Animal models of cancer have been instrumental in understanding the progression and therapy of hereditary cancer syndromes. The ability to alter the genome of an individual mouse cell in both constitutive and inducible approaches has led to many novel insights into their human counterparts. In this review, knockout mouse models of inherited human cancer syndromes are presented and insights from the study of these models are highlighted.
Mouse models and cancer
Tumorigenesis is a heterogenous and complex process that involves hundreds if not thousands of genetic and environmental factors. These include both cell autonomous processes (ie, the impact of mutations in the cells that transform into cancer cells) and cell non-autonomous processes involving the tumor niche. Some of the more prominent processes in the tumor niche include adequate oxygenation, nutrition, angiogenesis, and immune surveillance, among others. Historically, this complexity has been challenging to tease apart using in vitro systems. Mouse models are instrumental in studying tumorigenesis in a dynamic physiologic system and have become an integral part of the approach to understanding the mechanistic basis of tumorigenesis. These processes include the action of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, the biology and interaction of host and tumor, and potential risk and benefit of chemotherapeutic agents. The laboratory mouse ( Mus musculus ) has become one of the best model system for the study of tumorigenesis, because of their well annotated genome, small size and the ability to breed in captivity, as well as the ease at which they can be manipulate at the genomic level. Due to obvious ethical limitations on the ability to perform studies in human patients—long-term prevention studies or drug screening in uncommon diseases, such as many cancer genetic syndromes—the mouse has become an indispensable tool in mechanistic, therapeutic, and natural history studies of cancer etiology and progression. As the development of more sophisticated models moves forward, different aspects of cancer biology can be examined and better therapeutic agents can be developed.
Mouse models of inherited cancer—genetic syndromes
There are estimated to be more than 6000 mendelian genetic disorders and more than 50 human familial cancer syndromes. Many of these diseases are rare, some vanishingly so, but all are aberrations in a specific gene, including those that involve tumor suppressor genes. This situation applies to many cancer genetic syndromes, some of which have an evolutionary selection against propagation of mutations in the underlying genes from generation to generation. As described in more detail in the article by Powers and colleagues elsewhere in this issue, inherited cancer genetic syndromes can be broadly defined as diseases that involve germline mutations carried throughout the entire body. Using what are current standard techniques, genetically engineered mice (GEM) can be generated to have the precise germline mutations carried by patients. With this approach, loss of function mutations, rare dominant-negative, gain-of-function, and misfunction mutations in the same gene can be studied that reflect the operant mechanisms of these different mutations and to obtain a more complete understanding of allelic heterogeneity in monogenic disorders. Furthermore, many gene interactions, as seen in human tumors, can only be studied under compound mutant animals by crossing different mutant mice. Modifier genes are important in human cancer genetics, and mouse models can tease apart the effect of these genes as well.
Mouse models of inherited cancer—genetic syndromes
There are estimated to be more than 6000 mendelian genetic disorders and more than 50 human familial cancer syndromes. Many of these diseases are rare, some vanishingly so, but all are aberrations in a specific gene, including those that involve tumor suppressor genes. This situation applies to many cancer genetic syndromes, some of which have an evolutionary selection against propagation of mutations in the underlying genes from generation to generation. As described in more detail in the article by Powers and colleagues elsewhere in this issue, inherited cancer genetic syndromes can be broadly defined as diseases that involve germline mutations carried throughout the entire body. Using what are current standard techniques, genetically engineered mice (GEM) can be generated to have the precise germline mutations carried by patients. With this approach, loss of function mutations, rare dominant-negative, gain-of-function, and misfunction mutations in the same gene can be studied that reflect the operant mechanisms of these different mutations and to obtain a more complete understanding of allelic heterogeneity in monogenic disorders. Furthermore, many gene interactions, as seen in human tumors, can only be studied under compound mutant animals by crossing different mutant mice. Modifier genes are important in human cancer genetics, and mouse models can tease apart the effect of these genes as well.
