© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017
Jan B. Vermorken, Volker Budach, C. René Leemans, Jean-Pascal Machiels, Piero Nicolai and Brian O’Sullivan (eds.)Critical Issues in Head and Neck Oncology10.1007/978-3-319-42909-0_1010. Treatment of Viral-Associated HNC (OPC and NPC)
Department of Radiation Oncology, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Epstein-barr virus (EBV) and human papillomavirus (HPV) are well-established viral tumourigenic agents of epithelial tumours in the pharyngeal mucosa. Although the predominant tumour types attributable to EBV and HPV are in the nasopharynx and oropharynx, respectively, emerging evidence proposes a subset of nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) that is HPV-related, especially in non-endemic population [1]. HPV has also been detected in non-oropharyngeal/non-nasopharyngeal mucosa [2].
EBV-related (EBV+) NPC and HPV-related (HPV+) oropharyngeal cancer (OPC) share similarities in clinical behaviour [3]. Both often affect younger patients, although their ethnicity may differ: NPC patients are mostly Asian (e.g. from southern China) [1], while HPV+ OPC patients are mostly Caucasian [4]. A painless neck mass (classically at level 2) is the most frequent initial presentation. Retropharyngeal lymph nodal involvement is evident in both but is significantly more common in EBV+ NPC than in HPV+ OPC. A new TNM stage classification for HPV+ OPC was proposed recently with an N-classification similar to traditional NPC [5–7].
Treatment of Nasopharyngeal Cancer
Treatment of Non-metastatic Disease
Primary treatment of NPC is radiotherapy (RT). This relates to the need to eradicate gross or microscopic disease at the base of skull and retropharyngeal nodal regions which represent major challenges for surgery. Moreover, NPC is extremely radiosensitive.
Impact of Evolving RT Technology
The ability to avoid critical anatomy using precise techniques to plan, guide and deliver RT is paramount in the treatment of NPC. Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) remains the most frequently used approach for precision RT. It offers conformal (concave) shaping of tumouricidal doses and steep dose fall-off gradients, thereby providing the opportunity for safe delivery of high doses targeted to the tumour. Specific to NPC, the dosimetric advantages of IMRT have resulted in improvement in locoregional control (LRC) and overall survival (OS), and substantial reduction in incidence of late toxicity, such as blindness and xerostomia.
The ascent of IMRT as the preferred RT technique for NPC had its background in early institutional reports [10] that demonstrated substantial improvements in tumour control with IMRT, relative to historical reports using conventional RT (4-year LRC 97 % and distant control [DC] 66 %). Subsequently, a single-arm phase II trial by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) [11] demonstrated a reduction in the rates of xerostomia from salivary gland sparing-IMRT. Additional randomized phase II trials showed the effect of IMRT on normal tissue toxicities and quality of life in early stage disease [12, 13] but were underpowered to detect tumour control differences. The findings were corroborated in a large randomized phase III trial [14] that compared IMRT versus 2D-conformal RT in 616 NPC patients with an OS advantage (5-year 80 % vs. 67 %) and superior LRC, particularly among T4 tumours (81.5 % vs. 62.2 %) favouring IMRT. Late grade 2 xerostomia (9.5 % vs. 27.1 %) and auditory complications (47 % vs. 89 %) were also significantly lower with IMRT.
Improved imaging modalities (MRI and PET/CT) for diagnosis and RT planning have also led to increased accuracy in these domains, accounting in part for the substantial improvements in LRC. The implementation of volumetric image-guidance (IGRT) during RT further improves setup accuracy with an opportunity for monitoring tumour volume and normal tissue changes over the course of RT, with the eventual promise of ‘real-time’ dose-volume parameter adaption to anatomic structures when necessary. Recently, particle therapy, e.g. intensity-modulated proton therapy (IMPT), has emerged as an additional attractive option. Potentially IMPT may enhance normal tissue sparing over IMRT, as evidenced by early observations of reduced toxicity [15, 16]. However, long-term clinical benefits and cost-effectiveness remain to be determined.
Role and Sequence of Chemotherapy
Progress has also been realized by combining RT with systemic therapy, especially cisplatin. Generally, stage I and II NPC are treated with RT-alone. The role of concurrent chemo-RT (CCRT) in stage II NPC is uncertain, although results of a single randomized phase III trial support its use in this subgroup [17]. Some concerns about the study include the use of an unconventional staging system for patient selection [13 % of the trial cohort had UICC/AJCC stage III (N2) disease], and a higher proportion of patients had parapharyngeal involvement and N2 disease in the CCRT-arm. These factors confound the interpretation of the available results in limited stage II disease. In truth, aggressive disease may benefit from systemic treatment intensification and may be selected by circulating EBV DNA as a biomarker. Leung and colleagues previously identified an unfavourable stage II NPC subgroup at risk of DM according to EBV DNA titers of ≥4000 copies/ml [18].
