymptomatic aPL carriers, in patients with leprosy, in children suffering from atopic dermatitis, and in children born from mothers affected by systemic autoimmune disorders [23, 24]. Anti-DI antibodies may cluster in patients with autoimmune diseases; the ratio of antibodies targeting DI to those targeting DIV-V may discriminate among antibodies more linked to the syndrome [23]. Anti-DI, but not anti-DIV-V, antibodies occur in obstetric APS patients, even in patients without vascular events [23, 25].
The task force concluded that antibodies against DIV-V of β2GPI show lower specificity for APS or systemic autoimmune conditions than do anti-DI antibodies. Thus, due to the unavailability of the assay to detect these antibodies, no recommendations are given on this subject.
Immunoglobulin A Anticardiolipin and Anti-β2Glycoprotein I Antibodies
Immunoglobulin G and IgM aCL were first accepted as valid measures in the 1980s; IgA was not accepted because of high variability among laboratories. When consistent measurement was assured, it became apparent that, rarely, IgA aCL might be the only detectable antibody [26] and that IgA aCL occurs in up to 40% of patients with SLE [27–29]. Recent studies in SLE report a prevalence of 16 to 58% for IgA aβ2GPI, particularly among those of African-American ethnicity [27–29], and in patients with the primary APS up to 72% [30–34]. In 1995, Pierangeli showed that IgG, IgM, and IgA aCL are pathogenic in a mouse thrombosis model [35]. Later, she showed that aβ2GPI isolated from four APS patients with only IgA upregulated tissue factor and caused thrombosis in mice [36].
It is not yet clear if measurement of IgA aPL is useful for everyday practice. Some authors emphasize that methodological problems and lack of standardization still exist among commercial preparations and that the addition of IgA to IgG and IgM does not identify increased thrombosis risk in SLE patients.
Tincani et al. used a homemade ELISA for IgA aβ2GPI to demonstrate positive tests in 28%, 40%, and 3% of 119 APS, 328 SLE, and 78 healthy controls (p < 0.0001 for both patient groups). In SLE patients positive IgA and IgG isotype prevalence was similar, while IgM was lower; in primary, APS IgG and IgM were the most frequent isotypes. Among patients with primary thrombotic APS, 65% of the 31 subjects with recurrent thrombotic episodes had aβ2GPI IgA compared to 39% of the 46 with one episode (p < 0.05) [37].
The reported experience shows that the routine performance of IgA aβ2GPI may be useful in SLE patients, as reported by others [38] but also in primary APS, where these antibodies might have a prognostic value. Furthermore, other authors suggested that IgA aβ2GPI can be an independent risk factor for the development of the first aPL-related event, particularly arterial thrombosis [39].
The task force suggests appropriate prospective studies that will allow the evaluation of IgA antibody as a thrombosis risk factor are still needed.
APhL Assay
The APhL assay uses a mixture of negatively charged PL antigens, phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidic acid (PA), with β2GPI (Louisville APL Diagnostics). It has high sensitivity for identifying APS patients with typical clinical manifestations and has improved specificity when disorders other than APS (e.g., infectious and autoimmune diseases), which often give false-positive aCL results, are studied [40]. The assay derives from older experiments (that antedate discovery of β2GPI) demonstrating that serum from infectious disease patients and that from autoimmune disease patients differ in their binding to various phospholipids [41]. Sera from syphilis patients had very low affinity for PS and PA despite a high affinity for cardiolipin (CL), while sera from autoimmune patients had high affinity for CL, PS, and PA. Identification of a mixture of two negatively charged phospholipids that enabled the best distinction resulted in the creation the APhL assay in the 1990s [40]. Over 20 years, this test has been proven to identify nearly all aCL-positive APS patients (sensitive) and is usually negative for patients with infectious and other autoimmune diseases (specific) [42–46]. The original assay did not consider the role of β2GPI; whether it performs the same in the presence and absence of β2GPI is unknown.
