Rehabilitative Medicine
Rebecca G. Smith
Mary M. Vargo
Because the effects of cancer and its treatment are so varied, the individual with cancer can present with rehabilitation needs of virtually any sort (1). The key concept in rehabilitation is the need for definable goals. For cancer rehabilitation, Dietz (2) has outlined four types of goals: preventative, restorative, supportive, and palliative. According to the World Health Organization International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (WHO/ICF) (3), illness can act at a number of levels. Terminology was revised in 2002 to incorporate a “health” rather than “disease” perspective. Most basic is the effect of disease on the body itself (in most recent terminology “body structures” and “body functions”, formerly “impairment”). The next rung considers one’s ability to perform basic daily living functions (“activity limitations”, formerly known as “disability”), followed by the broader concept of impact on one’s societal role (“participation restrictions”, formerly known as “handicap”). Environmental influences on the person are also considered. Rehabilitation goals are highly individualized and may be set at any one or more of these levels.
Another important concept is measurement of rehabilitation outcomes. While at the body structure or body function level this may be straightforward (i.e., joint range of motion, limb girth, manual muscle testing), quantifying activity limitations or participation restrictions can be more complicated. Traditional functional scales applied to the cancer population, such as Karnofsky or East Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) scores, do not afford a level of detail that is useful in monitoring gradual increments in progress. In recent years, quantitative functional outcome tools, such as the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) (4), have been successfully used for measuring outcomes in patients with cancer, mainly in the inpatient rehabilitation setting. Other tests or scales measuring parameters such as quality of life, fatigue, pain, psychological tests, and specific functions (timed walk; swallowing studies; cognitive or language batteries) may also be of use in specific contexts.
Spectrum of Functional Impairments
The range of impairments caused by cancer is not only broad, but also dynamic. Problems seen may be attributable to the tumor itself, to treatment effects, or to other comorbidities. The issues may be immediately evident, or they may occur in a delayed manner. While some types of problems have excellent potential for improvement with rehabilitation (restorative goal), other impairments are permanent (maintenance goal, to prevent progression or secondary complications). The kind of rehabilitation problems, and the goals of treatment, will also vary with the stage of disease (Table 69.1).
Common issues across many types of cancer include pain, fatigue, and deconditioning. Pain and fatigue management are discussed in more detail in other chapters. Attention to differential diagnosis for these issues is critical. Rehabilitation interventions for pain include nonpharmacologic treatments such as heat, cold, and electricity-based modalities, injections, manual therapies, targeted exercise, and psychological strategies. Adjunctive pain medications may also be of benefit depending on the nature of the pain. Complementary and alternative medicine strategies such as acupuncture have gained increasing acceptance. Rehabilitation interventions for fatigue include exercise, energy conservation techniques, and pharmacologic adjustments. This may include use of stimulants or antidepressants, attention to sleep–wake cycle, and general care in minimizing the sedating or fatiguing side effects of medicines (5, 6).
Other problems are less universally seen, but need significant rehabilitation services when they do occur. Neurologic deficits can result from peripheral neuropathies; nerve root, spinal cord, or brain involvement; as well as from myopathies or conditions affecting the myoneural junction. Musculoskeletal issues can include major amputation or deformity (such as might present after a limb-sparing procedure), contracture, and muscle strain. Orthopaedic stability needs to be considered when bony metastatic disease presents. Communication and swallowing problems may occur, especially with conditions involving brain or head and neck structures. Cognitive deficits also can result from brain tumor or therapies. Limb edema, especially lymphedema, is a common problem often caused by tumor invasion of lymph nodes, and especially, by surgical and radiation treatment across lymph structures.