Gastrointestinal tumors
Several mouse models have been used to study gastrointestinal neoplasias that arise from familial and sporadic syndromes. Mendelian diseases of colorectal cancer (CRC) include familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), Lynch syndrome, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS), and Cowden disease ( Tables 1 and 2 ).
Gene | Phenotype | Tumor Incidence | Multiplicity | References |
Apc min | Adenoma, small intestine | High | 58 | |
Apc 1638 | Adenoma/carcinoma; small intestine, colon | Low | 4 | |
Apc ▵716 | Adenoma; small intestine, colon | High | 254 | |
Double mutants | ||||
Apc ▵716 , Ptgs2 (COX-2) | Adenoma, small intestine | Low | 98 | |
Apc min , Ptgs1 (COX-1) | Adenoma, small intestine | Low | 18 | |
Apc min , Ptgs2 (COX-2) | Adenoma, small intestine | Low | 12 |
Gene | Tumor Incidence | Tumor Type/Tumor Site | Repair Defect (MSI) | DNA Damage Response | References | |
MutS homologs | Mononucleotide | Dinucleotide | ||||
Msh2 −/− | High | Adenoma, carcinoma; small intestine, colon | High | High | Defective | |
Msh3 −/− | Low | Adenoma | Moderate | High | Normal | |
Msh6 −/− | High | Adenoma | None | Low | Defective | |
Msh3 −/− Msh6 −/− | High | Adenoma, carcinoma; small intestine, colon | ||||
Msh2 loxp; Vill-cre | High | Adenoma, colon | N/A | N/A | Normal | |
MutL homologs | ||||||
Mlh1 −/− | High | Adenoma, carcinoma; stomach, small intestine, colon | High | High | Defective | |
Pms2 −/− | Low | Adenoma; brain | Low | Low | Normal | |
Mlh3 −/− | Low | Adenoma; small intestine | Moderate | N/A | Defective | |
Pms1 −/− | None | None | Low | Low | N/A | |
Mlh3 −/− Pms2 −/− | High | Adenoma, carcinoma; stomach, small intestine, colon | High | N/A | Defective | |
Pms2 cre-lox | Low | Adenoma | Low | Low | Normal | |
Knock-in models | ||||||
Msh2 G674A/G674A | High | Adenoma; small intestine | High | High | Normal | |
Msh6 T1217D/T1217D | High | Adenoma; small intestine | High | High | Normal | |
Mlh1 G67R/G67R | High | Adenoma; small intestine | High | High | Normal | |
Lkb1 ± | N/A | Stomach, small intestine, liver, mammary | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
IBD/somatic inactivation | ||||||
IL-2 −/− | No tumor/colitis | Colon | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
IL-10 −/− | No tumor/enterocolitis | Intestinal | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
Muc2 −/− | No tumor/colitis | Colon | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
Giα2−/− | Low | Right side colon | High | High | N/A |
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
FAP is a rare hereditary syndrome characterized by development of hundreds of colonic polyps during late teens or early twenties of the affected individual. Some of the polyps inevitably transform into colonic carcinomas. Almost all FAP is caused by a mutation in the adenomatous polyposis coli ( APC ) gene. Less frequently, mutations in the base excision repair gene, MYH , can cause an attenuated form of FAP. To better mimic common mutations found in FAP patients, several mouse models of Apc mutation have been constructed using gene knockout methods other than Apc min . Apc ▵716 contains a truncating mutation at codon 716, and Apc 1638N contains a truncating mutation at codon 1638. All three mutations produced different polyp burden in the small intestine on the same background; Apc min producing the most polyps of 100 or more and Apc 1638 the least number at approximately 3. The polyps were phenotypically indistinguishable from one another in all three mutant models. The advantage of the Apc 1638N model for FAP is that with a lower polyp burden, these animals have an increased life span and develop more advanced tumors useful for studying tumor progression and metastasis. They are also useful for looking at positive synergy with mutations in other candidate tumor suppressors, whereas Apc Min are better for testing chemopreventive drugs (eg, assaying for reduced adenoma burden). A confounding finding in the Apc deficient mice is that adenomas form in the small intestine instead of colon as seen more commonly in FAP patients. However, Apc mouse models have shed much light on the role of Wnt pathway in the initiation, development, and progression of CRCs. Furthermore, these mouse models have been useful in studying the effect of modifiers of Apc mutations and activated WNT signaling, as well as studying the impact of diet in the process of CRC development. Several modifiers of min-1 have been identified in mice which have provided insight into their epistatic interaction with APC . Other mutations that affect the formation of intestinal adenomas in Apc min mice are genes in archidonic acid pathway. One of these genes is COX-2 Ptgs2, and the double mutant, Apc 716 ; Ptgs2, has been helpful in interpreting the impact of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on mechanisms of colon polyp development. Moreover, the introduction of a cyclooxygenase 1 and 2 (COX-1 an COX-2) mutations in the Apc min mice had a pronounced effect on the size and number of intestinal polyps. This mouse model has been useful for providing a model system for chemoprevention studies, using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to treat patients suffering from familial and sporadic polyposis.
