69 Proton Therapy
Rapidly increasing interest in proton therapy is evident in the large attendance at proton therapy meetings and symposia, the growth of proton therapy vendors, and the growing involvement of major radiotherapy equipment manufacturers. At the time of writing (November 2009), there were seven hospital-based proton therapy centers operating in the United States (source http://ptcog.web.psi.ch). Many more are being built and planned around the world. In addition, at least two companies have entered the business of making small, single-room proton therapy facilities using compact accelerators.
Such interest in protons (and, more generally, in heavier charged particles) is sparked by their energy deposition characteristics. Protons continuously interact as they traverse through a medium, losing energy along the way until they come to a stop. They deposit the greatest amount of energy per unit path-length near the end of their range. A characteristic depth–dose curve and beam profiles for a narrow monoenergetic beam of protons are shown in Fig. 69-1A. The peak of highest dose is called the Bragg peak. Dose distribution from such a beam would be of limited use in treating cancers of arbitrary shape and size. A therapeutically useful beam can be produced in two ways: (1) by appropriately modulating the energy of the initially narrow monoenergetic beam as well as scattering it laterally to cover a target volume of a given size, or (2) by scanning the narrow (pencil) beams of a sequence of energies magnetically. The former modality is called passively scattered proton therapy (PSPT). Fig. 69-2 shows a typical PSPT dose distribution in water, a distribution characterized by a lower dose at the entrance, a flat region called the spread-out Bragg peak (SOBP), and rapid fall-off at the distal edge. This figure also illustrates how a sequence of Bragg peaks of appropriate intensities adds to produce the SOBP. Such a dose distribution requires further custom shaping with a block or an aperture to conform the lateral dimensions of the beam to the shape of the target and a range compensator to conform the distal edge of the dose distribution to the distal edge of the target volume. In proton therapy with scanning beams, the intensities of thin proton “pencils” of a range of energies, terminating at a matrix of points in the target, are determined using optimization techniques to achieve specified clinical objectives. This is the proton therapy equivalent of intensity-modulated photon (radiation) therapy (IMRT, also called IMXT or intensity-modulated x-ray therapy) and is called intensity-modulated proton therapy (IMPT). Regardless of the modality, generally two or more fields are used per treatment fraction, though the number of fields for proton therapy is usually smaller than the number for photon therapy.
General Principles of Physics of Proton Therapy
Interactions of Protons With Matter
Nuclear interactions also result in the production of neutrons, an unwanted byproduct. Neutrons can travel large distances and necessitate the use of a large amount of shielding. They may also induce a significant level of radioactivity in the metallic objects they pass through and are of major concern because of their carcinogenic potential. Experts have cautioned about neutron contaminants when using passively scattered proton beams, especially for pediatric treatments.1–4 However, the designs of newer treatment delivery systems have substantially reduced neutron contaminants in the incident passively scattered beams. Of course, neutron contamination in the incident scanned beam is essentially zero. Neutrons generated in the patient are unaffected, but their number is relatively small.
Proton Accelerators
The narrow beam of protons produced by the accelerator has a relatively small initial energy and angular spread. After extraction from the accelerator, the beam is directed magnetically through the beam line to the gantry and into the treatment head or “nozzle.” The term nozzle is used in particle therapy to describe the treatment head that the beam passes through after leaving the evacuated beam line. Fig. 69-3 shows the treatment floor configuration at the M.D. Anderson Proton Center (MDACC) and Fig. 69-4 shows the schematics of the passive scattering and scanning beam nozzles of the Hitachi proton synchrotron, the accelerator at MDACC. Its important components are described in the figure caption.
Therapeutic Proton Beams
A beam of protons entering the nozzle is a focused, circularly symmetric thin pencil. As it traverses the air and monitoring devices, it spreads out slightly by the time it reaches the surface of the medium (patient, phantom, compensator, etc.). Once it enters the medium, the rate of interactions increases substantially. Typical dose distribution in water from such a beam is shown in Fig. 69-1. To be clinically useful, such distributions must be spread out laterally and longitudinally (i.e., in the direction of the beam). This can be achieved by either passively scattering protons with a combination of a rotating range modulation wheel (RMW) and a scattering foil or by varying the energy of the protons before they enter the nozzle and actively scanning with magnets.