Deconditioning, or debility, is a multisystem complication of prolonged immobility (7, 8). While not specific to cancer, individuals with cancer are at risk due to the lack of physical activity that can result from the cancer itself, as well as from treatment. Deconditioning may also coexist with other forms of weakness, such as corticosteroid myopathy, critical illness polyneuropathy, myoneural junction disorders, or other neurologic insult. Of note, deconditioning is different from cachexia, and strategies to combat deconditioning (primarily restorative exercise programs) will probably not be tolerated
in the patient who is cachectic. Strategies to prevent and treat deconditioning are presented in Table 69.2. Many of the figures cited in the following text apply to individuals on complete bedrest. However, any limited activity status can also produce some degree of deconditioning.
in the patient who is cachectic. Strategies to prevent and treat deconditioning are presented in Table 69.2. Many of the figures cited in the following text apply to individuals on complete bedrest. However, any limited activity status can also produce some degree of deconditioning.
Table 69.1 Cancer Rehabilitation: A Dynamic Landscape | ||||||||||||
Weakness is the best-known effect of deconditioning. Various studies have found a loss of 10–20% strength per week of bedrest (1–1.5% per day), plateauing at 25–50% of strength at 3–5 weeks, and 50% loss of muscle bulk at 2 months (8, 9). The muscles develop increased fat and fibrous tissue, reduced concentration of oxidative enzymes, and increased jitter in neuromuscular transmission. Antigravity muscles show the most pronounced loss of muscle bulk, and large muscles lose strength twice as quickly as smaller ones (10). Stretching may delay muscle atrophy, and, conversely, limb positioning in a muscle-shortened configuration results in quicker atrophy (7). Daily isometric contractions at 10–20% maximum, held for 10 seconds, have been shown in one study to maintain isometric muscle strength, but it is unclear whether this is enough in all cases (9). With submaximal exercise, strength rebuilds at 6% per week, therefore it takes about twice as long to reverse the deconditioning process as it takes to develop (7, 8, 9). Generally isotonic (nonresistive) exercise is favored over isometric, because of its favorable effects on both musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems (8).
Contracture formation occurs because of increased collagen cross-links and turnover in loose areolar tissue, and eventual joint capsule tightness (7). Aggravating factors include local trauma, edema, hemorrhage, poor circulation, and joint degeneration, and accelerating factors include pain, poor positioning, weakness, and spasticity. Contractures result in increased work of physical activity (most notably walking), abnormal joint forces during weight bearing, impaired self-care, and in severe cases, more difficult nursing care. Stretching for 10–15 minutes daily prevents contractures, but in the setting of mild contractures, passive range-of-motion exercises for 20–30 minutes twice daily, with sustained terminal stretch, is required. For more severe contractures even more aggressive stretching is required, often in combination with other modalities, such as heat or dynamic splinting. Serial casting can also be done (8).
Osteopenia primarily affects weight-bearing bone, with mineral content falling nearly 1% per week, plateauing at approximately 50% of the original mass (7). Hypercalcemia may occur, typically approximately 4 weeks after starting bedrest, with symptoms including nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, lethargy, weakness, and anorexia (7). In the setting of cancer, alternative reasons for bone loss should be weighed, such as tumor invasion or paraneoplastic phenomena.
Cardiovascular effects include loss of plasma volume, decreased stroke volume and cardiac output, increased resting heart rate (half a beat per day during the first 2 months of bedrest), decreased VO2 max, increased blood viscosity, and decreased plasma proteins (7). With reconditioning, attention must be paid to heart rate and blood pressure responses to activity, and in particular to postural hypotension, which can be treated with compression stockings, use of a tilt table, adequate salt and fluid intake, and in refractory cases sympathetic or mineralocorticoid medications (8). For the patient with comorbid coronary artery disease, additional precautions may be needed when approaching reconditioning. Pulmonary effects include reduced tidal volume, increased respiratory rate, ciliary dryness, ineffective cough (especially with recumbency), and ventilation/perfusion mismatches. The patient should have frequent position changes, perform deep breathing exercises including incentive spirometry, and undergo appropriate chest physical therapy to facilitate clearing of secretions (8). Genitourinary effects include impaired emptying, bladder infection, and stones. Gastrointestinal effects include reduced peristalsis and poor appetite. Attention should be paid to adequate fluid and fiber intake, pharmacologic measures to address constipation (stool softeners, suppositories, laxatives), and, if urinary retention is suspected, checking of post-void residual volumes (8). Medications with anticholinergic or otherwise constipating side effects should be avoided, if possible. Cognitive and psychologic effects of deconditioning also occur, such as confusion, depressed mood, and anxiety. Attending to the patient’s comfort (including, to the extent possible, enjoyable activities), maintaining familiar people and environments, a regular daily routine, and adequate sleep are probably important in minimizing these effects.
