Type of prophylaxis and clinical condition
Recommendation and gradinga
Antibacterial prophylaxis
Patients with acute leukemia and adult SCT recipients after myeloablative therapy
A fluoroquinolone with systemic activity including P. aeruginosa should be used
Oral levofloxacin: 500 mg od (AI)
Oral ciprofloxacin: 500 mg bid (AI)
Oral norfloxacin: 400 mg bid (BI) (Less effective than ciprofloxacin)
Oral ofloxacin: 200–300 mg bid (BI) (less tested than ciprofloxacin in RCTs and at variable daily doses, lower activity against P. aeruginosa spp. and less effective than ciprofloxacin)
Antifungal prophylaxis
Leukemia patients, induction chemotherapy
Oral Posaconazole (200 mg t.i.d.) (AI)
Oral or IV Fluconazole (400 mg q.d.) (CI)
Itraconazole oral solution (2.5 mg/kg b.i.d.) (CI)
Echinocandins IV: Insufficient data
Polyenes IV (CI)
Aerosolized liposomal AmB plus fluconazole (BI)
Allogeneic SCT recipients, initial neutropenic phase
Oral or IV Fluconazole (400 mg q.d.) AI
Itraconazole (200 mg i.v. followed by oral solution 200 mg b.i.d.) BI
Posaconazole BIIb
Voriconazole (200 mg b.i.d. oral) Provisional BIb
Micafungin (50 mg q.d. iv) CI
Polyenes i.v.CI
Aerosolized liposomal AmB plus fluconazole BII
Allogeneic SCT recipients, GVHD phase
Posaconazole (200 mg t.i.d. oral) AI
Oral or IV Fluconazole (400 mg q.d.) CI
Itraconazole (200 mg i.v. followed by oral solution 200 mg b.i.d.) BI
Voriconazole (200 mg b.i.d. oral) Provisional BIb
Echinocandins: Insufficient data
Polyenes i.v.CI
Aerosolized liposomal AmB plus fluconazole Insufficient data
Antiviral prophylaxis
Herpes simplex virus (HSV)
Antiviral drug prophylaxis is not recommended in HSV-seronegative leukemic patients during chemotherapy or after SCT (DIII). HSV-seropositive patients undergoing allogeneic HSCT for acute leukemia should receive antiviral drug prophylaxis(AI). HSV-seropositive patients treated for acute leukemia by chemotherapy alone should be considered for antiviral drug prophylaxis (BIII)
Intravenous (5 mg/kg q12h) or oral acyclovir (from 3 × 200 to 2 × 800 mg/day) (AI) or oral valaciclovir (2 × 500 mg/day) (BIII) should be given prophylactically for 3–5 weeks after start of chemotherapy or after SCT and for longer periods of time in children treated for acute leukemia. Allogeneic SCT recipients, who develop GVHD or receive immunosuppressive treatment, including steroids, usually require prolonged HSV prophylaxis (BII)
Varicella-zoster virus (VZV)
Passive immunization with i.v. VZIG (at a dose of 0.2–1 ml/kg) or i.m. ZIG or IVIG (300–500 mg/kg) should be given within 96 h after exposure to VZV-seronegative leukemic patients on chemotherapy and those receiving steroids and to VZV-seronegative SCT recipients, patients who have chronic GVHD, who are on immunosuppressive treatment, or whose SCT was within 2 years (AII). Where passive immunization is not available, post-exposure prophylaxis with acyclovir (800 mg four times daily; 600 mg/m2 four times daily for children), valaciclovir (1,000 mg three times daily; 500 mg three times daily for <40 kg body weight), or famciclovir (500 mg three times a day) is recommended, starting during 3–21 days after exposure (AIII). If a second exposure occurs more than 21 days after a dose of passive immunization or after the administration of the antiviral prophylaxis, prophylaxis should be readministered (CIII)
Prophylaxis in VZV-seropositive patients is optional (CIII). Determination of VZV IgG serostatus before transplant is recommended for all SCT candidates (AIII). Prophylaxis with oral acyclovir (800 mg twice daily) or valaciclovir (500 mg once or twice daily) is recommended for seropositive allo-SCT recipients for 1 year (AII), or longer in the presence of GVHD and immunosuppressive therapy (BII). Prophylaxis in autologous SCT is controversial
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
A preemptive antiviral strategy based on the monitoring of CMV (pp65 antigen or quantitative PCR) represents the most widely used approach not only in the allogeneic SCT setting but also in other patient cohorts at risk of CMV infection and disease such as patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia under alemtuzumab therapy. Antiviral chemoprophylaxis is an alternative to preemptive therapy in subgroups of patients at high risk for CMV disease. Intravenous ganciclovir prophylaxis is an effective strategy for the prevention of CMV disease in subgroups of allo-SCT patients at high risk for CMV disease (BI), but toxicity concerns and the potential for resistance to ganciclovir among CMV hamper its unselected prophylactic use. Also acyclovir or valacyclovir at high doses can be used for CMV prophylaxis in allo-SCT recipients (BI); however, this approach must be combined with serial CMV monitoring and preemptive therapeutic intervention (AI). Immune globulin has no role as prophylaxis against CMV infection (EII). Valganciclovir prophylaxis is effective and reduces the risk of symptomatic CMV infection in patients receiving alemtuzumab (BII)