Lynch Syndrome
Mouse models for DNA mismatch repair (MMR) genes, MLH1/MSH2/MSH6/PMS2 , have been under investigation for many years; MMR mouse models have been highly valuable in revealing the mechanisms of MMR genes in cancer biology. MMR prevents cancer and suppresses tumors through several mechanisms. These include (1) single base substitution repair, (2) insertion/deletion frameshift repair (also called microsatellite instability), (3) anti-apoptosis, and (4) suppression of promiscuous homeologous recombination. MLH1 and MSH2 mutations are responsible for greater than 90% of all cases of Lynch syndrome; other MMR genes mutations are less deleterious. Msh2 is an essential part of the MutS protein complex and several knockout mouse models of Msh2 have been generated. These mice have a reduced life span as a result of aggressive lymphomas, specifically T-cell lymphomas, intestinal tumors, and other tumor types as well as sebaceous gland tumors similar to those in Muir-Torre syndrome patients. Mice with biallelic mutations in Mlh1/Msh2/Msh6/Pms2 exhibits some of the same malignances seen in humans with biallelic inactivation of the same genes, such as hematologic disorders, that results in shorter life span. One of the hallmarks of MMR deficiency in mice and in humans is the microsatellite instability (MSI) phenotype, reflecting the accumulation of repetitive sequences in the genome. There are, however, differences in the development of the disease in GEM that are deficient in MMR genes as compared to human patients; in humans, most of the tumor development occurs in the colon and extracolonic cancers, including endometrium. In order for mice to develop endometrial cancer, MMR-deficient mice must be crossed with Pten or other tumor suppressor gene knockout mice. A new mouse model that addresses the difference in tumor development between mice and humans is the conditional mouse line of Msh2 loxp ; Vill -cre, which directs tumor development to the colon instead of the intestine as was seen in eariler mouse models for Lynch syndrome, and avoids development of lymphomas. Msh6 -deficient mice show a much later onset of tumor development as compared with Msh2 −/− mice. Since the role of Msh6 in the MMR system is mostly repair of base substitution and repair of single base IDs, its deficiency does not affect the repair of 2 to 4 base insertion-deletion loops; therefore, mice with Msh6 mutation mostly accumulate base substitutions mutations as opposed to frameshift mutations seen in Msh2 −/− mice, and the phenotype of MSI is not seen in tumors from these animals. Msh6 −/− mouse models show a similar phenotype of cancer onset and progression seen in Lynch syndrome patients with mutations in MSH6 gene, where most cancer development and progression occurs at around 60 years or older with variable MSI phenotypes. MSH6 mutation has also been linked to endometrial cancers in Lynch syndrome patients and Msh6 −/− mice are reported to develop endometrial cancers. Mouse models for Msh3 deficiency show a slight predisposition to the development of cancer due to moderate repair defects and display a normal life span. Msh3 -deficient mouse cells are not able to efficiently repair 1 to 4 base insertion-deletion loops, yet due to the presence of Msh6 they are efficiently able to repair single base substitution. Similarly, human patients with MSH3 mutations develop late-onset tumorigenesis. The MutL homologs ( MLH and PMS genes) play important roles in DNA excision during repair, acting as molecular scaffold for additional proteins to coalesce. At the heart of the three Mutl complexes, Mlh1/Mlh3, Mlh1/Pms2 , and Mlh1/Pms1 , lies Mlh1 . MLH1 deficiency in humans is responsible for shortened life