© Springer-Verlag London Ltd. 2017
Hugues Duffau (ed.)Diffuse Low-Grade Gliomas in Adults10.1007/978-3-319-55466-2_2727. Functional Rehabilitation in Patients with DLGG
National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM), U1051, Team “Plasticity of the Central Nervous System, Human Stem Cells and Glial Tumors”, Institute for Neurosciences of Montpellier, Montpellier University Medical Center, 80 Av Augustin Fliche, 34091 Montpellier, France
Department of Neurosurgery, Gui de Chauliac Hospital, Montpellier University Medical Center, CHU Montpellier, 80 Av Augustin Fliche, 34295 Montpellier, France
University of Montpellier 2 rue de l’école de Médecine, 34090 Montpellier, France
Department of Neurology, Gui de Chauliac Hospital, Montpellier University Medical Center, 80 Av Augustin Fliche, 34295 Montpellier, France
A relevant and ethical management of DLGG patients can’t refrain from taking into account cognitive disorders and proposing, if need be, a specific program of cognitive rehabilitation, to allow patients recovering—or maintaining—the best level of quality of life as possible. The slow-growing and infiltrating character of DLGG makes their associated cognitive disorders particularly amenable to rehabilitation, by potentiating or even constraining the mechanisms of functional brain reorganization within complex large-scale neural networks.
DLGGCognitive disordersCognitive rehabilitationDistributed inter-connected networksFunctional brain reorganizationNeural plasticityQuality of life27.1 Introduction
Patients with DLGG may present with functional impairments in various degrees, following especially lesion location and size, disease course and treatments. The term “functional” encompasses everything related with human functioning. Here we will focus on non-pharmacological rehabilitation of cognitive functioning, its efficacy and its consequences on the level of Quality of Life (QoL). Sensory-motor rehabilitation is managed either by physiotherapists, occupational therapists or even by orthoptists, for example in case of hemianopia. As mentioned in our previous chapter, cognitive functioning encompasses language, attention, memory, executive functions, to which we may add social cognition.
Recent advances in therapeutic strategies allow increasing significantly the duration of survival in patients with brain tumor. Nevertheless, during these disease-free periods, most of the patients experience cognitive disorders, which may negatively influence the QoL. Moreover, given that DLGG occurs mainly in young adults, with busy socio-professional activities, a relevant and ethical management of DLGG cannot refrain from taking into account cognitive disorders, whatever their importance and their origin. Indeed, cognitive disorders, which may go from slight ones to broad impairments in different cognitive functions, might be caused not only by the tumor itself, but also by related epilepsy and treatments [1]. Disorders may be related to the location of the tumor as well as to disconnection mechanisms between functional networks induced by probable disturbances in functional connectivity due to the tumor [2]. Thus, disorders are often diffuse, and not necessarily as they would be predicted by tumor location. Moreover, these disorders are different, for a given location, from those secondary to strokes [3]. Therefore, in the context of patient care as well as in the context of longitudinally follow-up, we absolutely have to assess periodically the cognitive functioning of DLGG patients (see Chap. 18) and to propose, if need be, a specific program of cognitive rehabilitation, in order to prevent or treat cognitive disorders. It is worth noting that we may propose this program not only in patients with cognitive disorders highlighted by cognitive assessments but also in those who have subjective complaints concerning cognitive functioning, even if not objectivable by neuropsychological evaluations.
Although studies on cognitive rehabilitation have already a long history in neuropsychology, from the early twentieth century in the aftermath of World War I [4], its efficiency is currently a wide matter of debate because, despite early and sometimes intensive therapies, cognitive or neurologic disorders may persist chronically [5]. Several lines of explanation can be advanced to account for this lack of positive outcomes, from methodological, institutional to more neurophysiological considerations. With regard to the latter, it was long believed that the poor functional recovery could be explained by a limited potential of the brain to compensate from lesions [6]. However, observations from DLGG patients show in an exemplary manner that this statement may not be true. Indeed, it is now well acknowledged that cognitive disturbances are limited in patients harboring a slow-growing tumor, despite sometimes extensive lesions and resections [6]. Among the most striking clinical observations, it has been, for example, demonstrated that extensive frontal lobectomies did not induce any cognitive or behavioral dysexecutive syndrome [7] or that the surgical excision of Broca’s area, a brain region thought yet as crucial for language processing, did not induce permanently a productive aphasia [8, 9]. These provocative findings have led to revise the conception according to which the potential of brain plasticity is relative in the case of brain injury as not allowing a complete and efficient recovery. In the same way, they have challenged the conventional conceptions of neuropsychology which are not able to explain these important functional reorganization phenomena. For this reason, alternative view of anatomo-functional organization, according to which brain function is the result of functional orchestration and integration of large-scale and distributed networks has emerged. The heuristic value of this framework is much higher to account for functional plasticity than the functional specialization framework.