Type of prophylaxis and clinical condition | Recommendation and grading (see Table 16.1 legend) |
Antibacterial prophylaxis in high-risk neutropenic patients | Fluoroquinolone prophylaxis should be considered for high-risk patients with expected durations of prolonged and profound neutropenia (ANC <100 cells/mm3 for >7 days) (BI). Levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin have been evaluated most comprehensively and are considered to be roughly equivalent, although levofloxacin is preferred in situations with increased risk for oral mucositis-related invasive viridans group streptococcal infection. A systematic strategy for monitoring the development of fluoroquinolone resistance among Gram-negative bacilli is recommended (AII). Addition of a Gram-positive active agent to fluoroquinolone prophylaxis is generally not recommended (AI) |
Antibacterial prophylaxis in low-risk neutropenic patients | Antibacterial prophylaxis is not routinely recommended for low-risk patients who are anticipated to remain neutropenic for <7 days (AIII) |
Prophylaxis against Candida infections in high-risk neutropenic patients | Recommended in patient groups in whom the risk of invasive candidal infections is substantial, such as allogeneic SCT recipients or those undergoing intensive remission induction or salvage induction chemotherapy for acute leukemia (A-I). Fluconazole, itraconazole, voriconazole, posaconazole, micafungin, and caspofungin are all acceptable alternatives |
Prophylaxis against Aspergillus infections in high-risk neutropenic patients | Prophylaxis with posaconazole should be considered for selected patients >13 years of age who are undergoing intensive chemotherapy for AML/MDS in whom the risk of invasive aspergillosis without prophylaxis is substantial (BI) |
Prophylaxis against Aspergillus infection in pre-engraftment allogeneic or autologous transplant recipients has not been shown to be efficacious. However, a mold-active agent is recommended in patients with prior invasive aspergillosis (AIII), anticipated prolonged neutropenic periods of at least 2 weeks (CIII), or a prolonged period of neutropenia immediately prior to HSCT (CIII) | |
Prophylaxis against Aspergillus infections in allo-SCT recipients with severe GvHD | Antifungal prophylaxis with posaconazole can be recommended in HSCT recipients with GVHD who are at high risk for invasive aspergillosis (AI) |
Antifungal prophylaxis in low-risk neutropenic patients | Antifungal prophylaxis is not recommended for patients in whom the anticipated duration of neutropenia is <7 days (AIII) |
Antiviral prophylaxis during neutropenia | HSV-seropositive patients undergoing allogeneic HSCT or leukemia induction therapy should receive acyclovir antiviral prophylaxis (AI). Other herpesvirus infections occur in the post-HSCT setting, including infections due to cytomegalovirus and human herpesvirus 6. However, neutropenia is not a predisposition to reactivation of either virus; thus, prevention strategies for these 2 herpes viruses are not discussed |
16.2.3 The Emerging Problem of Resistance to Fluoroquinolones
The major drawback of the routine use of prophylaxis is the emergence of fluoroquinolone resistance in both Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms [22–26]. This phenomenon was well described by a retrospective analysis of the database of International Antimicrobial Therapy Group of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (IATG-EORTC) from studies of empiric antibacterial therapy in neutropenic patients conducted between 1983 and 1993 [26]. During this period the proportion of neutropenic cancer patients who received fluoroquinolone prophylaxis increased from 1.4 to 45 % and an increase in strains of Escherichia coli resistant to fluoroquinolones from 0 to 27 % was observed. Based on the above data, guidelines for the management of febrile neutropenia discouraged the widespread use of prophylaxis in neutropenic cancer patients [27].