Rehabilitation Interventions
Therapeutic Exercise
While much remains to be delineated, especially regarding the extent to which precautions are needed, exercise has been one of the best-studied areas of cancer rehabilitation in recent years. In addition to benefits relating to physical conditioning, improvements have been found in quality of life, psychological factors, and fatigue, even duration of neutropenia and of hospital stay (11, 12, 13, 14, 15). Beneficial effects have been seen in populations ranging from inpatients in the midst of intensive antineoplastic treatment, to outpatients recovering from breast cancer treatment (16), to long-term survivors (17). The goals of exercise vary with the stage of disease and the patient’s place in the treatment trajectory. For example, for an acutely ill hospitalized patient, the main goal of exercise might be to slow down the loss of strength, whereas posttreatment the goals will be genuinely restorative. Exercise can be conceptualized both in terms of maximizing general fitness (strength, cardiopulmonary conditioning), as well as targeting specific issues that the individual with cancer might need to address (such as lymphedema, amputation, hemiparesis, contracture). While formal conditioning programs do not
generally have a role in end-stage cachexia, rehabilitation therapies such as physical or occupational therapies may still be of benefit to help address the patient’s functional needs and overall independence level (18, 19). On the other end of the spectrum, for obese individuals, exercise is an important component of meeting weight loss goals, and shows promise in preventing weight gain in patients with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy (20). Special considerations regarding obesity in the cancer population are its association with reduced survival (and increased risk of malignancy in the first place) for at least some tumor types (21), and its association with lymphedema (22). A number of studies have shown benefits of exercise in cancer-related immune parameters (23). Physical activity has been associated with reduced overall and site-specific (breast, colon) cancer risk (24).
generally have a role in end-stage cachexia, rehabilitation therapies such as physical or occupational therapies may still be of benefit to help address the patient’s functional needs and overall independence level (18, 19). On the other end of the spectrum, for obese individuals, exercise is an important component of meeting weight loss goals, and shows promise in preventing weight gain in patients with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy (20). Special considerations regarding obesity in the cancer population are its association with reduced survival (and increased risk of malignancy in the first place) for at least some tumor types (21), and its association with lymphedema (22). A number of studies have shown benefits of exercise in cancer-related immune parameters (23). Physical activity has been associated with reduced overall and site-specific (breast, colon) cancer risk (24).
Table 69.2 Deconditioning Effects and Treatment Strategies | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Many exercise precautions have been cited for individuals with cancer, on a commonsense basis, but the evidence basis is very limited (Table 69.3). Factors to consider include blood counts (especially platelet count), bony integrity, and cardiovascular status. Generally, exercise can be unlimited with platelet count greater than 30–50 K, should be limited to low-impact, nonresistive activities when the platelets are under that level, and totally restricted (except perhaps brief walking) when platelets are under 10–20 K. The concern is that bleeding will result from the physical impact or from blood pressure response to activity. If there is a concern of bony stability, orthopaedic assessment is indicated for possible surgical fixation, bracing, or use of an assistive device before initiating the exercise program (25). Cardiovascular problems are common in the general population, and given the demographics of cancer they must be considered. A cancer-specific concern is cardiotoxicity of anthracycline chemotherapy. In this setting, warm-up and cool-down phases are essential, and the patient might not mount a predictable heart rate response to activity (26). Improved physical performance results from exercise, but is considered to be due to peripheral adaptation rather than intrinsic cardiac factors (27). Weight-lifting restrictions have sometimes been recommended for individuals with lymphedema, but, in the authors’ opinion, there is no one-size-fits-all cut-off as to how much may be lifted. Rather, patients should be counseled to build their activity gradually, avoiding sudden exposure to heavy weights.