span and a strong predisposition to cancer. Mlh1 knockout mice do not have MMR capacity; therefore, due to the high rate of base substitution, as well as small insertions and deletions in mono- and dinucleotide repeats, these mice have high mutator phenotype similar to Msh2 −/− mice. Mice deficient in Mlh1 also have a shortened life span and high degree of predisposition for cancer development. Combined mutations of Mlh1 and Msh2 do not change the tumor suppressor phenotype, consistent with the idea that they both participate in the same complex (M. Liskay, personal communication, 2004). The tumor spectrum of Mlh1 −/− mice includes T-cell lymphomas, intestinal adenomas, and adenocarcinomas as well as skin tumors. PMS2 deficiency in humans is associated with Lynch syndrome as well as Turcot syndrome, a rare genetic condition that also predisposes patients to both multiple adenomatous colon polyps and brain tumors. Pms2 −/− mice exhibit different disease progression; they show a milder mutator phenotype and an increase in mutation frequency at mononucleotide repeat tracts, but they do not develop any intestinal or brain adenomas; rather, they mostly develop lymphomas and sarcomas with a delayed onset. Recently characterized Mlh3 gene deficiency has been shown to have similar effects as Pms2 deficiency in mice and human patients with the same mutation. One major difference between Pms2 −/− and Mlh3 −/− deficiencies is that Mlh3 −/− mice develop small intestinal adenomas and adenocarcinomas as well as extra-gastrointestinal tumors, including lymphomas and basal cell carcinomas of the skin. Similar to Msh3 and Msh6 combined inactivation mimicking Msh2 −/− , combined inactivation of Pms2 and Mlh3 increases the level of mutator phenotype to that of Mlh1 −/− . Thus, Mlh3 −/− Pms2 −/− mice display similar disease development and progression as Mlh1 −/− mice. From these mouse models, it has become clear that Pms2 and Mlh3 and Msh3 and Msh6 have redundant roles in repair and tumor suppression functions and that is the most likely reason penetrance is lower in patients deficient in any one of these genes. In a recently reported Pms2 -cre mouse model, where a cell division–activated cre-lox system for stochastic recombination of Lox-P-flanked loci was used, this system was able to better mimic the spontaneous mutation that occurs in cancer.
MMR deficiency in mice results in DNA repair and DNA damage response defect, where both of these mechanisms are important in suppression of tumorigenesis. To study the role of each mechanism, knock-in mouse models have been generated where the mice carrying a recurrent mutation in a gene renders DNA repair mechanism null. Msh2 G67A ( Msh2 GA ) was one of the first knock-in mutant model with separation-of-function mutation similar to MSH2 missense mutation seen in patients. As predicted, this mutant lost its DNA repair capability but retained its DNA damage response, and MEF s from these mice responded to cisplatin, 6-thioguanine (6-TG), and N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoquanidine (MNNG). Mouse models of Mlh1 G67R caused a separation of function in the Mlh1 protein; the DNA damage repair was impaired whereas DNA damage response, including apoptotic response to cisplatin, remained intact. These mice displayed strong cancer predisposition similar to Mlh1 −/− ; however, they developed fewer intestinal adenomas. To date, more than 250 different germline mutations have been identified in MLH1 patients. These new mouse models of different missense mutations, which can elicit different phenotype and, more importantly, different response to therapy, are promising in terms of tailored therapy for variances that exist in patients.