If studies focusing on functional rehabilitation in patients with brain tumor are scarce, especially concerning cognitive rehabilitation (and even more concerning language rehabilitation), the few we found underline that rehabilitation interventions are associated with significant improvements in functional status (for a review, see [10–17]). These improvements in functional outcomes induced by rehabilitation justify, following some authors, the delivery of rehabilitation services to brain tumor patients [18, 19].
27.2 Theoretical Approaches and Mechanisms of Recovery
Cognitive rehabilitation encompasses all the modalities of nonpharmacological interventions to treat or prevent cognitive disorders. These interventions are administered to the patient by a speech-therapist and/or a neuropsychologist. Two kinds of mechanisms underlying the recovery of cognitive functioning are described in the literature: compensation and restoration [20–22]. Their effectiveness has been addressed in several studies, concerning different brain injuries (traumatic, strokes, and more scarcely tumors) [23, 24]. Compensatory and restorative processes participate both in functional brain reorganization, and may be induced by different strategies of cognitive rehabilitation. These different settings may be divided in two groups.
In the setting of compensation strategies, patients are taught to make use of external and internal strategies in order to bypass their cognitive disorders. Thus, they learn to achieve a given cognitive task in a different way as before by reorganizing functional networks in intact brain areas, close or distant to the lesion [25].
In the setting of restoration strategies, patients are taught to retrain specific cognitive skills thanks to repetitive stimulation, in order to restitute at least partially the prior cognitive functioning. Thus they learn to achieve the same behavior in a similar way as before, by enhancing residual functional capacities [26].
In any case, these strategies are not mutually exclusive, and actually, the mechanisms of recovering induced by the use of these different strategies remain unclear, certainly because no program of cognitive rehabilitation is based exclusively in one or the other strategy.
What one has to keep in mind when managing a patient with cognitive disorders is that, on the one hand, cognitive functions interact with each other and that, on the other hand, a given cognitive deficit may be induced by a disturbance of different functional overlapping brain systems [27]. Then we assert, borrowing from Luria’s thought [28], that a relevant and appropriate program of cognitive rehabilitation may be outlined only with a specific and accurate cognitive assessment. Indeed, we have to be able to highlight intact kinds and levels of cognitive functioning as well as damaged ones, in order to plan a program of cognitive rehabilitation. Moreover, this clinical highlighting must be confronted with theoretical models of cognitive functioning, to understand at what level the disturbance is located.
The brain is by nature highly plastic. In humans, development, rapid learning or quasi-spontaneous flexibility toward environment are perhaps the most striking and visible evidence of this high potential in normal circumstances. In neurophysiological terms and at the macroscopic level, this means that the neural networks sustaining brain functions, although their general skeletons are probably already formed in childhood [29], are constantly modified and reshaped as one goes along the experience [30, 31]. This continuous process allows us to maintain and even improve the quality and the efficacy of our interactions with the environment. The brain is a dynamic evolving entity.
In the case of brain injury, trying to take full advantage of natural brain plasticity is the basic principle on which cognitive rehabilitation is based. In this context, the notion of plasticity slightly differs since it refers to the capacity to the brain to compensate for lesions. But, in many ways, plasticity induced by the lesion looks like natural plasticity [32]. In this sense, intensive cognitive or behavioral training is thought, at least to some extent, to constrain what the brain does naturally. Findings from natural plasticity studies in animals and humans have demonstrated that the acquisition of a new skill or the development of a cognitive expertise induced morphologic changes in the brain, sometimes very rapidly, minute-scaled [33, 34]. Furthermore, neuroanatomical reorganizations (i.e. rewiring) have been identified after brain injury in humans [35], facilitating probably the functional recovery [36]. This means that the brain is not hardwired but can be, in some extent, “rewired” [37]. How to help the brain to change or even to create new neural representations to support brain functions following damage is a key issue for cognitive rehabilitation.
