Complete medical history, including
•Past medical history, especially heart, lung, liver or renal disease, and diabetes mellitus (comorbidity score)
•Family history
•Occupational history
Complete physical examination, with special attention to lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly
•Potential sites of infection including lungs, oropharynx, and perineum
•Signs of abnormal hemorrhage
•Optic fundi
•Full neurological examination including the cranial and peripheral nerves
Diagnostic hematological studies
•Full blood examination including hemoglobin, platelet count, and white blood cell count (total and differential)
•Bone marrow aspirate and trephine biopsy
•Bone marrow cytology
•Immunological markers: T-cell, B-cell, immunological subtypes
•Cytogenetic analysis
•Molecular analysis, for prognostic markers, therapy targets and MRD markers
Biochemical studies
•Including renal and hepatic function, serum uric acid, serum electrolytes including calcium and phosphate, blood glucose, and serum LDH
Coagulation studies
•Including prothrombin ratio, partial thromboplastin time, fibrinogen, and ATIII
Cardiac assessment
•Including electrocardiograph, echocardiogram, and other noninvasive tests of myocardial function if indicated
Chest roentgenogram: posterior–anterior and lateral
Computer tomograph, if mediastinal lymph nodes, tumor or abdominal masses are suspected
Serological studies
•ABO and Rh blood group
•HLA typing
Microbiological studies
•Culture from any infected site or lesion
•Surveillance cultures
•Serum for antibody titers, CMV, EBV, HIV, candida, aspergillosis
CSF examination
•Examination for cell count and cytocentrifuge preparation for morphology and, if necessary, immunophenotyping
Pregnancy test
Information about fertility preservation
Presentation with clinically detectable signs related to leukemic infiltration of the central nervous system (CNS) occurs in about 5–10 % of adult ALL patients [2]). Risk factors for CNS involvement include a high initial white blood cell (WBC) count, T-cell phenotype, and L3 or Burkitt morphology. CNS involvement may manifest as raised intracranial pressure with headache and papilledema without focal neurological signs or, rarely, as cranial nerve palsies, the sixth and seventh cranial nerves being most frequently involved. Careful examination of the ocular fundus must be made for leukemic infiltration as well as for hemorrhages due to thrombocytopenia.
Virtually any organ can be involved by infiltration of leukemic cells. The presence of bone lesions could be found in the earlier-mentioned ALL series in only 1.2 %. Also the initial involvement of the testis was very rare (0.3 %). Other leukemic infiltrations were observed in the retina (0.9 %), skin (0.9 %), tonsils (0.5 %), lung (0.5 %), and kidney (0.5 %). These organ manifestations present a typical clinical pattern of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). They occur more frequently in mature B-cell ALL (32 %).
Diagnostic Procedures
The diagnosis of ALL is made by examination of the peripheral blood and bone marrow. Other investigations also need to be performed to further categorize and subclassify the disease and in preparation for therapy. These include cytochemical stains, immunological markers, cytogenetic analysis, and molecular genetic methods.
Peripheral Blood
Peripheral blood examination characteristically shows anemia, thrombocytopenia, and neutropenia (Table 20.2) although the total white blood cell count (WBC) is variable. The reduction in the level of hemoglobin is mild to moderate, but nearly one-third of the patients have a hemoglobin level below 8 g/dl. Although clinical bleeding due to thrombocytopenia is not very common, about half of the patients have a platelet count below 50 × 109/L. The proportion (30 %) of adult ALL patients having had some history of hemorrhage corresponds well with the 30 % of patients with a platelet count below 25 × 109/L. The proportion of patients with a granulocyte count below 0.5 × 109/L, usually associated with high risk of infection, was only one-fifth in this series. Only a small minority of patients had clotting defects and of these 5 % had an initially decreased fibrinogen level, which might be of relevance if an immediate l-asparaginase treatment is anticipated. The WBC was reduced in 27 %, normal or modestly elevated in 60 %, and 16 % had a marked leukocytosis (WBC count >100 × 109/L) at presentation. However, even in the cases where the WBC was reduced or normal, characteristic lymphoblasts could be identified on a well-stained blood smear in more than 90 % (Table 20.2).
Table 20.2
Laboratory findings at diagnosis of adult ALL
1,273 patients | |
Total leukocytes (×109/L) | |
<5 | 27 % |
5–10 | 14 % |
10–50 | 31 % |
50–100 | 12 % |
>100 | 16 % |
Granulocytes (×109/L) | |
<0.5 | 22 % |
0.5–1.0 | 14 % |
1.0–1.5 | 9 % |
>1.5 | 55 % |
Hemoglobin (g/dL) | |
<6 | 8 % |
6–8 | 20 % |
8–10 | 26 % |
10–12 | 24 % |
>12 | 22 % |
Thrombocytes (×109/L) | |
<25 | 30 % |
25–50 | 22 % |
50–150 | 33 % |
>150 | 16 % |
Fibrinogen (mg/dL) | |
<100 | 5 % |
>100 | 95 % |
Leukemic blast cells in PB | |
Present | 92 % |
Absent | 8 % |
Leukemic blast cells in BM | |
<50 % | 4 % |
51–90 % | 25 % |
>90 % | 71 % |
Bone Marrow
Bone marrow examination provides further material for diagnostic assessment including morphology, cytochemical stains, immunological markers, and cytogenetic and molecular analysis. Smears of the bone marrow aspirate show markedly hypercellular particles. The majority of cells are leukemic lymphoblasts. A total of 97 % of the adult ALL patients had a bone marrow infiltration with leukemic lymphoblasts above 50 % (Table 20.2). The normal hematopoietic elements are greatly reduced or absent but, in contrast to AML, they have essentially normal morphology. The trephine biopsy of the bone marrow will further demonstrate marked hypercellularity with replacement of fat spaces and normal marrow elements by infiltration with leukemic cells. A slight increase in marrow reticulin is seen in a small proportion of patients with ALL but much less commonly than with AML. If an adequate bone marrow aspiration is available, it remains open whether an additional biopsy should be done. In our hands a biopsy was necessary when aspiration was not possible due to heavily packed leukemic cells or increased reticulin fibers, which was the case in 16 % of patients.
