


Mutamycin, MTC, Mitomycin-C

Pregnancy Category D

Mechanism of Action

Cell cycle-nonspecific antitumor antibiotic that inhibits DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis, causing cell lysis.


Part of combination or palliative therapy for disseminated adenocarcinoma of the stomach or pancreas. Unlabeled uses: Ovarian, cervical, or breast carcinoma; head and neck cancer; and non-small cell lung cancer.


Metabolized in the liver; primarily excreted in urine.

Dosage Range

♦ Adult: Initially, 20 mg/m2 IV as a single dose through a functioning IV catheter. Re-evaluate the patient after each course; reduce the dose if any toxicity is experienced. The following dosage schedule may be used at 6- to 8-week intervals:

Leukocytes/mm3 Platelets Percentage of Prior Dose to Be Given
>4000 >100,000 100%
>3000–3999 >75,000–99,999 100%
>2000–2999 >25,000–74,999 70%
<2000 <25,000 50%

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Jul 20, 2016 | Posted by in ONCOLOGY | Comments Off on ♦Mitomycin

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