27.3 The Particular Case of DLGG Patients
27.3.1 Slow-Growing Tumor as a Paradigmatic Model to Study Functional Plasticity
Concerning the particular case of cognitive rehabilitation in DLGG patients, we have to keep in mind the slow-growing and infiltrating character of DLGG, which make their associated cognitive disorders particularly amenable to rehabilitation. Indeed, on the one hand, by infiltrating cortical and sub-cortical structures, the tumor may destroy some of them but also only displace others and then residual function may be maintained [3, 38]. On the other hand, by growing slowly, the tumor induces a reactive reshaping and reorganization of functional networks [39]. It is precisely this key feature that may explain why cognitive or neurologic disorders can be more easily compensated as one goes along the disease compared to acute events like stroke [6]. In this respect, neurophysiological studies are really informative. Studies using functional magnetic resonance imagery (fMRI) paradigms have demonstrated different patterns of functional reorganization at the cortical level, showing that the brain recruits alternative areas not previously implied for the expression of cognitive function. Among these functional strategies, ipsilateral, perilesional, as well as homonymous contralateral recruitments have been described (for a review, see [6]). In this context, DLGG offers a unique and exciting opportunity to better understand both the dynamics underlying functional plasticity and the neural implementation of cognitive processes, valuable data for cognitive rehabilitation.
Thus, cognitive rehabilitation might on the one hand enhance residual functional capacities, and, on the other hand, potentiate the spontaneous functional brain reorganization.
27.3.2 Linking Cognition to Functional and Anatomical Connectivity
The dynamic and holistic organization that assumes functional plasticity finds its corollary in the studies of cerebral connectivity in normal brains. For over than 10 years, new technics of data analyses more and more sophisticated, from functional and morphologic imaging, have emerged. In this setting, the idea according to which the brain is composed of complex large-scale neural networks became dominant. However, this view was already present in the middle of last century with Daniel Hebb [40] who suggested that high-level human functions are determined by the activity of complex neural networks composed of local and distant areas across the whole brain.
Data from spatial reconstruction of anatomical connectivity by means of diffusion tensor imaging, a technique that measures the diffusion of water molecules through cerebral tissues, is perhaps the best illustration of this complexity. The visualization of connections between distant brain areas via the multiple white matter bundles (projection or association fascicles, U-shaped fibers) is really demonstrative about this organization [41]. Although these data are by nature anatomic and give no direct functional information, studies using direct electrical stimulations during awake neurosurgery [39], which induce transient disconnection syndrome, have proved their essential role for the complete and normal expression of functions. In neuropsychology of strokes, injury of these subcortical fascicles can provoke severe cognitive disturbance, hardly compensable [42, 43]. In this context, it has been proposed that these subcortical structures are crucial for functional plasticity [44, 45]. If so, we should find structural changes of these white matter fascicles in reaction to tumors and neurosurgery, and correlate their markers (i.e. fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity) to cognitive functions. However, to the best of your knowledge, there is for the moment no study with DLGG patients in which structural integrity and changes have been assessed in a systematic manner by the means of a longitudinal design (pre-/postsurgical). As a consequence, this type of structural plasticity remains to be demonstrated in the framework of this brain pathology. Yet, recently works in the field of the surgery of refractory temporal epilepsy are very interesting in this respect. For example, the team of Duncan [46] has found, using a pre-/postsurgical design, DTI, and language assessment, a correlation between the score obtained in verbal fluency after the surgery, and an increase of fractional anisotropy in several regions including subcortical structures such as corona radiata. In other words, these results show that the degree of language recovery is related to structural changes implying some white matter pathways. These provocative data, by demonstrating for the first time that we can call functional subcortical plasticity, open exciting perspectives in the field of brain tumors.
