and Supportive Care for Glioma Patients

The goals of palliative care include:

• Provides relief from pain and other distressing symptoms

• Affirms life and regards dying as a normal process

• Intends neither to hasten or postpone death

• Integrates the psychological and spiritual aspects of patient care

• Offers a support system to help patients live as actively as possible until death

• Offers a support system to help the family cope during the patients illness and in their own bereavement

• Uses a team approach to address the needs of patients and their families, including bereavement counselling, if indicated

• Will enhance quality of life, and may also positively influence the course of illness

• Is applicable early in the course of illness, in conjunction with other therapies that are intended to prolong life, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy, and includes those investigations needed to better understand and manage distressing clinical complications

Recently there has been new evidence that the early involvement of PC might improve symptom detection and management and have a positive impact on the psychosocial support and end-of-life planning in oncology patients [9]. A recent single-center, nonblinded randomized controlled trial investigated the role of early referral to PC in the care of patients with metastatic nonsmall cell lung cancer [10]. Patients who received early integrated outpatient PC and met frequently with a PC team had meaningful improvements in quality of life and symptom burden as well as mood. In addition, these patients received improved end-of-life care and had prolonged survival when compared to patients undergoing standard of care.

However, most brain tumor patients are referred to PC after exhausting all therapeutic options (median of 28–70 days prior to death) [7, 11, 12]. At this point, it is unclear if such an intervention would be equally beneficial for patients with brain tumors given the difference in disease and symptom profile.

2 Symptom Management in Brain Tumors

2.1 Seizures

Epileptic seizures are common in patients with brain tumors and affect between 30–80 % of all patients with brain tumors [13]. Seizures can be potentially life threatening and can cause significant morbidity especially in patients with otherwise controlled tumors [14]. The seizure frequency in patients with glioma is generally higher in low-grade (WHO grade II) tumors (60–80 %) and less prevalent in glioblastoma (WHO grade IV) (29–49 %) [13]. Generally, patients with low-grade glioma and location in the temporal lobe, parietal lobe, or cortex are at greater risk for seizures than those with tumors in the infratentorial or white matter location. About 40 % of brain tumor patients present with a seizure as a first symptom and these patients remain at an increased risk for recurrent seizures despite treatment with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) [15]. Despite good seizure control during treatment, up to 86 % of patients suffer from seizures at the end of life [16].

The use of antiepileptic prophylaxis for glioma patients has been investigated in multiple, mostly retrospective studies [1720] and is currently not recommended for patients who have never had a seizure [15]. AED should be tapered off 1 week after surgery, if a patient has never had a seizure [15].

Once a patient with a brain tumor has had a seizure, long-term treatment with an AED should be strongly considered as these patients are at increased risk for seizure recurrence. It is important to consider the pharmacokinetic interactions of AEDs with anticancer therapeutics. A number of older AEDs such as phenobarbital, phenytoin, primidone, carbamazepine, and oxcarbazepine induce the cytochrome 450 (CYP450) -dependent hepatic enzymes and consequently increase their own metabolism and influence the metabolism and efficacy of many commonly used cytotoxic agents. In addition, these CYP450 inducers might affect the effectiveness of dexamethasone, which utilizes the same metabolic mechanism [21]. Valproic acid, however, is a CYP450 inhibitor that might increase therapeutic drug levels of antineoplastic agents and might have other antineoplastic properties. There have been several reports of the in vitro as well as in vivo antineoplastic activity of this histone deacetylase inhibiting antiseizure medication (reviewed in Weller et al.) [22]. A retrospective (and unfortunately insufficiently powered) analysis of patients participating in the EORTC/NCIC temozolomide trial for glioblastoma revealed prolonged survival with use of valproic acid [23]. On the other hand, another retrospective analysis of patients in the North Central Cancer Treatment Group trial came to the opposite conclusion. In that study, patients taking enzyme-inducing AEDs had increased survival [24]. Currently, the true impact of valproic acid on brain tumor survival remains unclear.