However, the clinical implications of fluoroquinolone resistance continued to be investigated. A systematic review of the effect of quinolone prophylaxis on antimicrobial resistance in afebrile neutropenic patients which included 7,878 patients in 56 trials has been published in 2007 [28]. Of the 22 trials comparing fluoroquinolones versus placebo or no intervention, only three reported on colonization by resistant organisms by the end of follow-up and eight on the proportion of patients with fluoroquinolone-resistant infections. A nonsignificant increase in colonization with resistant organisms and no difference in the number of infections caused by resistant organism were observed in patients receiving fluoroquinolones. Prophylaxis decreased the overall incidence of infection without affecting the number of resistant infections (51/308 versus 54/154).
In summary, after more than two decades of use of fluoroquinolones for prophylaxis of infections in neutropenic cancer patients, the problem of resistance and its clinical implication remains controversial. Considering that the impact of fluoroquinolone resistance on the overall outcome of the patients, including survival, has not been clearly established, the increasing levels of resistance in a hematologic unit may be a poor indicator of potential clinical disadvantage or benefit associated with antibacterial prophylaxis. Based on the published data, it does not appear that the risk of resistance offsets the favorable impact of fluoroquinolone prophylaxis on mortality, microbiologically documented infections, number of febrile episodes, and costs. On the other hand, in view of the improved diagnostic strategies and management of febrile neutropenia, which may positively affect the outcome of neutropenic patients and of the increasing phenomenon of fluoroquinolone resistance over time with possible cross-resistance to other antibiotics, it would seem prudent to carefully monitor bacterial resistance and to periodically reevaluate the proficiency of the practice of antibacterial prophylaxis.
16.3 Antifungal Prophylaxis
16.3.1 Rational for Antifungal Prophylaxis
Patients with hematologic malignancies are at high risk of invasive fungal diseases (IFD), predominantly invasive aspergillosis (IA) and candidiasis, during prolonged chemotherapy-induced neutropenia and following allogeneic SCT particularly in case of acute or chronic graft versus host disease (GVHD) requiring immunosuppressive therapy. Considering that an early diagnosis is difficult to obtain, the prophylaxis of such complications is appealing. Prevention strategies are based on environmental precautions and antimicrobial treatment. While there is a general agreement in the role of the air filtration for the control of airborne filamentous fungal infections, the indication of pharmacological prophylaxis is still debated [29–31].
The prophylactic use of antifungals in some categories of hematologic patients has become standard practice of care and may be directed either to primary prevention of invasive fungal infections (primary antifungal prophylaxis or PAP) or to decrease the risk of recurrence of a previous IFD (secondary antifungal prophylaxis or SAP).
However, evidence supporting the efficacy of the prophylactic strategy is subjected to several variables: etiology of IFD (yeast vs. mold infections), underlying disease or conditions (acute leukemia vs. auto-SCT vs. allo-SCT), risk factors or periods (neutropenia vs. GVHD), and obviously different antifungal drugs (azoles, polyenes, nonabsorbable antifungals).
Patient populations likely to benefit from PAP should be identified as well as the impact of this strategy in reducing IFD (yeast vs. molds), overall mortality, fungal-related mortality, use of empiric antifungal therapy, and toxicity. The emergence of resistant fungal pathogens, duration of prophylaxis, and the need for therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of blood levels should be also considered [32, 33].