Laboratory Investigations
The laboratory investigations that should be performed at the time of diagnosis (Table 20.1) will serve as a baseline for subsequent studies during the induction period, and may also document metabolic abnormalities that require correction before the start of treatment or modification of drug dosage. Renal impairment, hyperuricemia, and electrolyte imbalance should be corrected if possible before treatment is begun. Serum lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) levels are markedly elevated in most patients with ALL. A full hemostatic profile should be performed to detect the very occasional adult ALL patients with disseminated intravascular coagulation or with an incidental clotting abnormality related to preexisting liver disease or liver infiltration. Besides cultures from any clinically infected site, surveillance cultures from the nose, throat, axillae, groin, vagina, perianal area, and of sputum and urine are taken to detect clinically occult infection and to provide useful information about microbiological etiology if septicemia or severe infection subsequently develops. An aliquot of serum should be stored that can be used to provide baseline antibody titers in the assessment of infection during the induction phase. In patients with a past medical history of heart disease and in elderly patients where treatment with an anthracycline is anticipated, an echocardiogram with myocardial function, including the ejection fraction, should be carried out.
Cerebrospinal Fluid
The examination of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is an essential diagnostic procedure in ALL to exclude or confirm initial CNS disease. There are different opinions as to when the first lumbar puncture should be done. Early recognition of CNS disease is clinically important because more aggressive CNS therapy is required for such patients. Therefore a diagnostic puncture should be done if possible before initiation of systemic chemotherapy. This procedure is restricted to patients with an adequate platelet count (>20 × 109/L), an absence of manifest clinical hemorrhages, and without a high WBC. For safety reasons such patients should receive intrathecal methotrexate at the first lumbar puncture. Clearly this procedure necessitates an atraumatic lumbar puncture and should only be performed by experienced physicians since in childhood ALL blood contamination of the CSF was associated with a higher relapse risk. In pediatric studies nowadays CNS disease at diagnosis is classified into four groups: CNS1 (no blasts in CSF), CNS2 (<5 WBC/μl with blasts), CNS3 (≥5 WBC/μl with blasts), and TLP+ (traumatic lumbar puncture with ≥10 RBC/μl with blasts) [2]. CNS involvement in adult ALL is generally defined as CNS3 or the presence of signs of CNS involvement in CT or MRT or neurological symptoms not otherwise explainable, e.g., cranial nerve palsies.
Differential Diagnosis
Difficulty is rarely experienced in establishing the diagnosis of ALL. Viral infection may cause lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly with lymphocytosis in the blood and bone marrow and, although the distinction can usually be made on clinical and morphological grounds, the results of viral antibody titers, lymphocyte surface markers, and cytogenetic analyses may be required. The leukemic phase of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma can mostly be recognized by clinical and morphological features, by the type and pattern of immunological cell surface markers, and by the degree and distribution of bone marrow infiltration. In the rare cases with a low bone marrow infiltration an arbitrary distinction between ALL and NHL is usually chosen according to the degree of infiltration, above or below 20 %. With more advanced immunological marker application, mixed leukemias having myeloid as well as lymphoid surface markers are diagnosed, which might be allocated to a treatment strategy for either ALL or AML. They have to be distinguished from cases with ALL and coexpression of myeloid markers. These patients are treated with ALL strategies.
Occasionally, difficulties can occur in distinguishing Ph/BCR–ABL-positive ALL from primary lymphoid blast crisis of CML. Sometimes final diagnosis can be done only after treatment initiation. In ALL patients achieving complete clinical remission (CR), the peripheral blood count shows normal values, whereas CML cases may revert to a chronic phase with pathological leftshift.
There is a wide heterogeneity within ALL. Therefore accurate morphological classification, determination of the immunological phenotype, and cytogenetic and molecular genetic analysis, which are of prognostic and therapeutic relevance, should be performed in every case of ALL, including older ALL patients. In addition, in all patients, material from the time point of diagnosis should be stored in order to identify individual markers for detection of minimal residual disease.
Morphology and Cytochemistry
Bone marrow aspirates and blood smears are stained with Wright’s or Wright’s-Giemsa stain and the blast cells may be classified according to the French–American–British (FAB) classification. Clinical relevance of FAB subtypes is limited to the detection of the L3 FAB subtype which is characteristic for mature B-ALL. This subtype is important to identify since different treatment approaches are used. In the new WHO classification ALL is classified together with lymphoblastic lymphoma into B-precursor lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma, T-precursor lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma, and Burkitt’s leukemia/lymphoma [3]. The further subclassification is of less relevance for management of ALL.
