♦Daunorubicin Hydrochloride

♦Daunorubicin Hydrochloride

(daw-no-roo’ bi-sin)




Pregnancy Category C

Mechanism of Action

Daunorubicin is a cytotoxic, anthracycline antibiotic that inhibits the synthesis of DNA. It has antimitotic and immunosuppressive properties.


♦ Induction of remission in acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) in adults

♦ Induction of remission of acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) in adults and children


Extensively metabolized in the liver and excreted in the urine and bile. Half-life: 18.5 hours.

Dosage Range

Total dose should not exceed 500 to 600 mg/m2 in adults because of the incidence of cumulative cardiotoxicity. In both adults and children, the actual dose planned should take into account past and concurrent therapies, including radiation and other cytotoxic agents that are cardiotoxic. If the patient has had cardiac irradiation, the total dose should be reduced to 400 to 450 mg/m2. If the patient has hepatic or renal impairment, as evidenced by abnormal serum bilirubin and cre-atinine values, the dose modification is as follows: for a serum bilirubin value of 1.2 to 3.0 mg%, 75% of the normal dose; for a serum bilirubin value of >3 mg% and a serum creatinine value of >3 mg%, half the normal dose.

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Jul 20, 2016 | Posted by in ONCOLOGY | Comments Off on ♦Daunorubicin Hydrochloride

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