There is universal consensus that locally advanced NPC (LA-NPC) should be treated with combined chemotherapy using CCRT followed by adjuvant chemotherapy (ACT), according to the Intergroup-0099 protocol [19]. The necessity of ACT remains uncertain due to lack of compliance to ACT in numerous CCRT trials (e.g. only 50–75 % completed at least two cycles of ACT). An individual patient data (IPD) meta-analysis in NPC (MAC-NPC) reported an 18 % mortality risk reduction, with the main contribution derived from concurrent chemotherapy (risk reduction of 40 %, with only modest contributions from induction [ICT] and/or ACT) [20]. Conversely, a more recent IPD network meta-analysis, updated with contemporary trials, suggested a superiority for CCRT + ACT over CCRT-alone across all end points [21]. The need for ACT in addition to CCRT in LA-NPC has been challenged by the negative findings of a randomized phase III trial comparing CCRT + ACT versus CCRT-alone in 508 patients [22]. It is likely that not all LA-NPC patients require ACT. A recent review of 547 N2-N3 NPCs reported that the addition of ACT appears to be beneficial in N3 (reduction of DM) but not in N2 disease [23]. Consequently, efforts are focusing on risk-stratified approaches using post-RT EBV DNA titers to select patients for ACT (NCI-2014-00635). Such approaches require robust characterization and harmonization of circulating EBV DNA titer quantitation across centres [24].
ICT is an alternative approach for systemic treatment intensification [25, 26], given the putative advantage of reducing tumour bulk to facilitate critical structure sparing in RT planning and the potential to eradicate occult DM in advanced disease. However, the caveat with ICT is the consequential reduction of cisplatin dose intensity during the concurrent phase of treatment. A literature-based non-IPD meta-analyses suggested enhanced OS and reduced DM [27], while ACT may be more beneficial for LRC. However, this disparity was not observed in the preliminary analyses of the NPC-0501 [28] trial, which compared the Intergroup-0099 regime of CCRT + ACT against a ‘reverse’ scheduling Intergroup-0099 regime. Moreover, the updated IPD MAC-NPC meta-analysis [21] (19 trials, 4806 patients) also reported that an OS advantage was restricted to CCRT + ACT (HR 0.65 [0.56–0.76]) and CCRT (HR 0.80 [0.70–0.93]), but not evident with ACT (HR 0.87 [0.68–1.12]) or ICT-alone (HR 0.96 [0.80–1.16]). Two other randomized studies of ICT + CCRT against CCRT-alone did not reveal survival benefits with ICT [29, 30]. Based on current evidence, ICT in addition to CCRT remains investigational. Finally, we await mature data of a randomized trial of CCRT with or without TPF (docetaxel, cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil) (NCT01245959), as well as a Taiwanese companion study, albeit using MEPFL (mitomycin, epirubicin, cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin) as the induction regimen (NCT00201396).
Post-Treatment Surveillance
Radiological imaging and clinical examination remain the cornerstones of post-RT surveillance. Imaging of the head and neck region using conventional computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is indicated for assessment of deep-seated skull base and intracranial tumours, as well as nodal disease in the retropharyngeal space and lower neck, while nasoendoscopy is best for surveying superficial mucosal lesion. Modern imaging techniques now offer improved accuracy in terms of differentiating between post-RT changes and recurrent/residual tumours, and these include [18] F-FDG-PET/CT and functional MRI [31, 32].
With the exception of whole body [18] F-FDG-PET/CT, all other imaging modalities are restricted to assessment of locoregional anatomy, and preclude early detection of DM, which may be heralded by the onset of detectable circulating cell-free EBV DNA [33, 34]. This phenomenon is widely interpreted to reflect the extreme sensitivity of EBV DNA as a measure of tumour burden, but it is plausible that tumour shedding of EBV DNA may closely relate to the biological activity of NPC cells. In support, early disappearance of this biomarker after treatment commencement appears to correspond with a favourable prognosis [35]. EBV DNA can thus be employed to complement radiological imaging for early detection of tumour recurrence [36] and seems most sensitive for DM detection compared to locoregional failure (LRF) [37, 38]. This provides potential opportunities for novel salvage strategies, such as EBV-vaccine therapy in low-burden disease (NCT01094405).