Somatic DNA Mismatch Repair Inactivation
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease, has been linked to the development of cancer. The immune system has been shown to play an important role in colonic inflammation. Several mouse models with deletion of immune-specific genes, such as those for interleukin (IL)-2, IL-10, T-cell receptor chains, and major histocompatibility complex class II molecules, have been generated. These mice have a strong predisposition for developing colorectal adenocarcinomas. IL-2– and IL-10–defective mice display immune system aberrations as well as IBD similar to humans. Mucin2 (MUC2) is a secretory protein in the intestinal mucosa, and mice made deficient of Muc2 become prone to inflammation and subsequently develop intestinal adenomas and invasive adenocarcinomas. G-protein alpha subunit (Gia2) knockout mouse develops spontaneous colitis and nonpolyposis, right-sided, multifocal CRCs with mucinous histology; and a Crohn-like inflammatory infiltrate. Gi α 2−/− mice is the first mouse model of somatically acquired MMR deficiency due to inflammation through repression of Mlh1 promoter. These mice also show MSI phenotype as the result of Mlh1 repression. Treatment of Gi α 2−/− mice with histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi) decreases colitis and relieves epigenetic repression of Mlh1 expression. IBD mouse models are important because gastrointestinal inflammation is considered a strong risk for developing CRC. Suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid is an HDACi that is currently used in the treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma and is in clinical trial for other cancers; the use of this compound could be extended to treatment of IBD and associated diseases.
Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome
PJS is autosomal dominant disease with variable inheritance caused by germline mutation in LKB1/STK11. LKB1/STK11 is a serine/theonine kinase and is considered to be a tumor suppressor. PJS is characterized by hamartomatous polyposis of the gastrointestinal tract, mostly in the small intestine, with a strong predisposition to malignancy, as well as developing mammary tumors and mucocutenous pigmentation. Lkb1/Stk11 null mutation in mice is lethal and Lkb1/Stk11 heterozygous mice exhibit a similar phenotype to PJS patients as they also develop gastrointestinal hamartomatous without wild-type allele inactivation. Furthermore, heterozygous mutation of Lkb1 is sufficient for the development of gastrointestinal hamartomas that exhibited histologic features similar to PJS patients. This mouse model has showed that biallelic inactivation is not necessary for hamartoma development and, therefore, it is plausible that LKB1 loss of heterozygosity (LOH) would result in malignant transformation of hamartomas along with other mutations. Furthermore, the life span of a mouse is too short to allow for the inactivation of wild-type allele and any further genetic hits necessary for progression to malignancy as seen in LKB1 inactivation in humans. A proposed mechanism for LKB1’s tumor suppression capability is that it is involved in the p53 -dependent apoptosis and decreased level of LKB1 protein would suppress growth arrest and apoptosis, which leads to accumulation of somatic mutations. Furthermore, the Wnt pathway is not activated in Lkb1± hamartomas; however, LKB1 LOH adenomatous lesions showed β-catenin mutation, suggesting that mutation in the Wnt pathway is also important for the progression of hamartomas to carcinomas along with LKB1 LOH.
Breast cancer and cowden disease
Several genes with germline mutations have been implicated in the development of breast cancer (ie, BRCA1 , BRCA2 , PTEN [Cowden disease], p53 and STK11/LKB1 [PJS]) ( Table 3 ).