A perennial difficulty with exercise programs, as with many therapies, is long-term compliance, and, of course, quality of life is always a consideration. Therefore, to the extent possible the patient’s enjoyment of the activity and
access concerns, must be considered and incorporated into the exercise recommendations. Courneya has outlined exercise programs for early stage patients and long-term healthy survivors (28).
access concerns, must be considered and incorporated into the exercise recommendations. Courneya has outlined exercise programs for early stage patients and long-term healthy survivors (28).
Table 69.3 Exercise Precautions in Cancer Rehabilitation (Empiric) | ||||||||||||||||
Generally, when cardiovascular conditioning is desired, an aerobic program is favored. Data is lacking as to when the exercise program needs to be supervised versus self-directed (16). Ideally, there should be a method of monitoring exercise intensity, to assure that a training effect is being reached. Over time, the individual will be able to increase his or her exercise intensity, with progressively greater physical work being performed before the anaerobic threshold is reached. Possible parameters include target heart rate based on exercise stress test data (the ideal, especially in the setting of known cardiac problems, but not always feasible) or calculated values (220 less age in years as a rough gauge of maximum heart rate in a healthy individual). Target exercise heart rate is typically 60–85% of maximum, with those in poor physical condition aiming for the lower end of this spectrum. Alternatively, for the frail individual, one might aim empirically for an approximately 20 beats per minute increase from resting heart rate, or use the Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion, a self-administered rating scale which has been shown to correlate with heart rate and other physiologic training effect parameters (26). While adjunctive pharmacologic strategies, such as use of stimulants, anabolic steroids, or red blood cell promoting agents, have been considered to improve exercise tolerance and/or muscle mass in the patient with cancer, data as to effectiveness and specific indications is pending. One study of weight losing cancer patients did exhibit improved exercise tolerance with erythropoietin (29).
Strengthening is initially best tolerated with isotonic (nonresistive, high-repetition) activities, gradually incorporating more intensity into the program. However, when one desires to minimize forces across a joint (e.g., in the presence of bony invasion, pain, or arthritis), isometric exercise may be best tolerated. Isometric exercise consists of muscle contraction in the absence of joint excursion. Isometric strength is important for some aspects of functional activity, such as transfers, and maintaining a wheelchair push-up.
Flexibility on the part of the therapist is needed, and tolerance may be limited by medical complications and fatigue. Even if, while acutely ill, the level of participation is minimal, the patient benefits from the “habit” and trust that is built with the therapist, which may translate into quicker transition to physical activity when the patient is ready (30, 31).
For individuals with focal weakness, the activity program will include strengthening of the affected parts, and compensatory strategies. The prognosis for improvement will vary with the etiology and severity of the lesion (see section Mobility and Gait Training). For those with contracture, a stretching program is important (see section Deconditioning). Stretches are also an important preventative strategy, especially for patients who have received radiation therapy across a joint, amputation (contractures will impede prosthetic use), or with a weakness pattern resulting in imbalance in the strength of agonist/antagonist muscles surrounding a joint.
Exercise is an important part of complex decongestive therapy (CDT) for lymphedema (see section Lymphedema), although it has not been well studied as an isolated modality for this condition.
Mobility and Gait Training
Mobility refers to the ability to move and explore one’s environment. It includes the ability to move in bed (bed mobility) including changing positions from supine to sitting, rolling on one’s side, sitting on the side of the bed, and transferring from one surface to another. It may be at the wheelchair or ambulatory level. Impaired mobility may be caused by a number of conditions (see section Spectrum of Functional Impairment). Cognitive and visual perception factors imposed by central nervous system lesions may also limit mobility and pose additional challenges in rehabilitation.