An independent study from Suh-Lailam et al. [47] showed comparable sensitivity for APS between the APhL assay and the aCL assay, when infection-induced antibody was defined by populations of patients with syphilis and parvovirus B19; the specificity of the APhL was greater. The APhL assay also compared favorably with the aβ2GPI assay in this study, with a sensitivity of 88% and specificity of 98%. (A weakness of this study is that only 16 of 101 aPL-positive patients had known APS; the remainder were drawn from samples submitted to a commercial laboratory and found to be positive.) A review in 2000, which included sera from patients with APS, leishmaniasis, leptospirosis, and syphilis, stated that the aCL assay was positive in 100% of APS sera, the APhL in 98%, and the aβ2GPI in 74%. Specificities for identifying APS were 73% for aCL, 96% for APhL, and 70% for aβ2GPI. The aCL and aβ2GPI tests were more frequently positive in infectious disease sera, making them less specific than the APhL test [48]. In data presented in this study, details of the sources of infectious disease sera are not provided; specificity was calculated using 42 non-APS samples, stated to derive from patients with syphilis, human immunodeficiency virus, Q fever, and other non-APS autoimmune diseases.
These studies suggest that the APhL assay might serve as an alternative to aCL as a first-line test in the APS diagnostic algorithm. Results from a wet workshop at the 13th International Congress on aPL that evaluated the performance of aCL, aβ2GPI, and APhL assays in the identification of 26 APS and persistent aPL-positive patients versus 21 healthy, infectious disease, and autoimmune controls supports this assertion [49]. The report from the 14th International Congress on aPL called for more extensive testing to confirm this assertion, especially for autoimmune diseases for which data are lacking [3]. Consequently, a comparative analysis was performed in a large number (n: 1178) of well-characterized SLE patients from ethnically diverse SLE cohorts [50]. In this study, IgG aβ2GPI were highly associated with venous thrombosis in SLE patients, while the APhL and aCL assays were also associated with venous thrombosis, but with smaller OR values. The APhL was the only assay associated with both venous and arterial thrombotic manifestations.
A critical review of the APhL assay was presented at the 15th International Congress on aPL [51]. Six articles met selection criteria; in all the APhL assay correlated with APS, and OR values were greater than those for aCL and aβ2GPI. The specificity of the APhL assay in diagnosing APS was greater than that for the aCL assay but similar to aβ2GPI in most studies. Conversely, the APhL assay showed similar sensitivity for APS diagnosis when compared to the aCL assay and improved sensitivity when compared to the aβ2GPI assays.
The task force concluded that more data on the clinical utility of APHL test are needed before any recommendation can be reached.
Antibodies to Factor Xa
Numerous studies show interactions of monoclonal and polyclonal aPL with serine protease (SP) enzymes that regulate hemostasis. Monoclonal human aPL cross-react with SP and bind to thrombin, activated protein C (APC), plasmin, tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), factor (F)IXa, and FXa [52–56], which share amino acid sequence homology at their catalytic sites. Several monoclonal human aPL inhibit inactivation of procoagulant SP and functional activities of anticoagulant/fibrinolytic SP [53, 55, 57, 58], and some aPL may recognize the catalytic domain of SP, leading to dysregulation of hemostasis and vascular thrombosis. Sera from patients with APS (including SLE-associated APS) bind different SP [55, 57].
Factor Xa has a central position in coagulation and mediates cellular inflammatory and anti-inflammatory processes [59]. Given its important position in coagulation and inflammatory pathways, plus recent addition of direct FXa inhibitors as alternative oral anticoagulants, interest has focused upon autoimmune-mediated regulation of FXa as well as other SP.
The work carried out at University College London examines the prevalence of IgG antibodies against FXa and associated SP, namely, thrombin (Thr), FXa, FVIIa, phosphatidylserine (PS)/FXa, and antithrombin (ATIII) in patients with APS and/or SLE as well as other autoimmune rheumatic disease (ARD) and healthy control (HC) groups. Furthermore, the effects of these antibodies upon the coagulant functions of FXa were studied. A significant difference occurred when anti-FXa IgG were present in patients with SLE (49.1%) or APS (33.9%) compared with ARD and HC where these antibodies were lacking (p < 0.05). Other anti-SP IgG were not specific to SLE and/or APS, with anti-Thr and anti-PS/FXa IgG being identified in other ARD and low levels of anti-FVIIa IgG found in all disease and HC groups.