In addition to the fact that DTI can be combined with functional data like cognitive scores, other methods are particularly promising, especially those implying functional connectivity computing, to track the phenomena of plasticity induced by the tumor and its resection. Functional connectivity (FC) is defined as “the correlation between spatially remote neurophysiological events” [47]. This means that temporal statistical interdependencies can be found between several cortical areas composing the neural networks sustaining cognitive functions.
In several studies, abnormality of FC has been correlated with cognitive disorders, demonstrating that temporal desynchronization (hypo- or hyper-synchronization) between distant brain areas is particularly deleterious for functions. It is for example the case in neurodegenerative diseases where several and distinct patterns of functional alteration within the different networks can be found and linked to neuropsychological phenotypes (for a review, see [48]). For example, memory loss has been related to FC decrease in Alzheimer’s disease [49]. In the field of brain tumor and traumatic brain injury, several works have studied the impact of brain damage on FC (see Chap. 21). Bartolomei and colleagues [2] have shown using resting MEG (magnetoencephalography) paradigm that synchronization was altered in a population of patients harboring a brain tumor. In a subsequent study, using the same experimental design, cognitive disturbances were shown to be correlated to abnormality of FC [50]. Very recently, FC-based resting MEG at the level of the tumor was evaluated before brain surgery. It was found that decrease resting-state FC was highly predictive to the lack of functionality of this region as evaluated by means of direct electrical stimulation during awake surgery, suggesting that FC is a good measure of the integrity of brain functions [51].
In the same vein, patients with TBI show altered FC [52]. Nakamura and colleagues [53] demonstrated using a resting-state fMRI that just after the injury rsFC was disturbed and that, during recovery, this disturbance tended to normalize. A more recent study showed that cognitive complaints were predictive of altered FC in the default mode network in semi-acute TBI patients [54]. Furthermore, Castellanos and his team [55] have evaluated FC-based rsMEG in a population of TBI patients. Data were recorded immediately following the traumatic event and after a specific cognitive rehabilitation program. The authors found that neuropsychological performances significantly improved after treatment. Interestingly, this cognitive recovery was correlated with the reorganization of neural networks as indexed by the comparison between the pre- and posttreatment. These results suggest that functional recovery is related to the reorganization/reconfiguration of neural networks.
27.4 Aims of a Cognitive Rehabilitation
27.4.1 Clinical Aims
Of course, the main goal we aim to reach when proposing a cognitive rehabilitation is to bring the patient to recover a satisfactory level of cognitive functioning. The question is as follows: what is a satisfactory level of cognitive functioning? We think that there is no unique answer to this question and that it depends on the patient, his personality, and his expectations. Thus, the program of cognitive rehabilitation has to be established taking into account not only the objective assessments of cognitive functioning but also the subjective complaints and the expectations of the patient. In this state of mind, we approve and recommend applying the following proposal, borrowed from Kurt Goldstein’s works [56–58], a precursor of great influence in cognitive rehabilitation:
Recognition of the individuality of patients
Need for standardized assessments, and recognition of their limitations
Importance of working with the problem of fatigue
Careful observation of patients’ response to the program
Importance of periodical reevaluations and long-term follow-up
Need to connect cognitive rehabilitation to personal and socio-professional activities.
The relevance of taking into account the patient in his wholeness, and not only in his cognitive functioning, has been confirmed in a more recent study [59].
Moreover, the patient has to be informed about our objectives and how we project to reach them, in order to establish a real therapeutic alliance.
27.4.2 Understanding Functional Network Reshaping to Constrain Brain Plasticity: A New Door to Cognitive Rehabilitation
Taken together, the observations mentioned above suggest that brain injuries impact the functional coupling and integration between distant brain areas and that this alteration can be related to cognitive disorders. However, some results in studies with TBI patients show also that the spontaneous reorganization of neural networks is correlated in some extent with cognitive improvement. More interesting, cognitive rehabilitation with significant functional outcomes helps the brain to reorganize its functional networks [54]. Although these seminal results remain to replicate, they are particularly promising for cognitive rehabilitation. Understanding the dynamic of neural network reorganization and the optimal functional reconfigurations may have several important implications for the elaboration of cognitive rehabilitation strategies (e.g. which networks should be targeted).

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