♦Diethylstilbestrol Diphosphate
Pregnancy Category D
Mechanism of Action
Unknown. Diethylstilbestrol is an estrogen that affects the hormonal milieu of the body.
♦ Inoperable prostate cancer
♦ Postmenopausal metastatic carcinoma of the breast (oral therapy)
Metabolized mainly in the liver and undergoes enterohepatic circulation.
Dosage Range
♦ PO: Initially, 50 mg three times a day; increase the dose to 200 mg, depending on the patient’s tolerance. Maximum daily dose is 1 g/day. Give IV if oral dosing is not effective.
♦ IV: 0.5 g for 5 days; after the first cycle, 0.25 to 0.50 g once or twice weekly.