Subsequent experiments utilizing purified anti-FXa-positive IgG revealed that the avidity of APS-IgG to FXa was higher than that of SLE-IgG. Furthermore, the greatest effects upon prolongation of FXa-activated clotting time (ACT) occurred with APS-IgG and inhibition of FXa enzymatic activity with APS-IgG followed by SLE-IgG when compared to HC-IgG. Antithrombin III inhibition of FXa was reduced by APS-IgG when compared to HC and SLE and did not correlate with binding to ATIII [60].
Inflammation is important in the pathogenesis of the APS through activation of complement and a family of G-protein-coupled receptors, known as protease-activated receptors (PARs) [61] that are present on endothelial cells. Serine protease enzymes, including FXa, activate PARs.
Artim-Esen and Giles hypothesized that polyclonal IgG with anti-FXa positivity may alter PAR-mediated inflammatory as well as coagulant effects in patients with APS and/or SLE. To test this hypothesis, the researchers measured real-time intracellular calcium (Ca2+) flux. They found a concentration-dependent induction of Ca2+ release by FXa that was significantly potentiated by APS-IgG compared to SLE/APS-IgG and to HC-IgG. Next, they examined the effects of a selective FXa inhibitor, antistasin, hydroxychloroquine, and fluvastatin in the presence or absence of patient IgGs. Treatment with all three drugs reduced FXa-induced and IgG-potentiated Ca2+ release.
Anti-FXa IgG isolated from patients with APS enhances both the enzymatic and cellular effects of FXa. Furthermore, FXa-mediated intracellular Ca2+ release in human umbilical vein endothelial cells is potentiated by IgG from anti-FXa-positive patients with APS and/or SLE. Further studies are now required to explore the use of IgG anti-FXa positivity as a novel biomarker and its potential to stratify treatment with FXa inhibitors.
The task force concluded that more data on the clinical utility of antibodies to FXa test are needed before any recommendation can be reached.
Annexin A5 Resistance Assay
This novel functional assay is based on the concept that annexin A5 has potent anticoagulant properties that result from its forming two-dimensional crystals over phospholipids, blocking the availability of the phospholipids for critical coagulation enzyme reactions [62–64].
Annexin A5 resistance is specific for APS-derived aPL (compared to aPL induced by syphilis) [65], correlates with risk of thrombosis and pregnancy complications [66, 67] and occurs in children with SLE [68], mainly in the presence of aPL [68, 69]. Resistance to annexin A5 anticoagulant activity correlates with aPL that recognize an epitope on domain I of β2GPI [70].
The task force concluded that more data on the clinical utility of annexin A5 resistance assay test are needed before any recommendation can be reached.
Thrombin Generation Tests in Antiphospholipid Syndrome
Thrombin generation (TG) tests , also referred to as thrombography , are methods using fluorogenic substrates that allow measurement of total thrombin activity in vitro in response to low concentrations of tissue factor, summarized as the thrombin generation curve or thrombogram [71]. The thrombogram calculates several parameters: lag time, time to peak, peak height, and the total amount of thrombin activity measured as the area under the curve, which is the endogenous thrombin potential (ETP) [72]. Activated protein C (APC) sensitivity of thrombin generation can be assessed either by adding APC or thrombomodulin. Activated protein C sensitivity can be estimated by an ETP ratio (APC sr) calculated by dividing the ETP measured in the presence of APC at a defined concentration by the ETP without APC. In addition, a dose-response curve of inhibition of ETP with increasing concentrations of APC (IC50-APC) can also be performed. This index corresponds to the APC concentration that produces a 50% inhibition of ETP [73, 74].
Thrombin generation tests can be used for treatment monitoring. In the specific situation of APS, the intensity of anticoagulation can be assessed by means of the ETP. A recent multicenter study, the rivaroxaban in APS (RAPS) [75], included the percentage change in ETP from randomization to day 42 in both treatment arms (warfarin and rivaroxaban) as the primary outcome.
Thrombin generation assays have also been used to evaluate thrombotic risk. Quantitative measurement of LA activity by thrombin generation [76] correlates with thrombotic events [76].

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