The cytochemical stains to discriminate between AML and ALL are Sudan black, myeloperoxidase, and chloracetate or nonspecific esterase. These reactions are negative in ALL, negativity being usually defined as less than 3 % of leukemic blast cells positive. Cytochemical stains to confirm ALL are periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and acid phosphatase. The PAS stain will show coarse granules or block positivity in at least some cells of most patients with adult ALL of the L1 or L2 type, the incidence of positivity being approximately 60–70 % in both groups. The acid phosphatase reaction is positive in 20–30 % of all ALL being more specific for T-ALL. About 70 % of patients with T-ALL will show strong and localized paranuclear staining with acid phosphatase. PAS or acid phosphatase reactivity is, however, not restricted to ALL and since it can be positive in some cases (M5) of AML the additional reactions for peroxidase and acetate esterase must be negative.
The main aim of immunophenotyping of leukemic blast cells is to distinguish between AML and within the ALL between B- or T-lineage ALL by using monoclonal antibodies to pan-B (CD19), pan-T (CD7), and pan-myeloid surface antigens (CD13, CD33, CDw65). To detect early lymphoid or myeloid differentiation, lineage-specific markers which are first exhibited in the cytoplasm (cy) of B- (cyCD22), T-cell (cyCD3), and myeloid precursor cells (myeloperoxidase) are used. To define further maturational stages within the B- and T-cell lineages, markers more specific for particular maturational stages are used: for B-lineage CD20, cy immunoglobulin μ heavy chain (cyIgM) and surface immunoglobulin (sIg), and for T-lineage CD1, CD2, CD4, CD8, and surface sCD3. The maturation stages are not identified by the presence or absence of a single antigen but by a pattern of antigen expression. One widely used classification system for immunologic subtypes in ALL has been proposed by the EGIL group [4]. For further details on immunobiology of ALL refer to Chap. 17.
With the availability of more specific monoclonal antibodies 98–99 % of the acute leukemias can now be reliably classified by immunological marker analysis. In addition, ALL can be subdivided according to various maturational stages of B or T lineage, whereby it is assumed that they are in differentiation arrest corresponding to normal maturational stages. Immunological classification of ALL subtypes is summarized in Table 20.3.
Table 20.3
Immunological, morphological, cytogenetic, and molecular characterization of ALLa
Subtypes | Marker | Incidencea | FAB subtype | Frequent cytogenetic aberrations | Fusion transcripts and mutations |
B-lineage ALL | HLA-DR + , TdT + , CD19 + and/or CD79a + and/or CD22 + | 76 % | |||
Pro B-ALL | No additional differentiation markers | 12 % | L1, L2 | t(4;11)(q21;q23) | 70 % ALL1-AF4 (20 % Flt3 in MLL+) |
Common ALL | CD10+ | 49 % | L1, L2 | t(9;22)(q34;q11) del(6q) | 33 % BCR–ABL (30–50 % in c/preB) 4 % t(1;19)/PBX-E2A |
Pre-B-ALL | CD10±, cyIg+ | 11 % | L1, L2 | t(9;22)(q34;q11) t(1;19)(q23;p13) | |
Mature B-ALL | CD10 ±, sIg+ | 4 % | L3 | t(8;14)(q24;q32) t(2;8)(p12;q24) t(8;22)(q24;q11) | |
T-lineage ALL | cyCD3 or sCD3 | 23 % | |||
Early T-ALL Cortical T-ALL Mature T-ALL | No additional differentiation markers, mostly CD2- CD1a+, sCD3± sCD3+, CD1a- | 6 % 12 % 5 % | L1, L2 | t/del(9p) t(10;14)(q24;q11) t(11;14)(p13;q11) | 5 % HOX11-TCR <5 % LMO/TCR 2 % SIL-TAL1 In T-ALL 4 % NUP213-ABL1 33 % HOX11b 5 % HOX11L2b 50 % Notch1b |
B-Lineage ALL
With the analysis of CD10 (the common ALL antigen), cyIgM and sIg, the B-lineage ALL can be subdivided into three subgroups of B-cell-precursor ALL and the more mature B-ALL. Virtually all B-precursor ALLs are positive for HLA-DR and TdT. Pro-B-ALL (also termed Pre-Pre-B-ALL, Null-ALL, CD10-negative ALL) is the most immature subtype of the B-ALL lineage. This subtype is characterized by the expression of CD19, cyCD22, and mostly CD24, while CD10, cyIgM, and SIg are negative. Common ALL, the major immunological subtype in childhood as well as in adult ALL, is characterized by the expression of CD10 in combination with CD19, cy or sCD22, and CD24. Common ALL blast cells do not carry markers of relatively mature B cells such as cyIgM or sIg. Pre-B-ALL is characterized by the expression of cyIgM, being negative in common ALL but otherwise identical with all other markers, such as CD19, cy or sCD22, CD24, and only very rarely CD10 may be absent in this subtype. In most adult clinical studies pre-B-ALL is included in the common ALL category. In most studies common ALL is defined by surface antigen expression of CD10 on 20 % or more of leukemic cells and the diagnosis of pre-B-ALL by cyIgM in 10 % or more of blast cells.
Leukemic blast cells in mature B-ALL, also termed Burkitt’s leukemia, express sIg and B-cell antigens including CD19, CD20, CD22, CD24, and usually CD10. In contrast to the B-precursor ALLs, leukemic cells in B-ALL are mostly negative for TdT. Most B-ALLs can be identified morphologically as L3 FAB subtype.