Passively Scattered Proton Beans
Conventionally, proton dose distributions of therapeutic interest have been produced by passive scattering. In the technique most commonly employed, an RMW is used to produce protons of a sequence of energies up to a maximum. The RMW is like a propeller that is placed in the path of protons. It has multiple banks of steps of a range of thicknesses each. Fig. 69-5 shows the design of a Hitachi RMW. It has six banks of steps and rotates at 400 revolutions per minute, thus it modulates the initial beam’s energy 40 times per second. As the wheel rotates, the proton beam passes through different thickness of the material and is slowed down to different energies. Angular widths and thicknesses of the steps are designed so that the sum of the resulting individual Bragg peaks results in a flat, homogeneous depth dose distributions of the type shown in Figs. 69-2 and 69-6 and called the SOBP. The thinnest step corresponds to the deepest penetration and the thickest one corresponds to the most proximal Bragg peak desired. SOBPs of in-between widths may be achieved by turning the incident beam off and on repeatedly at predetermined angles during the wheel’s rotation.

FIGURE 69-5 • Two views of a typical range-modulator wheel for the Hitachi proton therapy system. The wheel rotates at 400 rpm and modulates the incident beam six times per rotation, each modulation presents a series of steps to the monoenergetic proton beam producing a series of Bragg peaks. The angular width of each step is proportional to the intensity of the corresponding Bragg peak. These widths are chosen so that the sum of Bragg peaks is a spread-out Bragg peak (SOBP) of the type shown in Fig. 69-6. Turning the incident beam off and then on again on modulator steps less than the maximum thickness is used to produce SOBPs of different modulation widths. In combination with a second scatterer, the range-modulator wheel spreads the beam laterally to a size of predetermined diameter.
Scanned Beams
Magnetic scanning of thin pencil beams provides greater flexibility and control for creating optimum conformal proton dose distributions. In addition, the elimination of mechanical shaping devices (such as apertures and compensators) saves the time required for the insertion of these devices and eliminates the need to enter the treatment room between fields, thus, making treatments more efficient. Protons in a pencil beam incident on a patient or phantom are very nearly monoenergetic and are distributed essentially as a narrow Gaussian function of position relative to the pencil beam’s center. The lateral dimension of a pencil beam is expressed in terms of σ of the Gaussian or in terms of its full width at half-maximum (FWHM; 2.35 × σ). A smaller σ is desirable, because it allows for a sharper penumbra and greater control of dose distributions. In air, higher energy proton pencil beams have a smaller σ than the lower energy ones. Typically, the smallest achievable σ for the highest energies (220 to 250 MeV) ranges from 3 to 5 mm. Once the pencil beam enters a medium, such as a phantom or a patient, the σ increases substantially, especially near the end of the range of protons. This is illustrated in Fig. 69-1 for a Hitachi proton therapy system, which shows the dose distribution of a single pencil beam in water for a proton beam of range 21.5 cm (corresponding to an energy of 181.05 MeV). The FWHM of the pencil beam at the end of its range in water as a function of energy varies from approximately 12 mm for 220 MeV to 21 mm for 120 MeV.
The treatments with scanning beams are also referred to as spot scanning treatments. The lateral position of the spot is controlled by two orthogonal magnets, and the range of the spot is controlled by changing the energy of the incident pencil beams. The maximum depth of penetration of the pencils in tissue equivalent materials may vary from a few cm for the lowest energies to more than 36 cm for 250 MeV. Fig. 69-4B shows the Hitachi scanning beam nozzle. Field sizes of up to 30 cm × 30 cm can be achieved in this system.