Management of Local and/or Regional Failure
Salvage options for local recurrences include surgery, external beam RT, brachytherapy, stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS), chemotherapy and photodynamic therapy. Often, the choice of treatment is determined by the tumour extent and location, along with the available local resources and expertise. The philosophy of these approaches is addressed in Chap. 13.
Management of Distant Metastasis
The management of metastatic NPC has evolved [39]. For a favourable subgroup of patients (lung only metastasis and/or oligo-bone metastasis), aggressive treatment in the form of CCRT and metastatectomy/ablative RT is progressively being considered, with the aim of achieving long-term survival [40–43]. Better clinical or molecular stratification tools are thus required in this unique subgroup. For patients with disseminated metastases, while platinum-doublet regimes remain the standard first-line treatment, immunotherapeutic strategies employing either tumour antigen-specific vaccines or immune-checkpoint inhibitors represent new frontiers of treatment [44–46].
Treatment of HPV-Related Oropharyngeal Cancer
HPV-related OPC is a rapidly emerging disease entity, and major treatment guidelines do not yet differ between HPV+ OPC and its less favourable smoking-related counterpart, despite exemplary outcomes for the former. Since more than 90 % HPV+ OPC has lymph node involvement at presentation [3], it has traditionally been classified as ‘advanced’ stage according to 7th edition TNM, with a mandate for intensified treatment based on current treatment guidelines. However, evidence is emerging that most HPV+ OPC (except T4 or N2c-N3) can be cured even in many patients identified as having traditional 7th edition TNM stage IV disease using less intensified treatment, such as RT-alone [47, 48] or transoral robotic surgery (TORS) [49, 50]. A new stage classification has been recently proposed [7] based on a single institution data and has been modified and validated in a multi-institutional study [8]. This is needed to depict the character and prognosis of HPV+ disease and to guide clinical trial design in researching optimal treatments for HPV+ OPC.
Current research in HPV+ OPC is refining risk groups and exploring deintensification in low-risk groups while maintaining or augmenting intensification in the high-risk group. However, controversies exist regarding which subgroups are ‘low risk’ and which are ‘high risk’, what end point (risk of death or risk of DM) is optimal and what contemporary treatment options should be [51]. Several deintensification strategies are under evaluation.
Initial Treatment of Non-metastatic Disease
Risk Stratification
OS is a traditional outcome end point for clinical trial design. In the first publication of the RTOG 0129 trial, Ang and colleagues [52] constructed two mortality risk groups for HPV-related OPC based on 7th edition TNM and smoking pack-years. It classified all HPV+ OPC patients, except >10 pack-year smokers with N2b-N3 disease, as the ‘low-risk’ group to be considered as deintensification trial candidates. All patients in this analysis received intensified treatment. Whether the excellent results from the intensified regimens used in the clinical trial setting would be reproducible when replaced by less intensified treatment and whether lower risk of death is a sufficient criterion for choice of deintensification remain uncertain. In addition, using smoking pack-year as the risk stratification for treatment decision-making remains problematic, since lower OS by heavy smokers may not necessarily reflect altered tumour biology and may also reflect competing mortality risk from smoking (comorbidities, second primary, severe late toxicity and social problems). It might also be due to impaired treatment tolerance due to comorbidities, as well as compromised radiotherapy efficacy (hypoxia) among current smokers. In addition, heavy smokers are less tolerant of more intensified treatment. Recently, smoking has been described as having almost no impact on disease recurrence in surgically treated patients [53].
LRC is no longer the overwhelming problem for many HPV+ OPC patients questioning the necessity for intensive local treatment in all patients since DM is the most common cause of death. Given the clinically unpredictable development of DM [54, 55], the medical community has understandably been fearful of omitting or reducing chemotherapy. O’Sullivan and colleagues performed a risk stratification analysis on an institutional cohort of prospectively compiled HPV+ OPC patients but addressed DM risk as the end point, and found that DM risk was significantly associated with T4 or N2c-N3 category diseases, while T1-3 N0-N2a and T1-3N2b < =10 pack-year smokers have minimal risk of DM and may achieve an excellent result with RT-alone. The DM risk for the T1-3N2b >20 pack-year smoker treated by RT-alone is uncertain although did suggest an adverse DM outcomes for heavy smokers. The finding of a subgroup with excellent LRC and DC finally permitted dislodgement of the deintensification impasse to commence for HPV+ OPC, directly leading to the design of the currently accruing NRG-HN002 deintensification trial (NCT02254278).