T-Lineage ALL
Early T-ALL is characterized by expression of cyCD3 with no additional differentiation markers. CD2 is generally negative. In cases positive for CD2 but negative for CD4, CD8, sCD3, and CD1a, an early T-ALL is present as well. Cortical T-ALL, also referred to as thymic T-ALL, is characterized by expression of CD1 in combination with CD7, CD5 and CD2, and sometimes also sCD3, CD4, and CD8. Mature T-ALL is characterized by positivity for sCD3, CD7, CD5, and CD2 while CD1 is negative. CD4 and CD8 are present in most cases.
Myeloid Antigen-Positive ALL (My + ALL)
Immunophenotyping has shown the existence of acute leukemia cases in which the blast cells express markers supposedly specific for or associated with another cell lineage. The myeloid-antigen-associated monoclonal antibodies that are used for the detection of My + ALL are CD13, CD14, CD15, CD33, and CDw65. The reported frequencies of My + ALL differ widely, ranging from 5 to 46 % depending on the definition and an approximate figure for adult My + ALL may be 18 %. Commonly a case is considered as My + ALL if 20 % or more of the blast cells are reactive with the myeloid-lineage-associated monoclonal antibodies. The expression of myeloid antigens is associated with certain subtypes of ALL such as pro B-ALL or early T-ALL. Myeloid coexpression should be differentiated from biphenotypic leukemia. The EGIL group has proposed a score for identification of biphenotypic acute leukemia [4].
Frequency and Clinical Features of Immunological Subtypes
The frequency of immunological subtypes in adult ALL shows distinct differences from that in childhood ALL. Approximately 84 % of the children have a B-precursor ALL and common ALL is, with 63 %, the most frequent subtype, whereas this subtype is only observed in one-half of adult ALL patients. There is a significantly higher proportion of the Pro-B-ALL, with 12 % in adults compared to only 5 % in children. Mature B-ALL is rare in both childhood and adult ALL. Adult T-ALL, with 23 %, has a twofold higher incidence in adults than the 13 % observed in children. As in the B-lineage the most immature form, Pre-T-ALL, has a higher incidence in adults compared to children.
The clinical features of the immunological subtypes of ALL are quite distinct. The immature Pro-B-ALL has a peak in infants less than 1 year old and is associated with high WBC, massive hepatosplenomegaly, CNS disease, myeloid coexpression, and approximately 70 % of the patients show t(4;11). Nearly one-half of the patients with c-ALL or Pre-B-ALL show the translocation t(9;22) and the incidence increases with age. Mature B-ALL is characterized by frequent abdominal tumor masses, often organ involvement, an increased incidence of CNS leukemia, and a male preponderance. T-ALL is associated with mediastinal masses in nearly half of the patients, occasionally associated with pleural and pericardial effusions, an increased incidence of organomegaly, a higher incidence of CNS disease, a high WBC count, and male prevalence. The major clinical differences between immunological subtypes of adult ALL are summarized in Table 20.4.
Table 20.4
Characteristics of immunological subtypes of adult ALLa
Subgroup | Clinical/laboratory characteristics | Relapse kinetics and localization |
B-Lineage | ||
Pro-B-ALL | − t(4;11)/ALL1-AF4 (70 %) − high WBC (>100/ml) (26 %) − frequently myeloid coexpression (>50 %) | − mainly BM (>90 %) |
c-ALL/pre-B-ALL | − Higher age (24 % > 50 year) − Ph/BCR–ABL (40–50 %) − m-BCR (70 %), M-BCR (30 %) | − Mainly BM (> 90 %) − Prolonged relapse kinetics (up to 5–7 year) |
B-ALL | − Higher age (27 % > 50 year) − Frequent organ involvement (32 %) − Frequent CNS involvement (13 %) | − Frequent CNS (10 %) − Short relapse kinetics (up to 1–1 ½ yrs) |
T-Lineage | ||
− Younger age (90 % < 50 year) − Frequent mediastinal tumors (60 %) − Frequent CNS involvement (8 %) − High WBC (>50/ml) (46 %) | − Frequent CNS (10 %)/extramedullary (6 %) − Intermediate relapse kinetics (up to 3–4 year) |
Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics
Cytogenetic and molecular genetics abnormalities are independent prognostic variables for predicting the outcome of adult ALL (Chap. 18). In several multicenter studies, clonal chromosomal aberrations could be detected in approximately 62–85 % of adult ALL patients. The most frequent numerical chromosomal aberrations are hypodiploid karyotype with less than 46 chromosomes (4–8 %), hyperdiploid karyotype with 47–50 chromosomes (7–15 %), or greater than 50 chromosomes (7–8 %). The most frequent structural aberration is the translocation t(9;22)/Philadelphia chromosome (Ph+ ALL). Other translocations occur less frequently and are mostly associated with distinct immunological subtypes such as t(4;11) (3–4 %) in Pro-B-ALL, t(8;14) (5 %) in mature B-ALL, t(1;19) (2–3 %) in pre-B-ALL, and t(10;14) (3 %), 9p– (5–15 %), 6q– (4–6 %), and 12p aberrations (4–5 %) mainly in T-ALL.