16.3.2 Primary Antifungal Prophylaxis Fluconazole and Itraconazole
Until a few years ago, only fluconazole and itraconazole had been evaluated in randomized, controlled trials for PAP in patients with hematologic disorders [34–42]. In allo-SCT, fluconazole 400 mg once daily reduced the incidence of IFD, overall and attributable mortality, and use of empiric antifungals and was associated with improved long-term survival probably for its potential role in the containment of severe GVHD [34–36]. In autologous SCT, fluconazole showed to reduce attributable mortality, but the impact on reducing overall mortality, IFD, and empiric use of antifungals was less clear [34]. In AML, fluconazole reduced IFD, but no clear impact was documented on overall and attributable mortality and the need for empiric use of antifungals [37, 38].
Itraconazole is an azole with anti-Aspergillus activity and a variable oral absorption. There is a strong link of blood concentrations to drug efficacy and TDM is indicated especially in case of gastrointestinal dysfunction and potentially harmful co-medication. For IFD prophylaxis target trough blood levels should be above 0.5 mg/l [4]. In a meta-analysis, itraconazole showed to be efficacious in reducing IFD, IA, and fungal-related mortality when used in patients with hematologic malignancies [39]. In an open-label trial, itraconazole IV/PO was compared to fluconazole for long-term prophylaxis in allo-SCT. IFD were documented in 9 % of patients treated with itraconazole vs. 25 % of those receiving fluconazole, but overall mortality was similar and gastrointestinal side effects were more frequently documented in the itraconazole group (24 % vs. 9 %) [40]. In another open-label trial, itraconazole was compared to fluconazole in allo-SCT pts. IFD documented while on treatment were 7 % in the itraconazole-treated patients vs. 15 % in those receiving fluconazole, but at the end of follow-up, no difference was noted (13 % vs. 16 %). More patients were discontinued from itraconazole because of toxicity or gastrointestinal intolerance (36 % vs. 16 %) [41]. A further randomized study which compared itraconazole oral solution with fluconazole oral solution as PAP in 494 neutropenic non-transplant patients with hematologic malignancies reported no differences in the efficacy and safety of the two PAP regimens [42]. However, the incidence of IFDs in this study was too low (1.6 % of patients in the itraconazole group and 2 % of patients in the fluconazole group) to detect any significant efficacy difference [42].
Based on these studies, for several years fluconazole and to a less extent itraconazole were the only drugs recommended for primary prophylaxis against Candida infection in neutropenic patients and allogeneic SCT recipients [43, 44]. However, a major limitation of a Candida oriented prophylaxis is the lack of activity against molds, which now represent the most frequent cause of IFDs in such populations. In the past years, the consciousness of the epidemiological impact of IA and less common molds, including zygomycetes, Fusarium species, and Scedosporium species, has increased worldwide. At the same time, new broad-spectrum and well-tolerated antifungal drugs, in particular second-generation triazoles and echinocandins, became available, and prospective, controlled trials have been conducted to investigate their ability to prevent IFDs in high-risk hematologic patients [18, 19, 45–49]. Posaconazole
Posaconazole, a second-generation triazole with broad spectrum of activity, including Aspergillus spp. and zygomycetes fungal group, is available in oral formulation only. The pharmacokinetics are characterized by marked interpatient variability mainly due to erratic bioavailability: the absorption of posaconazole is enhanced by co-administration with food, nutritional supplements, and low-pH beverage (cola), while it is reduced with co-administration of omeprazole. TDM is strongly suggested during posaconazole prophylaxis and target trough blood levels should be above 0.5 mg/l [32, 33]. A new tablet oral formulation and an intravenous formulation of posaconazole with less pharmacokinetic problems will soon be available.
Two phase III clinical studies indicated that posaconazole at a dose of 200 mg PO TID was at least non-inferior to a standard-of-care azole antifungal agent for preventing IFDs in acute myeloid leukemia and allo-SCT patients [45, 46]. The first study was a multicenter, randomized, open-label trial that compared posaconazole with fluconazole (400 mg/day) or itraconazole (200 mg/bid) for the prophylaxis of IFDs in 602 patients (aged >13 year) at high risk for neutropenia after receiving standard induction chemotherapy for a new diagnosis or first relapse of acute myelogenous leukemia or myelodysplastic syndrome [45]. Study drugs were administered at the start of each cycle of chemotherapy and were continued for a maximum of 12 weeks or until recovery from neutropenia and complete remission or occurrence of an IFD or adverse reaction to study drug. The primary efficacy end point was the incidence of proven or probable IFDs from randomization to the end of the oral treatment phase. Significantly fewer patients in the posaconazole arm compared with the fluconazole/itraconazole arm developed an IFD during the oral treatment phase (2 % vs 8 %, respectively; p = 0.001). While there was only a minor difference in the frequency of infections caused by Candida spp. between groups during the oral treatment phase, significantly fewer patients in the posaconazole group had IA (1 % vs. 7 %, p < 0.001). Survival was significantly longer among recipients of posaconazole than among recipients of fluconazole or itraconazole (p = 0.04). Serious adverse events possibly or probably related to treatment were reported in 6 % and 2 % of patients in the posaconazole and fluconazole or itraconazole group, respectively (P = 0.01).