Gene | p53 Comutation | cre-Transgene | Tumor Type | Mean Tumor Latency | References |
Brca1 tr/tr | No | Mammary, lymphoma | |||
Brca1 5-6 | No | Lymphoma | |||
Brca1 ▵11 loxp/loxp | No | MMTV- cre | Mammary | >13 | |
Brca1 ▵11 loxp/loxp | p53 Null | MMTV- cre or WAP- cre | Mammary | 8 | |
Brca1 ▵11 loxp/loxp | p53 ▵5-6 | WAP- cre | Mammary | 7 | |
Brca1 ▵22-24 loxp/loxp | p53 Null | BLG- cre | Mammary, lymphoma | 7 | |
Brca1 ▵ 5-13 loxp/loxp | p53 ▵20-10 | K14- cre | Mammary | 7 | |
Brca1 ▵1loxp/loxp | No | WAP- cre | Mammary | 18 | |
Brca2 ▵27/27 | Lymphoma, sarcoma, carcinoma | ||||
Brca2 Tr2014 | Lymphoma | ||||
Brca2 loxp/loxp | WAP- cre | Mammary | |||
Pten ± | No | Mammary tumors | |||
Pten loxp/loxp | No | Gfap- cre | Non-neoplastic brain lesions | ||
Pten loxp/loxp | MMTV- cre | Mammary tumors |
Germline mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 has been confirmed as increasing the rate of breast cancer and ovarian cancer. The risk for other cancers in germline mutations of these two genes is still under investigation. The limitations of homozygous Brca1/2 mice have been embryonic lethality and the lack of sporadic tumors. Conditional mouse models for BRCA1 targeted to the breast epithelial cells have been made; these models have been able to shed light on the mechanism of tumor initiation and progression. To date, ten conventional Brca1 knockout models, each carrying a different mutation, have been generated and none of the heterozygous mice has been able to recapitulate the human heterozygous BRCA1 germline mutation. Conditional Brca1 alleles and Brca2 alleles have also been generated, each displaying a different phenotype. These conditional mice were crossed to either MMTV-cre (mouse mammary tumor virus long terminal repeat), which is active in many tissues, or WAP-cre (whey acidic protein), which is active only in the mammary epithelial cells to generate transgenic lines. In this study, Brca1 conditional female mice showed abnormal development of the mammary gland, whereas Brca2 female mice showed reduced ductal side branching in the mammary tissue. Mammary tumorigenesis did occur in these mice but with a long latency period; tumors showed genomic instability and altered p53 expression. Human breast cancer with inactivation of BRCA1 commonly exhibits p53 mutation as compared with sporadic tumors. Genetic interaction between BRCA1/2 and the p53 pathway studies have been possible in mouse models for the Brac1/2 inactivation and p53 heterozygosity. For example, the MMTV- cre ; Brca co/co ; p53 ± mouse closely mimics the BRCA1 -associated carcinogensis associated with p53 mutations. In humans, BRCA1 -associated breast tumors fall in the high-grade IDCs that lack the expression of estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and ERRB2/HER2, referred to as triple-negative tumors. The tumors from these mice were negative for ER α and showed genomic instability at the chromosomal level tested by array comparative genomic hybridization and spectral karyotyping. Association of p53 and Brca1 in mammary tumor development has also been shown using K-14- cre, which is active in skin, salivary gland, and mammary gland epithelium. Female mice in this model showed aneuploidy, solid carcinomas with ER α -negative, highly proliferative, and poorly differentiated and contact uninhibited tumors. Brca2 is similar to Brca1 in which homozygous mutant is embryonically lethal, and to better mimic mammary gland–specific tissue affect of the Brca2 inactivation, a conditional model using Wap-Cre and conventional truncated mutants have given researchers insight into the development of Brca2 null tumors. Female mice in the conditional model developed non-metastatic carcinomas after a long latency period with displaying aneuploidy and genomic instability. The latency period was further reduced in these mice when they were crossed to heterozygous p53 . Histochemical analysis showed the tumors to be ErbB2/neu negative and usually ER α and cyclin D1 positive. Together, these results from BRCA1 / 2 and p53 mice indicate cooperative association between BRCA 1/2 and p53 in cellular maintenance.
The usefulness of a mouse model for mechanistic studies again becomes clear, because investigation of Brca1 and 2 mutant mice have showed activation of Cdkn1a , p21 and p53 , which were analyzed in greater detail in compound mutant animals generated by cross-breeding. The Brca1 and 2 mouse models not only have been instrumental in understanding the disease mechanisms of breast cancer but have also been valuable in testing of novel therapeutics. Current mouse models do have shortcomings in validation studies where the tumors in these mice do not completely mimic the human BRCA1/2 tumors; however, these models have proven useful in the study of external factors involved in breast cancer, such as hormone dependency of BRCA1 . A corollary has existed between estrogen and its receptor alpha (ER α ) in the Brca1 -associated mammary tumors. Paradoxically, the majority of human BRCA1 defective breast cancers are ER α negative as compared to sporadic tumors. Using mouse models, it has been shown that ER α is highly expressed in the precancerous mammary glands; however, its expression lessens as cancer progresses. The Brca1 / p53 conditional model has been valuable in preclinical studies of the poly-(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 inhibitor (PARP-1). PARP-1 is important in repair of single-strand DNA breaks via the base excision repair pathway and because homologous recombination pathway is defective in Brca -deficient cells, these cells would not be able to repair any DNA damage and be marked for cell death due to the accumulation of damaged DNA. The Brca1 / p53 model has also been useful in the study of progesterone antagonist (mifepristone) which prevented mammary tumorigenesis in the mice; this could be used as a chemopreventive therapy.