For the severely impaired person having difficulty moving in bed, poor sitting tolerance, and inability to transfer, physical therapy is needed. Physical therapy may also be indicated to attain a higher functional level (reconditioning), or to help the patient regain deficient skills. The therapy may begin at the bedside to promote independent mobility in bed, balance and sitting tolerance, and transfers out of bed to a standing position or to another chair. The use of a tilt table may allow the person with autonomic dysfunction to gradually tolerate changes in position from supine to sitting and eventually to standing. Locomotion may be achieved with a wheelchair, or
walking with an assistive device such as a walker or cane. The prescription of an orthosis or prosthesis may be necessary to promote functional independence. Additional physical therapy goals may include strengthening affected muscles, stretching contractures, reducing spasticity, improving proprioception and balance, and helping develop compensatory strategies for those with visual–spatial deficits or communication disorders.
walking with an assistive device such as a walker or cane. The prescription of an orthosis or prosthesis may be necessary to promote functional independence. Additional physical therapy goals may include strengthening affected muscles, stretching contractures, reducing spasticity, improving proprioception and balance, and helping develop compensatory strategies for those with visual–spatial deficits or communication disorders.
Gait disturbances due to weakness, spasticity, proprioceptive deficits, and leg-length discrepancies may be corrected with a combination of orthoses, specially adapted assistive devices and gait training. Physical therapists also provide gait training to those who have had lower limb amputations. This may include teaching them to ambulate using assistive devises such as crutches or a walker, as well as providing prosthesis (artificial limb) training. Gait abnormalities associated with poorly fitting or incorrectly fitted prostheses can also be identified and corrected by a team including the physical therapist, physiatrist, and prosthetist (Figure 69.1).
![]() Figure 69.1. Gait training: patient with right transfemoral amputation and a left transtibial amputation. |
Functional abnormalities due to spasticity including ambulation and gait may be addressed with a combination of physical therapy, medications, and other interventions if necessary. Pharmacologic management of spasticity may be initiated if the conventional therapeutic techniques of stretching and bracing are not effective and if the condition limits ambulation, activities of daily living (ADL), and hygiene and/or causes pain. These agents include baclofen, tizanidine, and dantrolene. Interventional techniques such as botulinum toxin injections, neurolysis with phenol and intrathecal baclofen pumps are additional strategies that physiatrists may use to reduce the complications of spasticity that often limit ambulation, as well as other ADL.
Activities of Daily Living
Functional ADL include activities of self-care including bathing, grooming, personal hygiene, toileting, eating, and dressing. Additional instrumental ADL include meal preparation, shopping, paying bills, and household duties. The inability to perform ADL may be due to the same factors that limit mobility including cognitive and visual perception deficits.
Occupational therapists are trained to help people regain their ability to perform their ADL. They help the patient develop compensatory strategies to perform self-care activities including functional transfers to the commode and bath or shower, based on the individual’s impairments. Assistive devices such as a reacher or shoehorn may help a person regain the ability to dress. Modified eating utensils and upper extremity orthoses may assist in self-feeding. Additional devices including a raised toilet seat and tub or shower chair may help compensate for orthopaedic or neurologic impairments and allow a person to perform toileting and bathing activities.
Occupational therapists are also trained to provide focused therapies to improve generalized upper extremity weakness and range of motion, and implement techniques such as constraint-induced therapy for those with long-standing upper extremity hemiparesis. They, along with physical therapists, are trained to provide education and training to patients and their families, as well as, teach safety techniques and energy conservation strategies (such as pacing, prioritization, planning, and attention to posture with activities) and perform a home checkout. Home therapies may be effective in establishing independence and compensatory strategies in the home environment, as well as in developing home modifications to improve safety and accommodate specific limitations and equipment (Figure 69.2).

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