The Ph chromosome t(9;22)(q34;q11) results from a translocation involving the breakpoint cluster region of the BCR gene on chromosome 22 and the ABL gene on chromosome 9. One-third of adult ALL patients with a Ph chromosome show M-BCR rearrangements (resulting in a 210-kDa protein), similar to patients with CML, whereas two-thirds have m-BCR rearrangements (resulting in a 190-kDa protein).
The most frequent form of 11q23 abnormalities in ALL is t(4;11)(q21;q23). The translocation is frequently detected in infant leukemia and in patients with the pro-B ALL subtype (CD10 negative). The overall incidence in adults is approximately 5 %. Typical molecular aberrations in ALL with associated cytogenetic translocations and immunological subtypes are summarized in Table 20.3.
The role of cytogenetic analysis in adult ALL has to be re-evaluated critically. The most frequent cytogenetic aberrations and those with the largest prognostic impact can also be detected by the corresponding molecular genetic abnormalities, as mentioned previously. These techniques are more reliable and have a greater sensitivity, e.g., a detection level of more than 10–6 for BCR–ABL. They are, therefore, more useful for initial detection of the aberrations and for follow-up analysis of minimal residual disease (see next section). In addition, the observed incidence of the majority of cytogenetic aberrations is very low and therefore a correlation to clinical outcome and even more therapeutic consequences are limited. Nevertheless, cytogenetic analysis is still recommended as a routine diagnostic method in ALL.
Detection of Minimal Residual Disease
Conventional microscopic evaluation of bone marrow smears has a detection limit of 1–5 %. With new methods for detection of MRD, residual blast cells can be detected and measured quantitatively below this level with a sensitivity of 10−4–10−6. With these methods individual follow-up analyses can be performed in patients with clinical and morphological CR. ALL is an “ideal” disease for detection of MRD since more than 90 % of the patients show individual clonal markers. Most experience has been accumulated with MRD detection by flow cytometry and PCR (overview in [6]).
MRD detection by flow cytometry targets individual leukemia-specific combinations of surface antigens and reaches a sensitivity of 10−4. PCR detection may target leukemia-specific fusion genes such as bcr–abl or mll-af4, which may be detected in 30–40 % of adult ALL cases. A more widespread applicability is reached with detection of clonal rearrangements of immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) or T-cell receptor (TCR- β, -δ, -γ) gene rearrangements. This method reaches a sensitivity of 10−4–10−6 and combinations of two or more target structures can be identified in more than 80 % of ALL patients. For this method the best level of standardization has been reached regarding methodology [7] and reporting and interpretation of results for clinical trials [8]. MRD detection with any method should be restricted to experienced laboratories, which participate in quality control rounds taking place on an international level.
Supportive Care
The management of adult patients undergoing induction therapy for ALL requires intensive treatment of initial complications and supportive care to prevent and manage the infectious, hemorrhagic, metabolic, and psychological problems that may arise.
Metabolic Abnormalities
A few general measures can be started at once. Sufficient fluid intake to guarantee urine production of at least 100 ml/h throughout induction therapy reduces the risk of uric acid formation. This may require parenteral fluid administration when the patient’s oral intake is inadequate because of nausea or difficulty in swallowing. If the venous system does not offer an easy approach, access by catheter or port is advantageous when anticipating a longer period of induction therapy or when part of the therapy will be carried out on an outpatient basis.
Hyperuricemia is frequently present at diagnosis; it may worsen following the initiation of chemotherapy and, if not treated, can lead to renal failure. Adequate doses of allopurinol (300–600 mg/day) should be given and the urine alkalinized before chemotherapy. Allopurinol has to be reduced when 6-mercaptopurine is given. In patients with high risk of tumor lysis, uratoxidase may be used for prevention of hyperurikemia [9].
In patients presenting with renal impairment, an attempt must be made to reestablish renal function before chemotherapy is started. Renal failure is often observed in patients with Burkitt’s lymphoma or B-ALL with abdominal tumor masses and can be resolved by a gentle pretreatment with cyclophosphamide (C) combined with prednisone (P) or dexamethasone (DX) alone.
The acute tumor lysis syndrome is most frequently seen in patients with B-ALL or T-ALL but may also occur in other subtypes with high WBC or large tumor mass. Massive and rapid tumor cell lysis leads to hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, hyperuricemia, and hypocalcemia, which can largely be prevented by the C + P/DX treatment in B-ALL or by a gentle therapy with steroids, vincristine (V), or C in the other subtypes.
Approximately one-third of adult ALL patients present with infections at diagnosis. Fever or infection at the time of admission is mainly caused by severe granulocytopenia, especially if the granulocyte count is less than 5 × 109/L but may also be due to immunological deficiency (e.g., CD4 lymphopenia) or mucosal lesions. Combination chemotherapy causes additional hematological toxicity and at least 50 % of adults undergoing induction treatment will experience severe or life-threatening infections. The incidence of infections with gram-positive bacteria has increased—especially those due to more frequent use of indwelling catheters. Fungal infections also occur more frequently.
Much attention has been paid to prophylactic measures against infection. They include oral hygiene using antiseptic soaps and mouthwashes and disinfection of the anogenital region. Other precautions include reverse protective isolation and air filtration, if available, which can reduce especially the risk of Aspergillus infections. Simple precautions that can always be carried out are: no live plants in the room, no humidifiers, no i.m./s.c. injections if avoidable, no uncooked vegetables, no unpeeled fruits, and no visitors having any kind of infection. Prevention and management of infections is discussed in detail in Chaps. 51–10.1007/978-1-4614-3764-2_53.