Newer AEDs such as levetiracetam, lacosamide, and zonisamide are not influenced by CYP450 and other metabolic pathways and therefore do not interact with other agents utilizing these pathways. Side effects are more frequent and pronounced in brain tumor patients when compared to the general epilepsy population [15, 25]. In the setting of brain tumor patients undergoing active treatment, levetiracetam is the most studied of the newer generation antiepileptic medications. According to several studies it has been well tolerated and safe, but possible side effects include neurocognitive deficits and psychiatric effects [26, 27].

Seizure management in the end-of-life phase of brain tumor patients is crucial given the high frequency and the fact that epileptic events have been associated with nonpeaceful death [28]. The optimization in this setting is challenging due to the fact that many brain tumor patients are unable to swallow or to take oral medications due to changes in mental status [8]. If oral or intravenous application is not warranted, a number of seizure medications can be supplied intramuscularly, subcutaneously, rectally, or via buccal or intranasal application (See Anderson et al. for details) [29].

Diazepam especially can be delivered as rectal suppository and the buccal or intranasal application of midazolam has also been shown to stop seizures [30]. All these recommendations are either extrapolated from other studies or follow general guidelines for the treatment of seizures as there are no prospective trials investigating seizure management in the end-of-life phase of glioma patients.

2.2 Fatigue

Fatigue is defined as a persistent sensation of physical, cognitive, or emotional tiredness that is not linked to any recent activity and that impairs normal function [31]. Fatigue is a well-recognized problem in oncology and is a prevalent as well as impairing symptom in brain tumor patients [32]. Patients report impairment due to fatigue throughout the course of the disease, but it is most prevalent at the time of radiation therapy. More than 80 % of patients with primary brain tumors report fatigue at the time of radiation therapy [33]. Symptoms especially appear to increase toward the end of the 6-week radiation treatment and can last after radiation has been discontinued. Fatigue is not strictly related to tumor grade and one study showed that 39 % of patients with a low-grade glioma continued to report severe fatigue more than 8 years after finishing therapy [34]. While the exact mechanism for cancer-associated fatigue remains unclear, factors associated with a higher risk for fatigue include older age, female sex, decreased performance status, and treatment-related factors [32, 3537].

All patients with fatigue should undergo screening for depression, which can affect between 16–39 % of patients with brain tumors [38]. Prior to initiating any fatigue-specific treatment, factors such as pain, anemia, sleep issues, metabolic problems such as thyroid dysfunction and low Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 levels, and malnutrition should be ruled out. A critical review of the patient’s medication list should be performed as some frequently used medications such as antiseizure medications and corticosteroid taper are also known to cause symptoms similar to cancer-induced fatigue. After addressing these factors, general strategies to manage fatigue should be implemented (please see Armstrong TS et al. for an excellent review) [35]. Patients are encouraged to implement energy conservation techniques such as prioritization of activities and delegation of more energy intensive activities. Extensive naps during the day should be avoided to maintain the normal sleep cycle. A variety of nonpharmacological interventions have been evaluated in other solid tumors such as breast cancer. Unfortunately, there is a lack of validated interventions for brain tumor-associated fatigue and especially exercise-based regimens are often of limited value due to focal neurological deficits. Two large meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials evaluating exercise for cancer-related fatigue came to the conclusion that exercise resulted in clinically relevant improvement and might be effective in treating fatigue [39, 40]. Successful exercise programs included a focus on walking or resistance training which can only be applied to a select group of brain tumor patients without paralysis or weakness. Other nonpharmacologic interventions might include psychosocial programs focusing on education, stress management, or cognitive-behavioral interventions [40].

Integrative medicine approaches such as yoga have been successfully employed in lowering self-reported levels of fatigue [41] and in another study had a positive impact on inflammation markers, fatigue and vitality [42]. The use of acupuncture is also frequently mentioned by patients, but conclusive data describing the impact on cancer-related fatigue remains lacking [43, 44].