The second study was a randomized, double-blind, multicenter trial in which posaconazole was compared with fluconazole (400 mg/day) for prophylaxis of IFDs in 600 allogeneic SCT recipients (aged >13 years) with GVHD [46]. Treatment was continued for 112 days or until the occurrence of a proven or probable IFD. The primary efficacy end point was the incidence of proven or probable IFDs during the period from randomization to day 112. The mean duration of posaconazole and fluconazole therapy was 80 days and 77 days, respectively. At the end of the fixed 112-day treatment period, the overall rates of IFD did not differ significantly between the two drugs (5.3 % in posaconazole group vs 9.0 % in fluconazole group; p = 0.07). Although the incidence of infections caused by Candida spp. was similar in both groups (<1 % of patients in either arm), posaconazole was superior to fluconazole in preventing proven or probable IA (2.3 % vs. 7.0 %; p = 0.006). During exposure period, in the posaconazole group, as compared with the fluconazole group, there were fewer breakthrough IFDs (2.4 % vs. 7.6 %, p = 0.004), particularly IA (1.0 % vs. 5.9 %, p = 0.001). Overall mortality was similar in the two groups, but the number of deaths from IFDs was lower in the posaconazole group (1 %, vs. 4 %; p = 0.046). The incidence of treatment-related adverse events was similar in the two groups (36 % in the posaconazole group and 38 % in the fluconazole group), and the rates of treatment-related serious adverse events were 13 % and 10 %, respectively. Voriconazole
Voriconazole, a second-generation triazole with anti-Aspergillus activity, is characterized by a highly variable pharmacokinetic profile (intra- and inter-subjects) either with IV or oral formulation mostly due to differences in the ability to metabolize the drug via the CYP2C19 P450 enzyme. Polymorphisms in the gene encoding this enzyme are common and result in variable rates of voriconazole metabolism. Additional factors that impact voriconazole metabolism are represented by liver disease, age, and co-medications interacting with CYP2C19 and CYP3A. As demonstrated in several studies, a large number of patients receiving voriconazole for therapy or prophylaxis may reach subtherapeutic or too high blood levels; therefore, also for this triazole TDM is strongly suggested in order to obtain plasma through levels ranging from 1 to 6 mg/L [32, 33, 50].
Two controlled studies of PAP with voriconazole have been conducted in allo-SCT patients [18, 19]. In the first study of primary prophylaxis, voriconazole was compared to fluconazole (295 patients vs 305 patients) in a randomized, double blind trial [18]. This study was characterized by a predefined, structured fungal screening program in order to obtain early diagnosis and therapy of fungal infections and to minimize morbidity and mortality. Patients undergoing myeloablative allo-SCT were randomized before transplant to receive study drugs for 100 days or for 180 days in higher risk patients. The primary end point was freedom from IFD or death (fungal-free survival, FFS) at 180 days. Despite trends to fewer IFDs (7.3 % vs. 11.2 %, p = 0.12), Aspergillus infections (9 vs. 17, p = 0.09), and less frequent empiric antifungal therapy (24.1 % vs. 30.2 %, p = 0.11) with voriconazole, FFS rates at 180 days were similar (75 % with fluconazole vs. 78 % with voriconazole, p = 0.49). Relapse-free and overall survival and the incidence of severe adverse events were also similar. This study demonstrates comparable efficacy of fluconazole or voriconazole prophylaxis in allo-SCT patients; however, a careful interpretation of the results is required. The study population considered in this trial was at lower risk of IFD as compared to a real-life allo-SCT population. Indeed, about 90 % of patients had a standard disease risk status, over half of transplants were matched related, the HLA match was 6/6 in 96 % of cases, half of patients did not develop acute or chronic GVHD, and the incidence of disease relapse/progression was only about 10 %. One would be interested to evaluate voriconazole’s performance in a higher risk population. This consideration is even more valid when looking at the results among patients with acute myeloid leukemia, a population at higher risk for IFD and with a poorer fungal-free survival. Interestingly, in this patient population voriconazole reduced IFDs (8.5 % vs 21 %; p = 0.04) and improved FFS (78 % vs 61 %; p = 0.04) compared to fluconazole [51].