Hematopoietic Growth Factors
The use of hematopoietic growth factors (HPGFs) such as colony-stimulating factor–granulocyte (G-CSF) is a valuable component of supportive therapy during the treatment of ALL. There is no indication that these CSFs stimulate leukemic cell growth in a clinically significant manner. The majority of clinical trials demonstrate that the prophylactic administration of G-CSF significantly accelerates neutrophil recovery [10–13] and several prospective randomized studies also showed that this is associated with a substantially reduced incidence and duration of febrile neutropenia and of severe infections [10, 12, 13]. The enhanced marrow recovery allows closer adherence to the dose and schedule of chemotherapeutic regimens. However it still remains open whether the increased dose intensity translates into an improved leukemia-free survival.
The advantage of G-CSF administration is particularly evident in patients at high risk for prolonged granulocytopenia. Furthermore, scheduling appears to be important. When CSFs are first given at the end of a 4-week chemotherapy regimen, potential benefits are limited. Therefore it is noteworthy that G-CSF may be given in parallel with chemotherapy without aggravating the myelotoxicity of these specific regimens [10, 12, 13] and that this scheduling is an important determinant of the clinical efficacy.
The thrombocytopenia present in one-third of the patients at diagnosis will worsen following chemotherapy, requiring transfusion of platelet concentrates. Platelet transfusions should be given for bleeding and to prevent bleeding when platelet counts are below 20 × 109/L especially during febrile periods, which interfere with platelet function. When a long induction period is anticipated and there is a likelihood that a patient will need frequent platelet transfusions it might be preferable to start with HLA-matched platelets immediately, if this is logistically possible (technical facilities, costs), to avoid refractoriness to random platelets. The issue of platelet transfusions is discussed in detail in Chap. 56.
l-Asparaginase treatment leads to a decrease in fibrinogen and ATIII. So far no standards have been defined for substitution of both factors although it is done in many trials.
The approach to therapy of adult ALL has evolved along similar lines to that successfully employed in childhood ALL. An induction therapy is followed by a postremission or consolidation therapy. Whereas the induction phase of therapy is usually well defined, the postremission therapy may consist of different consolidation cycles, including reinduction or stem cell transplantation. In addition there is a CNS propylaxis throughout the whole therapy and maintenance treatment.
The overall outcome of adult ALL is evident from the published studies listed in Table 20.5. Complete Remission (CR) rates in modern protocols reach 85–90 % with approximately 5 % early death during induction and 5 % failure to achieve a remission. Overall survival and leukemia-free survival range between 40 and 50 % with a large variability according to subgroups of ALL with around 30–50 % survival for high risk, 40–60 % for standard risk, 50 % for Ph+ ALL, and 70–80 % for mature B-ALL.
Table 20.5
Results of recent large trials in adult ALLa
Study | Year | N | Median age (Range) | SCT | CR Rate | Early death | Survival |
CALGB 9111, USA [12] | 1998 | 198 | 35 (16–83) | Ph+ | 85 % | 8 % | 40 % (3 year) |
LALA 87, France [23] | 2000 | 572 | 33 (15–60) | PO | 76 % | 9 % | 27 % (10 year) |
NILG 08/96, Italy [24] | 2001 | 121 | 35 (15–74) | PR | 84 % | 8 % | 48 % (5 year) |
GMALL 05/93, German [25]b | 2001 | 1,163 | 35 (15–65) | PR | 83 % | n.r. | 35 % (5 year) |
JALSG-ALL93, Japan [26] | 2002 | 263 | 31 (15–59) | PO | 78 % | 6 % | 30 % (6 year) |
UCLA, USA [27] | 2002 | 84 | 27 (16–59) | PR | 93 % | 1 % | 47 % (5 year) |
Sweden [28] | 2002 | 153 | 42 (16–82) | PR | 75 % | n.r. | 28 % (5 year) |
GIMEMA 0288, Italy [17] | 2002 | 767 | 28 (12–60) | n.r. | 82 % | 11 % | 27 % (9 year) |
MD Anderson, USA [20] | 2004 | 288 | 40 (15–92) | Ph+ | 92 % | 5 % | 38 % (5 year) |
EORTC ALL-3, Europe [29] | 2004 | 340 | 33 (14–79) | PO | 74 % | n.r. | 36%a(6 year) |
LALA 94, France [30] | 2004 | 922 | 33 (15–55) | PR | 84 % | 5 % | 36 % (5 year) |
GOELAL02, France [31] | 2004 | 198 | 33 (15–59) | HR | 86 % | 2 % | 41 % (6 year) |
MRC XII/ECOG E 2993, UK-USA [32] | 2005 | 1521 | 15–59 | PO | 91 % | n.r. | 38 % (5 year) |
GIMEMA 0496, Italy [33] | 2005 | 450 | 16–60 | n.r. | 80 % | n.r. | 33 % (5 year) |
Pethema ALL-93, Spain [34] | 2005 | 222 | 27 (15–50) | HR | 82 % | 6 % | 34 % (5 year) |
JCOG-9004, Japan [35] | 2007 | 143 | 41 (<64) | PO | 83 % | 10 % | 32 % (5 year) |
GMALL 07/03, Germany [36]b | 2007 | 713 | 34 (15–55) | PR | 89 % | 5 % | 54 % (5 year) |
NILG-ALL 09/00, Italy [37] | 2009 | 280 | 38 (16–66) | PR | 84 % | 8 % | 34 % (5 year) |
Weighted mean | 2,685 | 84 % | 7 % | 35 % |
Initial Treatment
In patients with a large leukemic cell burden, that is, a high WBC and/or massive organomegaly, cell reduction with a cautious preinduction therapy is recommended. In patients with high WBC count (>100 × 109/L), where hyperviscosity due to leukostasis with cerebral impairment may occur, leukopheresis may be considered. However, such technical facilities may not be available and these patients can also be managed with a gentle prephase chemotherapy consisting of V or C and P or DX in nearly all cases without complications. Prephase treatment is suitable anyway in order to stabilize the patients and complete all diagnostic procedures before start of induction treatment.