Many pharmacologic interventions such as hemopoietic growth factors, corticosteroids, antidepressants, and psychostimulants have been evaluated in the general solid tumor population, but only the use of stimulants such as methylphenidate and modafinil have been evaluated specifically in glioma patients [35, 45]. While earlier open-label studies with methylphenidate and modafanil showed promising cognitive and functional improvement [46, 47], later randomized-blinded trials were not able to duplicate these findings [48, 49].

Fatigue is a prevalent and disabling symptom in primary brain tumor patients with high impact on function and quality of life. Due to the lack of conclusive data for brain tumor patients, interventions must be chosen individually with consideration of possible side effects.

3 Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are recognized as frequent and distressing symptoms for patients with glioma. Estimated prevalence of depression in glioma patients is 15–39 % and anxiety 30–48 % [6, 38, 50]. Functional impairment, prior history of depression, and female sex are identified as possible risk factors for depression in patients with glioma [6, 38, 50]. Anxiety is also associated with prior history of psychiatric illness and female sex [6]. Depression and anxiety are negatively associated with quality of life, and there is a weak association between depression and reduced survival [6, 38]. The etiologies of depression and anxiety in glioma are unknown. There is no convincing evidence to support the hypothesis that tumor or surgery are direct causes of depression [51].

Diagnosing depression in patients with glioma is challenging since many of the symptoms in DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder [52] (appetite change, sleep change, fatigue, poor concentration, and psychomotor slowing) could be caused by depression or by glioma and its treatment [51]. In patients who describe depressed mood or anhedonia, the safest approach is to assume that other more ambiguous symptoms are also due to depression until proven otherwise [51, 53]. Depression can also be difficult to distinguish from normal grief associated with a terminal illness. Hopelessness, worthlessness, guilt, anhedonia, and active suicidal ideation are useful in distinguishing depression from normal grief [53]. The sadness associated with normal grief also tends to come in waves rather than the pervasive sadness of depression [51]. As an adjunct to the global symptom assessment tools, the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale-Depression Subscale (HAD-D) have both been partially validated for use as screening tools for depression in patients with glioma [54]. Given low positive predictive value of screening, a clinical interview with collateral information from caregivers is the best way to make the diagnosis of depression [51].

There is less guidance for screening and diagnosis of anxiety in glioma patients. A single question, “How anxious have you felt this week?” and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) have both been validated as useful screening tools in cancer patients, followed by clinical interview to make a specific diagnosis [55].

There are no published randomized controlled trials of pharmacologic treatment to provide guidance in treatment of depression or anxiety in glioma [56]. Based on evidence in other seriously ill patients and cancer patients [55, 57, 58], selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may be considered as first-line therapy for treatment of depression [51] and anxiety in glioma patients. Slow titration to therapeutic doses and monitoring for drug–drug interactions is advised [55]. There are no prospective data about the safety of SSRIs in glioma patients; however, retrospective studies have not shown increased toxicity [51]. Unlike bupropion, clomipramine, high or moderate dose tricyclics, and venlafaxine, SSRIs are also a good choice for glioma patients as they are not associated with increased seizure risk in the general population [59, 60]. There is evidence to support the use of benzodiazepines as effective short-term treatment of anxiety in cancer patients [55], but they should be used cautiously given the increased risk of delirium [61]. Psychotherapy may have beneficial impacts on symptoms of depression and anxiety in patients with other systemic cancers [55]; however, the benefit and feasibility in glioma patients is unknown [51].