The second study of primary prophylaxis compared voriconazole (200 mg b.i.d.) versus itraconazole (200 mg b.i.d.) in 489 patients receiving allogeneic HSCT for at least 100 days and up to 180 days from conditioning [19]. The primary objective was assessed on a composite end point, including survival at 180 days after transplant, no proven or probable breakthrough IFD, and no discontinuation of the study drug for more than 14 days during the 100-day prophylactic period. The voriconazole arm met the criteria for superiority in the primary end point when compared with the itraconazole arm (49.1 versus 34.5 %, p = 0.0004). The median duration of voriconazole prophylaxis was longer (97 days) than that of itraconazole (68 days), likely because of significantly more gastrointestinal adverse events (nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea) in the itraconazole group. However, the main concern with this study was the low rate of proven or probable IFDs (three in the voriconazole arm and six in the itraconazole arm). Echinocandins
In a randomized, double-blind trial, micafungin, 50 mg/day iv, was compared to fluconazole 400 mg/day in 882 SCT patients during the neutropenic phase [47]. Treatment success was 80 % for micafungin-treated group (340/425) vs. 73.5 % for the fluconazole-receiving patients (336/457) (p = 0.03). Aspergillosis was documented respectively in 1 vs. 7 cases. Empiric antifungal therapy was needed in 15 % vs. 21 % of the patient population. An increase in C. albicans colonization in micafungin arm was also documented. Criticisms were based on few pts, not exclusively high-risk and few proven IFD.
Caspofungin, 50 mg i.v. daily, was compared to IV itraconazole 200 mg as prophylactic antifungal therapy in 192 neutropenic patients with hematologic malignancies. No difference was documented between the treatment groups for success of prophylaxis (52 % vs. 51 %), proven or probable IFD (7 vs. 5), use of systemic antifungals for pneumonia or FUO (37 % vs. 34 %), fungal deaths: (4 vs 2) and tolerability [48]. Aerosolized Amphotericin B
Aerosolized liposomal amphotericin B, 10 mg twice weekly, was tested in a single center, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in 271 patients with hematologic malignancies with neutropenia following chemotherapy or SCT. Both groups received fluconazole. Less proven/probable invasive pulmonary aspergillosis were documented in patients receiving aerosolized liposomal amphotericin B [49].
16.3.3 Secondary Antifungal Prophylaxis (SAP)
An evidence-based approach to SAP in patients with a previous IFD and requiring further antileukemic treatment remains a challenging issue. An anti-infective strategy in the leukemia and transplant setting is clinically effective when the control of the infections enables the optimal cure of the underlying hematologic disease. Thanks to the use of antifungal drugs in SAP, an IFD, including IA, is no more an absolute contraindication for continuing care with intensive chemotherapy or SCT. However, very little data exist on the factors that could predict IFD reactivation while under SAP, on the choice of the best antifungal drug, and on the need of preventative surgical resection of residual pulmonary lesions. Mainly retrospective studies on secondary antifungal prophylaxis in patients with heterogeneous baseline characteristics and undefined risk of reactivation have been published so far [53, 54]. The largest series until now reported is represented by a retrospective survey of the Infectious Diseases Working Party of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) on 129 patients with a previous history of probable or proven IA who underwent allogeneic SCT [53]. The cumulative incidence of IA progression after transplant was 22 % at 2 years and duration of neutropenia post-transplant, status of the underlying disease, and length of anti-Aspergillus therapy pre-transplant represented determinant factors for progression or reactivation of IA while under SAP.

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