Remission Induction
Standard induction therapy for ALL includes prednisone, vincristine, anthracyclines, mostly daunorubicin, and also l-asparaginase. Further drugs, such as cyclophosphamide, cytarabine (either conventional or high dose), mercaptopurine and others, are added in many protocols, sometimes named as early intensification.
Steroids such as prednisone and prednisolone have been most frequently administered. Dexamethasone shows a higher anti-leukemic activity in vitro and a better penetration of the cerebrospinal fluid [14]. Extensive use of DX may, however, be associated with an increased risk of septicemias and fungal infections, which may be circumvented if treatment time and dose are reduced.
The most frequently used anthracycline is daunorubicine (DNR). Several study groups have replaced the usual weekly applications, as in the BFM-based protocols, by higher doses of DNR (45–80 mg/m²) on subsequent days. Expectedly promising results of smaller trials could not always be reproduced. The Italian GIMEMA group evaluated a previously published regimen with high-dose DNR. The CR rates were 93 % and EFS 55 % in the originally published small population compared to 80 % CR and 33 % OS in the larger multicenter trial [15]. Thus it remains open whether intensified anthracyclines are beneficial for adult ALL at all, for all subgroups and age groups. Intensive anthracycline therapy may be associated with an increased induction mortality. Therefore, intensive supportive care and probably the use of growth factors are recommended with these types of protocols.
Asparaginase (A) does not affect the CR rate but improves LFS. If not used during induction therapy, it is often included as part of the consolidation treatment. Three different A preparations with significantly different half-lives are available: native E. coli A (1.2 days), Erwinia A (0.65 days), and pegylated E. coli A (PEG-L-A) (5.7 days). The availability may vary between different countries. In order to reach equal efficacy, the application schedule has to be adapted and is generally daily for Erwinia, every second day for E. coli and 1–2 weeks for PEG-L-A. The latter asparaginase preparation has the advantage of less frequent administrations and more even activity distribution. In a considerable proportion of adult ALL patients A induces laboratory changes, e.g., coagulation disorders, liver transaminases with unclear clinical impact [16] and in fewer patients severe complications such as hepatopathies or pancreatitis. A-induced toxicities are not predictable and may lead to treatment delays in individual patients. On the other hand, ASP is recognized as an extremely important drug for the treatment of ALL due to its unique mechanism of action and resistance. Several studies have demonstrated that effective asparagine depletion is associated with better outcome [16]. Optimization of A therapy is therefore a major aim for management of adult ALL.
The role of cyclophosphamide (C)—generally administered at the beginning of induction therapy—has been evaluated in several studies. A randomized study by the Italian GIMEMA group comparing a three-drug induction with or without C did not show a difference in terms of CR rate (81 % vs. 82 %) [17]. However, in several nonrandomized trials, high CR rates (85–91 %) were achieved with regimens including C pretreatment [12, 18]. In BFM-based regimens for adult ALL, CP is part of prephase treatment and of phase II of induction together with cytarabine and mercaptopurine.
Definition of Complete Remission
Complete remission is defined as a state in which there is no clinical or laboratory manifestation of leukemia. The peripheral blood count and bone marrow appearances are within normal limits except for abnormalities attributable to chemotherapy; the marrow blast cell count is less than 5 %; also examination of the CSF shows no blast cells. CR includes also the disappearance of organomegalies, but it should be noted that the persistence of splenomegaly is not always due to leukemic infiltration [19].
Definition of complete remission was recently extended by the definition of MRD response or molecular response. An international consensus workshop has defined technical prerequisites for MRD-based response evaluation mainly for PCR-based measurement of individual gene rearrangements. In patients with a marker with sensitivity of at least 10−4, complete MRD response is defined as a negative status of MRD. MRD failure is defined as MRD level above 10−4 [8]. MRD response is strongly associated with prognosis. Therefore MRD-based response evaluation is a new endpoint for clinical trials.
Failure of Induction Therapy
With current protocols failure rates after induction are generally around 10 %. The rate of early death depends on age and ranges from <3 % in adolescents to 20 % in patients >60 years of age. The main cause of death in approximately two-thirds of the patients is infection, in part fungal infection. Beyond mortality also morbidity, e.g., due to extended cytopenias, subsequent infections such as fungal pneumonias has to be considered which may compromise further treatment and dose intensity. The remaining nonresponders may achieve a partial remission or may be refractory to standard treatment. These patients have an extremely poor prognosis. They are therefore candidates for experimental treatment approaches or consideration for an SCT, even if not in CR but in good partial remission.