Deintensification and Intensification Strategies Under Testing
Currently several treatment deintensification trials are targeting the ‘low-risk’ HPV-related OPC cohort described above. Deintensification strategies under evaluation include substitution of cisplatin by EGFR inhibition (e.g. RTOG 1016, NCT01302834), reduction of RT dose or chemotherapy intensity [e.g. NRG-HN 002, NCT02254278, a institutional phase II trial (NCT01530997) [56]], induction chemotherapy followed by lower RT dose in good responders (e.g. ECOG 1308, NCT01084083) and TORS resection with or without adjuvant chemoradiotherapy (e.g. ECOG 3311, NCT01898494). For high-risk populations, induction chemotherapy and immunotherapy are under discussion. Potential opportunities may exist to mitigate the risk of DM through the use of TPF triplet induction regimens following evidence from an IPD meta-analysis reported by the MACH-NC group [57]. Such strategies will require HPV+ OPC specific clinical trials.
Role of Post-radiotherapy Neck Dissection
Role of post-radiotherapy neck dissection (PRND) is evolving for patient with N2-N3 diseases. A retrospective analysis of a prospective compiled study suggests that HPV+ OPC lymph node (LN) may involute more slowly and suggest that PRND may be withheld for selected cases with an incomplete radiological response with close imaging surveillance [58].
Post-treatment Surveillance
Surveillance strategies should consider both the duration and the surveillance tools. For HPV+ OPC, active surveillance should be longer than the traditional 2 year window due to possibility of late onset DM. In some series, DM may manifest up to 8 years after initial treatment [55, 59, 60]. CT thorax is still the routine screening and surveillance tool for DM since lung is the main site of HPV (+) DM [55, 59]. Liver ultrasound may add additional value because solitary liver DM is often asymptomatic. Clinicians should also be aware of the possibility of late onset and unusual site of DM [54, 55, 59]. Lung, bone and liver oligometastases have been reported to be salvageable by surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Active aggressive treatment may be considered as long-term survival or even cure is possible for a subset with an indolent DM phenotype [55, 59, 61].
Management of Local and/or Regional Failure
As already noted, LRF is uncommon for this disease. In resectable LRF disease without DM, salvage surgery +/− post-operative re-irradiation is the treatment of choice [70, 71]; if unresectable, definitive re-irradiation (preferred small fraction size to minimize severe late toxicity) +/− systemic therapy may be considered. If surgery or re-irradiation is not possible, systemic therapy may be considered. The philosophy of these approaches is addressed in Chap. 13.
Management of Distant Metastasis
Two distinct types of DM appear to exist: disseminating versus indolent phenotypes [55, 60]. For HPV+ patient with limited DM, long-term survival may still be possible [55, 61] and an aggressive treatment for ablation of metastatic lesion may be considered. For patient with the ‘disseminating’ phenotype and multiple organ metastases, supportive care and symptom management is important. For limited DM disease, salvage treatment, including surgical resection, radiotherapy or chemotherapy, should be considered; for patient with ‘disseminating’ DM, cure is unlikely with contemporary approaches, and the goal should focus on symptom control and supportive care.
The role of EGFR inhibition for recurrent/metastatic disease is uncertain. The EXTREME trial (NCT00122460) showed some effect of combining chemotherapy plus cetuximab [72]; however, the SPECTRUM trial (NCT00460265) did not show a survival benefit in HPV+ disease with the addition of panitumumab to chemotherapy [73]. Immunotherapy is now on the horizon with promising results. The preliminary encouraging results of a phase Ib multisite study (NCT01848834) evaluating the activity of pembrolizumab in patients with recurrent or metastatic HNSCC regardless of PD-L1 or HPV status were reported at the ASCO Annual Meeting in 2015 [74]. Recently, the CheckMate-141 phase III trial (NCT02105636) was stopped early after an independent monitoring panel determined the primary end point of improvement in OS was met with the anti-PD-1 agent versus the investigators’ choice of cetuximab, methotrexate or docetaxel in patients with platinum-refractory recurrent or metastatic head and neck cancer. The result was presented at the 2016 AACR Annual Meeting and showed that nivolumab improved OS in both HPV+ and HPV– patients.

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