Field Shaping
When a passively scattered beam is used to irradiate a water phantom, it produces a dose distribution with the depth dose characteristics depicted in Fig. 69-6 and an axially symmetric lateral distribution that tapers off gradually beyond the maximum radius of the intended flat region. To conform the dose distribution laterally to the shape of the target volume (plus appropriate margins), an aperture, typically made of brass of sufficient thickness (2 cm to 8 cm) to absorb incident protons of highest energy, is used (Fig. 69-7). Brass is a compromise material because it produces fewer neutrons than, say, lead or Cerrobend and yet the apertures are sufficiently compact and manageable. As illustrated in the schematic of the Hitachi passive scattering nozzle in Fig. 69-4A, the field aperture fits in a “snout,” a component at the end of the nozzle designed to hold field shaping devices. To achieve sharp beam boundaries, the field aperture is positioned close to the patient. However, the gap between the aperture and the patient reduces the intensity of the hot spots at shallow depths caused by protons scattered from the aperture. As mentioned above, the designers of the new proton therapy systems are considering multileaf collimators to shape the lateral field boundaries.
To create a dose distribution that conforms to the distal shape of the target, the SOBP of the passively scattered beam is shaped further by using a range compensator. A compensator is usually made of a nearly water-equivalent material such as Lucite (Fig. 69-8). It is designed to degrade the beam energy point-by-point by variable amounts so that the distal edge of the beam conforms to the shape of the target plus a suitable margin. The compensator is the final element in the nozzle. The air gap between the patient and the compensator is minimized to reduce the penumbra by moving the snout close to the patient. The aperture and compensator for each beam are designed by the planning system and the design information is used to fabricate these devices using computer-controlled milling machines.
Proton Treatment Planning
Because of these issues, the volumes and margins for targets and normal structures used in treatment planning, as described in International Comission on Radiological Units (ICRU) Reports 50 and 62,5,6 need to be reconsidered. The concept of planning target volume (PTV) has limitations even for conventional radiotherapy. For instance, assuming that the margins to extend clinical target volume (CTV) to PTV are chosen with appropriate consideration of inter- and intrafractional anatomic variations, the dose volume histogram (DVH) of a PTV represents the worst case scenario: clinical target volume is guaranteed to receive no less than the minimum dose to the PTV. It does not, however, reflect actual dose distribution received by the CTV, which may move around from time to time and from day to day within the PTV.
Treatment Planning Considerations for Passively Scattered Proton Therapy
Compensators designed simply to conform the distal edge of the proton dose distribution with the distal edge of the target assume that the patient’s anatomy is invariant over the course of radiotherapy and remains aligned with the compensator in day-to-day positioning. However, positioning uncertainties and changes in inhomogeneities relative to the target volume in the path of a proton beam would affect the depth of penetration and the conformity of the dose distribution to the distal and, to a lesser extent, proximal edge. To ensure coverage of the target in the presence of misalignment of the compensator with the anatomy and the variations of anatomic structures of significantly different densities, compensators are smeared.7 The smearing process essentially reduces the width of the higher thickness regions of the compensator to allow protons to penetrate more deeply even when adjacent higher density tissues move into their path. Smearing and margins for range uncertainty ensure coverage of the target, albeit at the expense of higher dose to normal tissues distal to the target. Furthermore, smearing would normally necessitate an increase in the modulation width to ensure that dose to the proximal edge is not compromised. Smearing also coincidentally reduces the consequences of inadequate accounting for lateral scatter in current proton planning systems.
Targets that move because of respiration present additional challenges for PSPT planning. It has been demonstrated that if proton planning for such targets is based on conventional CT images, the dose distributions seen on the treatment plan may be a poor representation of the dose distribution actually received by the patient, leading to target underdosing and normal-tissue overdosing.8 There have been recent attempts to incorporate respiration-induced motion into proton therapy planning. For example, four-dimensional (4D) CT data sets, comprising a sequence of three-dimensional (3D) CT data sets, one set for each phase of the respiratory cycle, may be used to design the motion-integrated internal target volume (ITV). The compensator design is then based on the so-called maximum intensity projection (or MIP) image of the ITV in which each voxel within the ITV is set to its maximum intensity in any one of the phases.8 An alternative approach reported by Engelsman et al.9 also uses the 4D CT. In it, one compensator is designed for each phase of the 4D CT. The union of all the compensators represents the final composite compensator. Either strategy ensures that protons will penetrate sufficiently deeply to cover the target adequately regardless of its position. However, actual dose distribution behind the target may be significantly higher compared with what would be seen on the resulting treatment plan. It is highly desirable that gated or breath-hold treatments be used for proton therapy if the intrafractional motion exceeds a certain threshold, e.g., 0.5 cm.