Consolidation Therapy
When in ALL CR is achieved treatment has to be continued in order to eliminate residual leukemia after induction chemotherapy and thereby prevent relapse as well as emergence of drug-resistant cells because a high percentage of patients show MRD after induction therapy. Continuation or postremission therapy consists of intensification or consolidation and maintenance. Consolidation/intensification refers either to high-dose therapy, the use of multiple new agents, or readministration of the induction regimen (reinduction). SCT is also included in postremission therapy in many trials. Maintenance is usually a less intensive therapy. In most studies that involve repeated consolidation cycles over the entire treatment period, it is difficult to analyze critically the effect of the different treatment phases on outcome.
Intensive consolidation is standard in the treatment of ALL although consolidation cycles in large studies are very variable and it is impossible to evaluate their individual efficacy. In general it seems that intensive application of high-dose methotrexate (HDMTX) is beneficial. However, in adults dosages are probably limited at 1.5–2 g/m² if given as 24 h infusion. Otherwise toxicities, particularly mucositis, may lead to subsequent treatment delays and decreased compliance. From pediatric ALL trials there is increasing evidence that intensified application of asparaginase leads to improved overall results. In adult ALL this approach appears to be useful particularly in consolidation, where less toxicity can be expected compared to induction. Several studies have also demonstrated that a reinduction improves outcome. The role of HD anthracylines, podophyllotoxins, and HD cytarabine in consolidation remains open.
The most important feature of consolidation is probably to administer rotating cycles with short intervals. However after several consolidation cycles some adult patients tend to develop prolonged cytopenias, which lead to delays of subsequent chemotherapies. Therefore a balance between bone marrow toxic and less toxic cycles may be important. For future studies in adult ALL stricter adherence to protocols with fewer delays, dose reductions, and omissions would be an important contribution to therapeutic progress.
Maintenance up to a total treatment duration of 2½ years even after intensive induction and consolidation is still standard for adult ALL; all attempts to omit maintenance led to inferior outcome. MTX preferably given intravenously (i.v.) and mercaptopurine (MP) given orally are the backbone of maintenance. Attempts for intensification by i.v. application of higher doses MP did not improve outcome in adults [20]. It may be important to aim for leukocyte counts below 3,000/μl during maintenance [21], which is rarely done in adults. Intensification cycles with vincristine and steroids did not provide additional benefit at least in pediatric trials using intensive reinduction [22]. Furthermore in adults prolonged steroid therapy may lead to an increase of late effects such as osteonecrosis. Randomized trials also failed to demonstrate an advantage of intensified maintenance with HD cycles although the compliance in these trials is unclear.
Adults often show poor compliance to intensive maintenance due to toxicities and moreover social reasons. Even for conventional maintenance compliance may be a problem. Furthermore it is open whether and to what extent maintenance therapy is necessary in subgroups. In mature B-ALL maintenance is not required, in T-ALL with relapses up to 2½ years it may be less important than in B-precursor ALL with relapses up to 5 years. In Ph+ ALL maintenance with kinase inhibitors appears to be of utmost importance after chemotherapy as well as after stem cell transplantation. It is probably reasonable to evaluate MRD during maintenance in order to detect upcoming relapses early in Ph+ as in Ph-negative ALL.
Central Nervous System Therapy
Prophylactic CNS Therapy
Without some form of prophylactic CNS therapy, around 30 % (Table 20.6) of adults with ALL will develop overt CNS leukemia [38, 39]. If only patients surviving more than 12 months were analyzed, the rate of CNS recurrence even reached 50 % [40]. Prophylactic CNS therapy in ALL is essential due to several reasons: CNS leukemia is more easily prevented than treated; once CNS leukemia has developed, it is generally followed by systemic relapse shortly after; and effective CNS prophylaxis also prevents systemic relapse.
Table 20.6
Rate of isolated CNS and combined CNS/BMT relapses in relation to CNS prophylaxis in adult ALL therapy | Cranial irradiation | High dose chemo | No. of studies | No. of patients | CNS prophylaxis | CNS relapse ratesa (range) | |
Without CNS prophylaxis | 2 | 107 | None | 31%a (30–32 %) | |||
One modality | X | 3 | 440 | IT-MTX, OM-MTX (±IT-DX) | 13%a (8–19 %) | ||
X | 2 | 167 | HDAC, HdMTX | 14%a (10–16 %) | |||
Two Modalities | X | X | 11 | 2215 | 24 Gy + IT-MTX (±IT-DX) | 12%a (5–26 %) | |
X | X | 11 | 1597 | HDAC,HdMTX, IT-MTX (±IT-P, AC) | 8 % (0–12 %) | ||
Three modalities | X | X | X | 7 | 662 | HDAC, HdMTX, IT-MTX, 24 Gy | 5 % (0–12 %) |
Several treatment options are available for prevention of CNS relapse: intrathecal ( therapy, cranial irradiation (CRT), and systemic high-dose chemotherapy (overviews in Ref [14]). therapy is usually based on MTX as single drug but combinations with AC and/or steroids are used in some studies. The route of application is generally lumbar puncture. CRT (18–24 Gy in 12 fractions over 16 days) may be administered with or without parallel therapy. Systemic HD chemotherapy may comprise HdAC or HdMTX since both drugs reach cytotoxic drug levels in the CSF and showed effectivity in overt CNS leukemia.

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