4 End-of-Life Care in Brain Tumor Patients

High-grade glioma remains incurable and long-term survival is very limited. Two recent systematic reviews have investigated symptoms of brain tumor patients in the end-of-life phase [8, 62] and show that patients suffer from a consistently high symptom burden [7, 11, 28, 6365]. Cognitive disturbances, delirium, somnolence, and aphasia are common with progressive high-grade glioma [62]. The majority of patients with high-grade glioma lack decision-making capacity in the last month of life and this capacity decreases even more during the last week before death [12, 28, 66]. Therefore, advance care planning conversations early in the disease course are essential [8, 62]. Relatives of glioma patients identified absence of transitions between settings as an important factor in allowing the patient to have a dignified death [67]. Advance care planning helps ensure that end-of-life care matches preferred care [68] and may help avoid burdensome transitions at the end of life. Completion of an advance directive is an important part of advance care planning, but it is not sufficient to ensure that patients’ wishes are respected. One study found that in 40 % of glioma patients, physicians were unaware of the patients’ end-of-life preferences, even though several had an advanced directive according to their relatives [66]. This data highlights the importance of not just completing a document, but also discussing plans with the family and the healthcare team. It also serves as a reminder to clinicians to ask about patients’ care preferences and advance directives.

There are few studies focusing specifically on interventions to improve advance care planning for patients with high-grade glioma [62]. In one study, patients with high-grade glioma who watched a video decision support tool were more likely to avoid CPR [69]. The most effective way to integrate early advance care planning into the care of all patients with high-grade glioma is unknown and it can be difficult to find time for advance care planning during busy clinic visits. A helpful roadmap for advance care planning conversations early in the course of serious illness is outlined by the acronym “PAUSE” (Table 2) [77]. The goal of the “PAUSE” roadmap is to allow clinicians to assess whether or not the patient is ready to discuss advance care planning, begin to understand their goals, encourage assigning a surrogate decision maker, and provide emotional support. The conversation may need to be continued with another member of the interdisciplinary team or at the next clinic visit.

Table 2
Early advance care planning conversations—“PAUSE” [77]


Pause in the work of the visit

Take a moment to prepare to introduce this part of the conversation.

“There is something I’d like to put on our agenda today”


Ask permission to raise the issue

“Could we take a moment to talk about what we should do if you get a lot sicker?”


Understand big-picture values

“Have you heard about advance directives or living wills?”

“If this disease was getting worse and it looked like time was short, what would be most important to you?”


Suggest a surrogate

“Have you thought about who would be the best person to make medical decisions if you were too sick to make them yourself?”


Expect emotion and emphasize

“This can be tough to talk about”

“It can be scary to think about things not going well”

4.1 Later Goals of Care Discussions

Another communication challenge that clinicians who care for patients with glioma face is navigating discussions about goals of care when the disease has progressed and the burdens of further anticancer therapy are beginning to outweigh the benefits. When oncologists discuss the possibility of discontinuing chemotherapy, they often have feelings of guilt and failure that they were unable to rescue the patient from impending death [70]. In addition many clinicians worry that discussing end-of-life care will take away hope; however, most patients want detailed information about their illness and what to expect [71]. Patients and families do want clinicians to convey empathy, support, and hope [72]. It is helpful to realize that an entire spectrum of hope can exist and evolve over time, including hope for cure, hope for living longer, hope for having time with loved ones, and hope for having a peaceful death [73]. Patients want to establish relationships with clinicians who see them as individuals [74], and want to trust clinicians with whom they discuss end-of-life concerns [75]. A useful roadmap to meet these patient and family needs in discussing goals of care late in the disease course is outlined by the acronym “REMAP” [77]. (Table 3) For patients with glioma, these later conversations will likely often occur with surrogate decision makers. A key skill is to ask questions to elicit the patient’s big-picture values prior to discussing specific treatment plans like stopping chemotherapy or enrolling in hospice care [70], e.g., “Did your wife ever talk about what we should do if she got a lot sicker and it looked like time was short?” Eliciting the patient’s values will then allow clinicians to recommend a care plan that is tailored to meet the patient’s goals.

Table 3
Addressing goals of care for patients late in the disease course (often done with a surrogate decision maker)—“REMAP” [77]

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