In summary, the Brca1/2 mouse models have been useful in studying the mechanisms of BRCA1/2 tumor suppression. Brca1 truncation mutants have become important in understanding the role of Brca1 ’s functional domains in the maintenance of the genome and tumor suppression. Improvement on the current Brca1 mouse model would generate models to study the role of genetic reversion in therapy resistance, and Brca1 mutations that are similar to known pathogenic BRCA1 mutations, such as BRCA1 C64G . A knock-in model of BRCA 1C64G (BAC, bacterial artificial chromosome, transgene) into homozygous mutant mice was not able to rescue embryonic lethality where the normal BRCA1 was able to, this further demonstrate the usefulness of these models for differentiating the pathogenic from non-pathogenic mutations.
Cowden disease is a rare genetic disorder characterized by development of hamartomas of the mucous membrane with increased risk of progression to cancer of the breast, thyroid, and endometrium. Genetic mutation of the PTEN gene is responsible for this syndrome. PTEN is a tumor suppressor and most human tumors display LOH in this gene. PTEN encodes a protein with dual-specificity phosphotase that negatively regulates the cell survival signaling of PI3K/Akt. Mutations in PTEN are found in many cancers, including breast cancer and CRC. Pten homozygous mutant mice are embryonic lethal, and heterozygous mutant animals developed lymphomas, dysplastic intestinal polyps, endometrial complex atypical hyperplasia, prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, and thyroid neoplasms but the same malignancies are not seen in humans with germline PTEN mutations. Moreover, consistent with the model that Pten is a tumor suppressor, loss of the wild-type allele was frequently observed in mouse lymphomas. Conditional Pten mouse models have been used in the study of mammary tumor progression by crossing the mice with MMTV-cre. Female mice from the cross exhibited an increase in ductal branching and increased mammary epithelial cell proliferation. These data suggest that conditional Pten knockout mice will be a useful model system for the study of endometrial, prostate, and thyroid cancer in the context of tissue specific cre transgenes.
Familial endocrine and neural tumor syndromes
Germline mutations of several genes can result in endocrine or neural cancers. These include neurofibromatosis ( NF1 and NF2 ), multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 ( MEN1 ), retinoblastoma ( RB ), paraganglioma ( SDH ), and Carney complex (PRKAR1A) among others ( Table 4 ).
Gene | Phenotype | Other Conditions | References |
Rb1 ± | Thyroid, pituitary, adrenal | ||
Men1 ± | Pancreatic islets, thyroid, pituitary, adrenal, accessory sex glands | Hyperparathyroidism | |
Men1 ▵N/▵N , RIP-cre | Pancreatic islets, pituitary | ||
Nf1 ± | Phenochromocytoma, leukemia, lymphoma | ||
Nf1 flox/- ; Krox20-cre | Neurofibroma | ||
Nf1 −/− Chimera | Plexiform neurofibromas, myelodysplasia, neuromotor defects | ||
Nf1 ± : p53 ± | Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors, malignant astrocytomas | ||
Nf2 ± | Osteogenic tumors, fibrosarcoma | ||
Nf2 flox/flox ; P0-cre | Schwann cell hyperplasia, Schwann cell tumors | ||
Sdh ± | No tumor | ||
Prkar1a ▵ 2/+ | Schwannomas, bone tumors, and thyroid neoplasms | ||
TEC3; Prkar1a loxP/loxP | Facial tumors |

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